Saturday, June 30, 2007

Cruisy Spots Pittsburgh

Borrello, and Pippo Franco. Three brothers, a single philosophy: that of eating healthy (and very good)

To know this beautiful and good cook, it must be coming from Messina, take the A20 and continue for 76 km towards Palermo and exit at junction Brolo / Capo D'Orlando East then take the SS114 always towards Palermo and after 3 km take the direction of SP146bis Sinagra which will be reached after 10 miles. Once passed in the direction of Ucria about 3 miles on the left side of the road we will find the restaurant of the Brethren Borrello, whose sister Graziella is the queen of The inn offers guests dishes made with raw materials of good quality. In particular, the black pig Nebrodi, Borrello native species that breed in the wild whose identification was only possible thanks to the entire community Nebrodi mountain, that the protection of Slow Food and exalted him to the honor of so many national and Sicilian gourmet chef offering not only the black pig Nebrodi in most recipes Salami, ham, chops, loins, sausage rolls .. Basically everything that is good in the black pig Nebrodi can give the brothers manage to get the Borrello But Monti Nebrodi damage also of great cheeses, and Brothers Borrello know it, know the land of their birth and are able to bring out the best, such as lemon Provola verdello Graziella Chef explains that the "milk and cows, whose power, however, must be based exclusively on aromatic herbs typical Nebrodi, rennet definitely kid .. .. before starting the aging provola see inside a lemon that over time will smell verdello with quest'apprezzato cheese smells
Graziella has prepared for us sheep sauce then we tried it with fresh macaroni ( Pasta ' the house). Here is the recipe: Fry tocchi di carne di pecora con cipolla, sedano, peperoni e qualche foglia di alloro. Dopo aggiungere la passata di pomodoro fresco. Due ore di cottura ed il piatto è pronto" Ecco il menu. Sorprendente la pecora in tegame alla birra.. ..nulla da invidiare ad un giovane brasato delle Langhe
Franco è un altro dei fratelli Borrello. Sa fare di tutto, taglia la carne come i migliori macellai ed arrostisce al barbecue meglio di una steakhouse Franco prepara anche le "stigghiuole", tipica pietanza siciliana.. fa con le piccole budella dell'agnello o del capretto (con non più di un mese di vita, alimentato solo con il latte della madre) che, una volta lavate dentro and out and rub gently with the lemon twist spiral is surrounded by a strip of bacon from the same animal with parsley and add salt The wines were all Cottanera Brothers winery Cambria. What struck me in particular Ardenza an IGT Sicilia red with an impact particularly happy with the meals in the restaurant demanding Borrello
Some 'healthy folk like, especially if the group is performing "in Sicily Folk
Much appreciated, of course, also by Pippo Borrello third of talented brothers and patron of the restaurant and with his insights on Nebrodi has created an oasis where nature blend harmoniously with the man who deals with the loyalty, giving it the proper respect due to a generous mother with her children.


The celebration of the fleece and the Spaghetti

E 'tradition of Nebrodi (in Sicily) to celebrate the day when the calendar remembers John the Baptist (June 24) sheep shearing
The sheep are first gathered in a fenced area ...
... are then taken by a hind leg ...
then are placed with their backs to the ground and while one keeps the legs close together, the other league ..
.. so I'm ready to be shorn
The shearing is done with a large pair of scissors, a kind of shear, that the expert hands of master Peppino are rotated around the sheep, never cut, freeing it from the pile and adding some 'cool
of the sheep during the shearing is not very relaxed ... an atavistic fear is the fear that any moment could be pushed into a ditch, where still alive and covered with parchment paper would be burned and cooked in a traditional (and hopefully no longer used) recipe for "sheep in the ditch"
The master Nino fleece that shows intact thanks to his skills weighs about three pounds and its commercial price of three euro. Despite the small size of the price nobody is willing to buy it and actually becomes a further problem free as is treated by the environmental legislation at a special waste. Yet once it was not. The sheep were shorn in early summer next to the marriage and their levels were part of the bride's trousseau
The shearing festival was held last June 23 in Sinagra
The merit of this initiative was Saro Gugliotta (center photo), a tireless trustee Slow Food Valdemone (Messina), with him this year led by members of the Long Nino Gentile (left of the observer). Pippo Borrello inspiration (right), one of the Brothers of the Inn of Borrello Sinagra, a true sanctuary of healthy eating (and good)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wording For Congratulation On Wedding

Silvana Fire. Diary of Salina

A Lingua di Salina , e non solo, tutti conoscono Silvana D'Albora . Patron e chef del Ristorante il Gambero.
Gestisce con il fratello il ristorante fondato dal padre, mentre le altre due sorelle le possiamo conoscere sempre a Lingua, l'una a reggere il ristorante Portobello e l'altra il Delfino . Silvana è famosa per gli Spaghetti al Fuoco .

Dopo averli provati non ho potuto fare a meno che irrompere nella cucina grande e tutta nuova di Silvana. L'ho trovata con la padella in mano, sicura di se. E' così mi ha rivelato la ricetta. L'ho già provata a casa mia ed è molto piaciuta al mio amico Emilio ed ai signiori Volpe. Ovviamente quella di Silvana è superiore.. ecco la ricetta. Tagliare in due i pomodorini ciliegini e metterli a marinare in olio con sale, aglio, peperoncino fresco e basilico. Dopo circa due ore il tutto è pronto per essere saltato in padella con gli spaghetti appena scolati e molto al dente. Servire con una generosa spolverata di ricotta infornata salata grattuggiata grossolanamente . L'antipasto aveva già rivelato la buona tecnica di Silvana. Gli spiedini di palamito infatti erano particolarmente gustosi, una sapiente marinatura con aceto balsamico e ketchup (segreto strappato a Silvana) gli avevano fatto perdere l'asprezza tipica del palamito, donandogli morbitezza also a new one. The appetizer included a good pancake baby that could not be eaten by my companions for a dinner that was part of the program in the third edition of the Salina Island Slow Food. The main themes of the event in fact organized by the Trustee of Messina, Saro Gugliotta, no coincidence that the spread of a culture of sustainable fisheries. To complete the classic appetizer garden of saline : cucunci, dried tomatoes, capers and roasted peppers and eggplant roulade.
the other a good first course. Pasta with cherry tomatoes, tuna, onions, anchovies, capers, eggplant and basil .

Another iteration of Palamito. I capperi denunciano la "mano eoliana" di Silvana.

Ed infine calamaretti alla malvasia (peccato siano arrivati quando ormai eravamo satolli).

Il vino che ci ha accompagnato a tutto pasto era anch'esso di Salina. Perciato, un Bianco di Sicilia Igt prodotto dalla azienda Fenech.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

South Park On Quicktime

granite of Alfredo. Diary of Salina

A Lingua di Salina esiste un posto dove fanno le granite che ricordano quelle che le donne arabe offrirono ai Normanni, quando mille anni fa conquistarono la Sicilia, i quali contraccambiarono risparmiando i loro mariti che anzi diventarono importanti funzionari di Ruggero il Normanno.

This place is the Bar Alfredo . And still the heirs of the Normans are left enchanted by the granite of the heirs of the Arabs.
The secret slush Alfredo is a little sugar, a little ice, and a Carpi older generation, what the experts call blade. The old bar and laboratories still use it, although it is a bit risky for people who wields it. But the quality of granite earns us a lot. If this recipe can be true for the fruit ices, probably change with regard to coffee beans.
The light color fact suggests the presence of air that comes from a long passage of the grain inside the shovel to Carpi. This effect does not last long, so the granite must be pulled (typical term of the process used in Sicily, which means preparing) at least every 90 minutes. Alfredo Obviously I did not reveal any secrets. So my thoughts are only the result of assumptions that I have experienced some of the slush professionals I asked to imagine what was the secret of slush that made famous by Alfred '68 and following that we see to the left of the picture, with the son Peter right and center Saro Gugliotta, trustee Slow Food Messina .
Ma il Bar Alfredo propone anche il Pane Cunsatu . Preparazione tipica delle Isole Eolie .

Lo scorso 1 giugno, in occasione della terza edizione di Salina Isola Slow Food , ho provato il Pane Cunsatu Salina.

Questi gli ingredienti: Pesto di capperi e mandorle, pomodorini, cucunci, melanzane grigliate, ricotta infornata e menta fresca . Pian pianino l'ho digerito.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Gifts For Stroke Patient

Mamma Concetta, Queen of the A Cannata. Diary of Salina

Esiste un ristorante a Salina dove si mangia molto bene. Così decides to submit to the kitchen to meet the chef. A tiny lady looks at you with the air of one who is in that place by accident, by mistake, perhaps because he has confused the way home. Her smile is sweet and motherly. You feel a warmth he could not remember as a child. Meanwhile, his daughter Franca intervenes, the same smile of the mother, who invites you to come out. But now you're inside and you know the chef, otherwise you do not go. "The chef is her, my mother," says Franca.

So you try to reveal the recipe for Penne with Santino goodness, that you're still licking his whiskers. She, the chef, Mrs. Maria Concetta Sidoti of 66 years, supporting the generosity of his soul, I would say, if Frank did not intervene. So he began to wonder if there were but for the zucchini?
- Courgettes!?!, Maybe!
- As perhaps? .. But what kind of zucchini are?
- zucchini, squash and enough!
So in the end if not interfered chef mom, upset and anxious not to "let you be evil", would not you know that the ingredients are tomatoes and zucchini small orchard of the house, rocket , raw from cooked together.

remained as it had been to ask the seasoned octopus salad , which when cooked, however, gave him an unexpected crunch, as well as marinated swordfish and tuna in oil had a freshness to make you suspect that until then no one ever had saputi bring them to you.

I asked in particular how we do amberjack and sour meatballs . The wild fennel, raisins, pine nuts (toasted), onion clear, were evident, and also noted that had the meatballs are just a short though intense immersion in hot oil. But it was a surprise is the consistency of meatballs, neither dry nor mollacchie, and the taste of fish was not clearly perceived that the chef had helped with "tons" of garlic that many fish dishes just happy we have, against our will, accustomed. And then who would have thought to peppers with apples? And to rye with raisins and pine nuts . And caponatina ? Light years lighter than those which we have used the age-old Sicilian tradition.
I was a guest of the restaurant A barrel Language (Salina) , Sunday, June 3, during the third edition of the Slow Food Salina Island. The wine that accompanied us throughout the meal was a good company Etna Bianco Villagrande Baron, who with la sua accentuata sapidità ha saputo contrastare e valorizzare la diffusa dolcezza della cucina di Maria Concetta Sidoti: dolce come lei!