Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Portland Where Can I Rent A Sailboat

Influenza A/H1N1 (total subjugation of the plan continues) part 2

Wireless H1N1/Scie Chemical

Since early March of 2009 the skies of the capital of Canada were covered by chemtrails released by aircraft similar to the 747 civilians. It all started about a week before the Swine Flu earn news headlines. Since then, the amount released in the skies of chemtrails has gradually intensified.

So the question we must ask is: what are spraying the skies and why? E 'is considered one of the analyzers of the phenomenon that contrails are composed primarily of barium salts and aluminum.

This cocktail looks like a jet black (similar to the contrails, but remain in the sky) and, once lost, can easily be mistaken for high-altitude clouds. Some have even testified that air from lower altitudes, spray a brown substance. This substance was observed, lands on earth as a viscous / sticky. This gel was previously analyzed by the Department of Health in Washington State and AmTest Laboratory. It 'seemed composed of red blood cells and biological agents. What are the implications of such effects and because they have become more frequent in recent months?

addition to an increased activity of chemtrails, the skies of the capital of Canada have seen a drastic change in patterns over 747 commercial aircraft or the like. The planes are flying much lower than what they have done over the past 20years. These planes are circles in the vicinity of residential areas by flying at altitudes lower than 500 feet. 40 residential areas that are good km away from Ottawa. They seem to leave the airport when you fly in circles above the city at very low altitudes and then go back where they came from. The frequency of such events is dramatically increasing. People ask why? How come there are planes flying low over houses every five minutes? Surely there are so many commercial flights that come and go from Ottawa. The citizens are prepared for some future event? The argument

Barium is known to be toxic to humans. Not only stops the function of the digestive tract, but affects the immune system. The immune system destroys pathogens by producing T-cells. Barium is known to bind the T-cell receptors and deattivarle.http: / / www.pubmedcent ... It 's a coincidence that we are alerted on the emergence of the deadly H1N1 and that our immune systems are attacked with barium on a daily basis? Probably not.

regard to aircraft at low altitude. It 'possible that they are exercising to release a biological weapon over densely populated areas? It 'been said that biological agents must be released at low altitudes to make sure they were not damaged by low temperatures found at high altitudes. We know how to prepare the NWO like sheep: determining the stage for a coordinated release of any biological weapon as has previously said Steve Quayle. There are actually

relationships that lead to the consideration to be present on such projects. Most of the tests are simple eyewitness accounts, but this is the intelligence world. This kind of information would never be in the headlines. In March 2009 he was released a Youtube video where he recorded a phone call made to the Power Hour radio program.

one who called had been in contact with a truck driver who worked under contract for the Department of Homeland Security. He was paid $ 500 for transport to various destinations in the United States a load of vials of avian influenza. All deliveries were made at night, and all trucks were escorted by ex-policemen, armed with a private police. Many of these loads were delivered to underground missile silos. The staff who received the deliveries were often equipped with complete sealing Hazmat (for decontamination suits [by Hazardous materials]). The driver and his family were vaccinated against avian influenza. The trucker was being paid in a section of the Bank of America in a secret room, anonymously provided a number to the bank and was paid in cash on the spot. Was convened without notice from DHS (Homeland Security) Meeting at 3 am, and was reviewed regularly to ensure that it was not infected by the virus. One of his colleagues who had a particularly long flatbed trailer was hired for a transport throughout the country a 80-ton missile. The exceptional weight damaged the vehicle and the DHS responded immediately so that the college was to repair the damage and complete the delivery. Many of the delivery truck driver was of a very mysterious. Often he was ordered to bring the half-empty from side to side, then stop at a random place and lower it through a flight of a private road (many of which were underground missile silos), so that they can not disclose, if questioned, news sensitive. During one of these operations, he clearly delivered in refrigerated vials containing a white liquid which was loaded on a C-130 military plane. The truck driver earned almeno un centinaio di migliaia di dollari per il trasporto di questi carichi. Lui e la sua famiglia da allora sono stati fatti risiedere in un alloggio sicuro all'interno di una base militare. La donna che prese questa telefonata al programma radio, denunciò la notizia alla Polizia locale e alla FBI. La risposta che ebbe da entrambi le parti fu: questa cosa è così grande che non la toccheremo nemmeno con un'asta di 10 piedi. Qualche cosa di grande è ovviamente in corso di realizzazione.

Oltre alla storia del camionista, una delle fonti investigative credibili di Steve Quayle ha divulgato il 25 agosto le seguenti informazioni: un rapporto degno di nota dal Flaming Recreation Area nello Utah, nel Wyoming e vicino al Colorado, riferisce che, in two different houses, were present on the one hand, a large group of Italian and the other an equally large group of French, they all spoke their own language. This report relates in great detail some of these people on motorbikes rode Harley Davidson after a Chinook helicopter was passed over the houses. They were seen moving away to meet the helicopter, get something from this and then go back to their barracks. Notable was the large number of chillers in the barracks ... perhaps the way to keep a few samples of influenza virus or long enough until the distribution of these samples?

With all the evidence available it is possible to imagine that, as innocent citizens, have taken large quantities of barium through the clouds, then the new sewer systems and drinking water, and therefore we are trapped in a global conspiracy aimed at lowering our immune system to the "second wave" the so-called swine flu? There will be a drop synchronized aerosol influence on the population used as a weapon, or live virus will be present (in addition to a deadly amount of squalene) in the H1N1 vaccine, or both? In order to achieve the reduction in population biological weapons may be theoretically more efficient (only later in a nuclear fallout), because after the initial issue, it continues to spread and multiply in humans. It 'obvious that with all this propaganda about swine flu of these days we are preparing for something big, even if the explosion of the epidemic so far has been nothing but a joke. Time is running out for Obama and the NWO would like to seize dictatorial North America. The masses are waking up at an unprecedented rate. We will prove the coming months? Who will be victorious?

God Save The Republic.

Antique Camper Trailers

Influenza A/H1N1 (continued subjugation of the plan total) Part 1

Belgium adopted a law to suspend the 'democracy' and civil rights in the event of a pandemic

Belgian Parliament voted yesterday to give emergency powers to the dictatorial government with the excuse of having to deal with a pandemic emergency. Belgium is the first country in Europe totally suspending democracy and civil rights, to change it with a military regime under the authority of a committee of "special crisis" that ultimately respond to the WHO and 'UN. Earlier this summer, the Belgian Health Minister Laurette Onkelinx has approved a decree that allows police to actively participate in the "medical emergency" for mass vaccination and quarantine of the population.

E 'also leaked a document interno francese, firmato dalla ministra della Sanità ed il ministro degli Esteri, per la vaccinazione forzata a fine settembre.

La Cina ha già iniziato la sua campagna di vaccinazione in massa contro la influenza suina lunedì a Beijing, da ciò che sembra è la prima nazione al mondo ad iniziare la vaccinazione della popolazione contro i virus.

Negli Stati Uniti, soldati in uniforme, si stanno dispiegando in tutto il paese per svolgere le funzioni normalmente attribuite alla polizia. Nel Massachusetts si parla di un disegno di legge per consentire alle forze di polizia di costringere alla quarantena e di imporre la legge marziale.
Una presunta funzionaria del governo della California dice che vengono addestrati per RF make bracelets required to track and highlight those who vaccinate against H1N1 and who is not in the U.S.. Those who are not vaccinated will be put on trains and taken to concentration camps or are inspected at checkpoints and taken along the interstate. All this before October 15th (the date of its fiscal year that will leave bankruptcy in the U.S.). Countless videos and information talk of the military and national guards that occupy the streets.

Source (Esp)

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