Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Stomach Ulcercondition_symptoms
With the passing of giorni arrivano notizie sul Terremoto che ha devastato Haiti, sembra che ci sia una battaglia tra la giusta e la falsa informazione, una cosa è certa i Militari americani hanno “conquistato” Haiti senza sparare un colpo, è bastato un piccolo intervento chirurgico (vedi HAARP ) per eliminare quella parte dell’Isola abitata da gente povera e che veniva sfruttata peggio degli immigrati che giornalmente raggiungono le coste italiane.
Mettiamo in chiaro questa situazione... esattamente un giorno prima del Terremoto in Haiti, il comando Militare americano responsabile per il Sud America e i Caraibi (SOUTHCOM) con Quartiere generale in Miami aveva già sul tavolo un piano di "pronto intervento", guarda caso this plan was because of an intervention on the island of Haiti in the event of a "Hurricane" - Monday, January 11, Jean Demay Technical Manager of DISA went to visit the Headquarters SOUTHCOM in Miami for testing a system such as the DISA would been helpful in the event of a Hurricane in Haiti, I note that the DISA (Defense Information System Agency) is to support a brigade of troops in combat, which is under the command of the Pentagon, their task is based on: Computer Science, telecommunications, logistics systems for American troops.
DISA has been ordered to draw up a plan for SOUTHCOM in the event of a disaster and Jan Demay is responsible for the Test you had to play after completing the test, the apparatus was ready to intervene in the event of a disaster in Haiti.
The day the earthquake happened in Haiti ... January 12, the SOUTHCOM was ready to intervene "live" on January 13 already .. that is, to what had been tested two days earlier in Miami, Tuesday, the day where the quake struck Haiti DISA opened its communication system to all humanitarian organizations and non-state, this information project funded by SOUTHCOM was built three years ago just for a multilateral way of communication with the ' Europe, in the "Program" is included in the DISA anche l’opzione di un Intervento Militare in caso di Catastrofe:
Larry K. Huffman ..direttore generale della Rete di comunicazione della DISA afferma che la loro Agenzia è sempre pronta a soddisfare le esigenze che la SOUTHCOM richiede in caso di Catastrofe in tutto il Mondo. La DISA e i suoi Ingegneri sono all’altezza di poter prendere il comando nella nazione dove si è manifestata “la disgrazia” e di coordinare le truppe anche in caso di Combattimenti, questa agenzia ha a disposizione il Satellite che usa il Ministero della Difesa americana e può usufruirne per poter comunicare con i Partner Europei e di tutto il mondo per poter prestare aiuto in HAITI.
Subito dopo il Terremoto la DISA ha preso il controllo the support given by SOUTHCOM since they were nominated by the Government as Obama masters "experts" for the program of aid to Haiti, integrating also the civil organizations that provide assistance to the people .. since the whole communication system is under control of American military authorities ...
Comment: there is no chance .. why the Pentagon knew three years before a disaster would have happened in Haiti and in which should react as soon as possible? .. Why the system that DISA was still working all of a sudden he was ready one day before the earthquake Haiti has been chosen and why?
In the Caribbean there are 15 other states that are in danger as Haiti subject to earthquakes, also the season of "Hurricane" and late summer to early autumn, .. also for disasters such as that of Haiti Civil Defence must take the reins and not the military .. the military has an obligation to help the civil protection and not to occupy the airport only to land troops and war materiel from the landing of planes from denying from around the world carrying aid to the people of Haiti, what are 20,000 troops? .. If anything was to be interested in the UN to coordinate aid and not the DISA / SOUTHCOM that are part of the military junta made up of American and Elite Military and Blackwarter.
Let's analysis of why Haiti has been chosen:
under a card where to find the reserves of Oil and Uranium / Gold and other precious minerals in some parts of the island ... besides the oil out from underground without the need for drills and the soil is so "wet" oil that you just take a match to focus, at least .. 3 Companies Canadians are active in the island in search of gold and copper that within three years they have accumulated a empire, "the companies are:
St.Genevieve, Eurasian Minerals e Majescor.
La St.Genevieve ha ottenuto un contratto di 25 anni (nel 1997) dall’ex Presidente Renè Prèval, l’ex Ministro della Difesa Haitana Patrick Elie ha diffuso la notizia che non si tratta di aiuti quello che i Militai Usa stanno facendo ma di una vera e propria Invasione, inoltre da alcuni giorni vola un Aereo Cargo sulla quale è installata una Radio Trasmittente sulla zona Terremotata dalla quale via altoparlanti si avvisano i cittadini di non cercare di abbandonare l’Isola, chi ci prova verrà preso e rimandato indietro, la persona che parla al Megafono è il Console Generale di Haiti Raymond Joseph che si trova in Washington. Già nel 2008 due Scienziati: Daniel e Ginette Mathurin avevano detto che in Haiti, there were large reserves of oil and uranium ...
Will this be the reason of employment? Why else are
10000-20000 soldiers?
Haiti was occupied by the Americans for 20 years until 1934 ... and the last American troops went away in 1994.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
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