The great international complicity with the Israeli massacres journals are not created for fear of Israel, but to afraid of what the Jewish state represents. Israel is the most emblematic symbol, the home territory Zionist capitalist who controls the world without borders from managerial positions of banks and transnational corporations. Israel is basically the national representation of a global power the Zionist, who is master of the State of Israel as much as the United States and other countries with their natural resources and economic and production systems. And who controls the planet by central banks, major media chains and military nuclear arsenals.
The occult power
Israel, is the clear geographical transnationalization of the capitalist system that controls the governments economic systems of production and the major media, both in core countries in the underdeveloped world and as peripheral.
The Jewish state, beyond its impact as a nation, is the most representative symbol of a world power in its soft decisive controlled by a minority group of Jewish origin and conformed to a structure of strategists and technocrats who operate industrial networks, technological, military, financial and media of transnational capitalism expanded in the 4 corners of the planet.
With a population of approximately 7.35 million inhabitants, Israel is the only Jewish state in the world.
But when we speak of Israel, it is first and foremost a strategic plan of world power that protects him, interactive and scored, which concentrates through an infinite network of associations and communicating vessels between the financial capital, industrial and services that transform the countries and governments of impressum enclave.
The Zionist lobby that supports and legitimizes the existence of Israel is not a state back in the Middle East, but a system of global economic power (capitalist system) banks and transnational corporations with Jews dominating the majority of holdings hegemony or the decisions of managers from their positions as directors and performers.
Who takes the trouble to investigate the names of members of management or shareholders of the big transnational corporations and banks that control the U.S. and European foreign trade and domestic production to the economic systems of countries, both the central and "underdeveloped" or "emerging" can easily verify that (in an astonishing majority) are of Jewish origin.
The management and the shareholders of the first thirty mega transnational corporations and banks (the largest in the world) that are listed in the Dow Jones on Wall Street, are mostly Jews.
megacorporations of capitalism without borders such as Wal-Mart Stores, Walt Disney, Microsoft, Pfizer Inc, General Motors, Hewlett Packard, Home Depot, Honeywell, IBM, Intel Corporation, Johinson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, American International Group, American Express, AT & T, Boeing Co (armi), Caterpillar, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Dupont, Exxon Mobil (petrolifera), General Eletric, McDonald’s, Merck & Co., Protecter & Gamble, United Technologies, Verizon, sono controllate e/o dirette da capitali e persone di origine ebraica.
Queste corporazioni rappresentano la creme de la creme dei grandi consorzi transnazionali ebraicoo-sionisti che, attraverso la lobby esercitata dalle ambasciate statunitensi ed europee, dettano e condizionano la politica mondiale ed il comportamento di governi, eserciti o istituzioni mondiali ufficiali e private.
Sono i proprietari invisibili del pianeta: quelli che guidano i paesi e i presidenti con un telecomando, come se puppets were the last generation.
Those looking for with the same criterion, in addition, the mass media, cultural or artistic industry, business associations, social organizations, foundations, professional organizations, NGOs, both in the core countries as peripheral, will be surprised of the significant incidence of people of Jewish origin in the highest decision-making positions.
The three major U.S. television networks (CNN, ABC, NBC and Fox), the three major newspapers (Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post) are controlled and directed (by shares or families) from groups Jewish lobbyists, mostly New Yorkers. Similarly
as the three most influential magazines (Newsweek, Time and New Yorker) and consortia of hegemonic Internet as Time-Warner (Unitas with America Online) or Yahoo, are controlled by Jewish capital, and directors that operates the networks and conglomerates connected to other companies.
Colossi of Hollywood cinema and entertainment like Walt Disney Company, Warner Brothers Pictures Comlumbia, Paramouth, 20th Century Fox, among others, form part of this interactive network of Zionist imperialist capital.
The concentration of capital in global mega-mega-groups or companies controlled by Zionist capital, in an overwhelming proportion, makes possible the global decisions of all kinds, the economy, in society, politics, culture, etc.. and represents the most characteristic of globalization imposed by the imperial world power of the capitalist system.
The focus of this expansive transnationalization Zionist capitalism is the control and domination (through wars of conquest or "democracy") of natural resources and economic and production systems, an operation that his supporters and theorists call "political market".
Capitalism transaction on a global scale, is the owner of the states and their economic and productive resources and systems, not only dependent on the world, but also central capitalist countries. So
governments and central officials are impressum enclave of (left or right) with discursive variants carry the same economic program and the same strategies of political and social control.
This transnational capitalism "without borders" of the Zionist lobby which supports the State of Israel is based on two pillars: *
computerized financial speculation (with a territorial basis on Wall Street) and the military-industrial technology of last generation (the maximum expression of development is concentrated in the Military Industrial Complex of the USA).
The international Zionist lobby, which is based on existential pillars of the State of Israel, controlled by governments, armies, police and economic structures of production, financial systems, political systems, scientific and technological structures, socio-cultural, international media structures, up to power based on the arsenals of the world police nuclear, the military industrial complex and the deployment of U.S. military equipment and the Central Powers.
This power, and not the State of Israel, is what they fear the presidents, politicians, journalists and intellectuals who are silent or deform the daily genocide of Israel in the Middle East, intimidated and remain buried beneath the tombstone of life ' "anti-Semitism."
The Lobby imperial
The Zionist pro-Israel lobby, the network of hidden power that controls the White House, the Pentagon and the Federal Reserve, but does not pray in the synagogues in the Cathedral of Wall Street. A detail to be taken into account, not to confuse religion with myth el'affare.
When referring to the Zionist lobby (which they call pro-Israeli lobby), most experts and analysts speak of a group of officials and technocrats, in whose hands is the design and execution of U.S. military policy.
to this lobbying is attributed to the strategic goal of imposing the permanent military agenda and political and geopolitical interests of the Government and the State of Israel in U.S. foreign policy. How
definition, pro-Israel lobby, is a giant machine of economic and political pressure which operates in all segments of the U.S. institutional power: the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, the State Department, CIA and agencies the intelligence community, the most important.
Through the political use of its financial strength, its strategic position in decision-making, financial lobby groups have a crucial influence on U.S. foreign and domestic policy, the first imperial power, in addition to its dominant role in Financing political parties, candidates and presidents of the congress.
At the imperial level, the financial power of the lobby is expressed primarily through the Federal Reserve in the U.S., a key body for the concentration of speculative capital and the reproduction on a planetary level.
The heart of the Zionist lobby is the powerful U.S. financial sector on Wall Street that has direct implications for and participation in the appointment of key officials of the U.S. government and organs of control of monetary policy and credit institutions (national and international) with headquarters in Washington and New York.
cheap international financial bodies like the OECD, the World Bank, the IMF, are under direct control of central banks and governments of the U.S. and the international powers are controlled by the Zionist lobby (Britain, Germany, France, Japan, the most important).
organizations and international alliances such as the UN, the Security Council and NATO are Zionist controlled US-EU axis, whose power plants are those that guarantee the impunity of military extermination of Israel in the Middle East, as happened with the last massacre of activists in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
The main lobby of the financial institutions (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, etc.) and the major banks (Citigroup, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, etc.) have a decisive influence in the appointment of the holders of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and the Secretary of Commerce, in addition to the Directors of the WB and IMF.
The myth of the 'anti-Semitism "
This phenomenon of" global capitalist power "of the Jews, not Israel, who fear cioò presidents, politicians, journalists and intellectuals who avoid obstinately to condemn genocide in newspapers or appoint military Israel in Gaza, repeating what they have already done during the Israeli massacre in Lebanon in 2006.
The great international complicity with periodic massacres Israelis are not created for fear of the State of Israel, but to fear of what the State of Israel represents.
is not Israel, a Zionist state in most, but the "Greater Israel", the homeland of Judaism worldwide (with the territory stolen from the Palestinians), to which all Jews of the world are her children wonders around the world.
is not Israel but the powerful World Jewish organizations and communities who supported the genocide in full the Israeli military in Gaza, who use their power and "ladder of prestige" (built through their historic victimization of the Holocaust ) to turn into a social leper who dare criticize or speak out against the extermination of the Israeli military in Gaza.
The governments of the capitalist world, journalists, intellectuals, trade unions and social organizations are not afraid of Israel, but their social stoning as "anti-Semitic" (a word which is called those who challenge and / or denounce Zionism jew).
not fear the State of Israel but to the children of Israel disguised in major decision-making centers of world power, mainly economic, financial and media-cultural.
politicians, intellectuals and journalists of the system are not afraid of Israel, but fear the media, Jewish organizations and companies and their influence on governments and economic and cultural processes of the Zionist capitalist system expanded in all countries on a global scale. Ultimately
fear that companies, universities, organizations, foundations that fund international Zionist promotion and / or promote their places in the machinery of the system to declare them "anti-Semitic" and leave them without jobs, without holidays and no pension.
This is the main reason why the intellectuals, academics and journalists in the mulling living system's intelligent analysis of "reality" political, economic and social without the presence of the word Jew or capitalist system which pays for their services.
Although there is a group of Jewish intellectuals and activists of the left (Chomsky and Gelman among them) who have condemned and protested against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, the vast majority of Jewish communities and organizations globally has explicitly supported the slaughter of civilians in Gaza, saying it was a "war on terrorism."
Although Israel has not invaded or military has perpetuated a genocide in Gaza with the Jewish religion but with F-16 aircraft, missiles, cluster bombs, Apache helicopters, tanks, heavy artillery, ships, computer systems, and strategy and a plan to exterminate large-scale military who question this massacre was condemned as "anti-Semitic" by the World Jewish power distributed around the world.
campaigns to denounce anti-Semitism with which Israel and the organizations Jewish attempt to neutralize criticism of the massacre, address the issue as if Zionism ebraicoo (support of Israel) was an issue of "racial" or religious, and not a system of imperial domination plan that includes an interactive economic, political , social and cultural, overcoming the issue of race or religious beliefs.
the Zionist lobby does not control the world with religion: it checks with the banks, transnational hegemony over the economic and productive system, control over natural resources, control of the computer network, and global manipulation, and control of social values \u200b\u200bthrough advertising, consumer culture and the standardized and globalized the mass media.
Ultimately, the Jewish lobby does not represent any expression of racial or synagogue, but is the structure that controls the world power through its control on financial and economic centers of strategic decision of the capitalist system spread "civilization" is unique. Before
of religion and race, the Zionist lobby and its networks are moving from functional political ideology: Zionism and imperialism that puts capitalist market, the concentration of wealth, "political affairs", any philosophy that touches the concepts of "good" and "bad" meant within the social parameters.
So what it means when talk about "anti-Semitism" or "religious anti-Judaism"?
Which benchmarks underlying the condition of anti-Semitic?
Who is anti-Semitic?
Those who criticize the Jews for their religion or their race in societies worldwide?
At most, the Jews, as is evidenced in the social reality of any country, are not criticized for their religion or race condition but for their excessive attachment to the status of money (also grown in other communities) and integration structures or hierarchies of power within an unjust system of oppression and exploitation of man by man, as is the capitalist system.
Unless minority groups of fanatics and racists who only represent themselves in society (with the exception of the German Nazis and some exceptions) almost there ever was a "religious or racial persecution" of the Jew, but there was an association Jew with the "worst face of capitalism", represented in the economic system and financial speculation.
In summary
The Zionist lobby that protects the State of Israel (right and left) is shaped by a structure of strategists and technocrats who work in industrial networks technology military and financial media of transnational capitalism in the four extended corners of the planet.
Its networks are expressed through a multitude of organizations dedicated to promoting the current global model, there are mainly including: The Hudson Institute, The RAND Corporation, The Brookings Institution, The Trilateral Commissions, The World Economic Forum, Aspen Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politik Auswärtigen, Bilderberg Group, Cato Institute, Tavestock Institute and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and other .
All of these think tank or "brain bank", bringing together the best technocrats, scientists and scholars in their respective fields, graduates of universities United States, Europe and worldwide.
The lobby does not respond only to the State of Israel (as analysts say the "right" of the neocons), but a world power which is the owner of the Zionist state of Israel as much as the U.S. State and the rest of the states with the their natural resources and economic and production systems.
The lobby is not only the White House, but also all levels of operations on a transnational capitalism, whose strategic plan charmans large heads and executives of banks and multinational companies that are part of the Washington Consensus and share the world as a cake.
Neither the left nor the right to talk about this party power "scored" for the simple reason that both are merged (by way of false alternatives clashed) programs and strategies of transnational capitalism that controls the planet.
As a result, and while not articulated a new strategic understanding (a "third position" of the revolutionary wisdom and knowledge) the world power that controls the planet will continue to perpetuate the false options of "Left" and "right" .
And the Jewish lobby "right" of conservative Republicans continue to happen to the lobby ebraicaa "left" of the Liberal Democrats in a policy continuity with the same World Zionist Empire guidelines.
And the massacres of the State of Israel will continue, as in the past, sanctioned and protected by the structures of the World Zionist capitalist system of power that regards him as "his home territory."