Unemployed? Trust in Tel Aviv! Articolo del quotidiano anglosassone "Guardian" del 28/11/2010: Israele ha incaricato le sue ambasciate in 10 paesi europei, tra cui il Regno Unito, ciascuna per reclutare 1.000 membri della cittadinanza pubblica destinati ad agire in rappresentanza per le sue politiche nell'ambito di una campagna propagandistica.
Un cablo del Ministero degli affari esteri è stato inviato alle ambasciate la scorsa settimana, da Avigdor Lieberman, il controverso ministro degli esteri di estrema destra ,con le istruzioni necessarie per adottare una serie di azioni volte a migliorare la posizione di Israele in Europa.
Il più insolito è stato il fine di identificare fino a 1000 persone entro mid-January to act as "allies" to Israel. One source described them as "friends who are not willing to only receive messages, but to actively promote these messages." These individuals - that can be drawn from Jewish or Christian activists, academics, journalists and students - will be instructed regularly by Israeli officials and encouraged to speak up for Israel in public meetings or write letters or articles for the press.
Five European capitals have also been identified for a more powerful conventional PR. Israeli Embassy in London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid and Rome will receive funds to hire firms that specialize in public relations, lobbyists and spin doctors.
Companies di PR verrà chiesto di concentrarsi su messaggi politici, come: la posizione di Israele su colloqui con i palestinesi, a soggetti che possono contribuire a "brand" di Israele, come il turismo e tecnologia, tematiche e regionali di cui Israele intende richiamare l'attenzione, come diritti umani in Iran o in paesi arabi.
Il ministero degli affari esteri ha anche suggerito che le ambasciate in tutta Europa organizzano mensilmente eventi di alto profilo pubblico per promuovere politiche di Israele e il suo governo, e le visite in Israele per le persone influenti. Lieberman ha in programma di incontrare gli ambasciatori di paesi europei il mese prossimo per spingere la nuova offensiva di pubbliche relazioni.
Un funzionario israeliano ha refused to comment on the statement, but said: "Obviously we are always looking for ways to improve our communication, there is nothing wrong with that," adding: "There is concern about the way Israel is perceived abroad, and there is particular concern of some countries in Western Europe. "
Israel has already launched the drive to improve its image through hasbara - which literally means explanation, although alternatively construed as public diplomacy, spin or propaganda. During his three-week war in Gaza, which began in December 2008, Israel launched a PR strategy through the National Information Management for the key messages to be coordinated on a daily basis.
The Israeli government, military and embassies are adept at using social media like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to promote the material. Organizations such as Bicom, Britain Israel Communications Research Centre, the United Kingdom and the Israel Project in the United States who describe themselves as independents, are dedicated to the promotion of Israeli policies. Both organizations offer through regular meetings, contacts and visits to foreign correspondents in Israel and Palestine, and all expenses paid trips to Israel for journalists, including from the Guardian, based elsewhere.
Other countries undertake similar PR unit. Rwanda took the company Racepoint London to feed positive stories to the media. Bell Pottinger, headed by Lord Bell, former adviser to Lady Thatcher, is Sri Lanka and Madagascar.
Meanwhile, the Israeli cabinet today approved a plan to build a large detention center can hold up to 10,000 illegal immigrants and refugees near the border with Egypt. Israel began building a fence along the border earlier this month. Population and immigration authorities said that between 1,200 and 1,500 people, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, have crossed the border every month this year, compared to 300 a month last year. "There is a wave swelling threatening Israeli occupation, a wave of illegal immigrants must stop because of the implications for the harsh nature of Israel, "Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, said today the cabinet.
Also today, Major General Uri Bar-Lev, the top cop under investigation for alleged sexual assault and rape, said that he was withdrawing his candidacy to become police commissioner of Israel and taking an unspecified time to leave.