published by:
new media worlds
authors DENNIS ROBERT ERNEST and especially BACKES
Ernest Backes, in addition to having worked for the company Clearstream for decades, was along with the suicide (?) Soisson the creator of the system clearing.in France made great scalpore.e course Luxembourg (site of two clearing houses). in this little "manual" by clearing the history of the '70s to today you can take a scenic flight of the greatest financial scandals of the past and not 50'anni: BCCI case bald and Banco Ambrosiano, p2, Bildemberg, Reagan and the hostages in Iran ... seems a Bignami financial crime, but never transcend into socks or esoteric theories of international conspiracy by of gray-haired.
an overwhelming interest.
if you want to read I suggest however that dose of scietticismo and caution must always be applied to publications of this kind, although in this case we are dealing with a work rich in sources and documents, and especially never ( as far as I know) denial.
know for example that one of the banks affiliated to the BCCI and Pakistan, which collapsed after the scandal of Tampa, was directed by the Egyptian royal family of Mahfouz, the same second involved French journalists Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie in the events of 11 9? (the two journalists seem have recently recanted, but you never know ...)
as a coincidence is the fact that the prosecutor who was assigned to investigate the bank was good Pakistani Rudolf Giuliani (the next Republican candidate for the white house?).
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