S pescestocco the altar in a pan with oil, poached garlic, onion, s
U na dinner
that on May 18 unveiled the new restaurant kitchen literary Horcinus Orca Park, organized by the conduct of the Slow Food Messina (Val Demone) at its 4th anniversary. One of the most active Italian tour conducted by the delegate Saro Gugliotta during the evening that he listed the achievements of 300 members.
P removal of all the promotion of all of products which are costituend
of Italian gastronomic tradition and heritage are threatened with extinction. So the starter could not be dedicated to the Slow Food Nebrodi and of Madonie . More than an appetizer was un'entrèe, goat cheese, ricotta cheese, provolone with lemon, bacon, dry sausage, many works of art they have seen and are involved generations of craftsmen, farmers and ranchers of the Earth never ceases to amaze : the land of Sicily. Even the wines are chosen fruit of the island: Murgo, Cantine Barbera and Fatascià the wineries with excellent wines that have accompanied the food well. Among the initiatives of the 4th year of the Slow Food Messina themed dinners by such securities attractive Bubbles and Mortadella, Orange Red, Love del mare. Rassegne gastronomiche quali la Settimana del Pescestocco e quella dei Nebrodi. E così lo stesso menù della cena non poteva che riflettere
tale impegno: gli antipasti di mare dedicati al Pesce perso , un tris di assaggi ideati da Aldo Bacciulli del ristorante Metrò di Catania ed eseguite dal bravo secondo Kanye Bisson (Isole Mauritius). Pesce perso perché quasi scomparso dai menù dei ristoranti moderni oltre che dalle dispense casalinghe. Masculunina da 'magghia fritti intrisi nel purea di finocchio , tradizionale fried fish
enhanced by contrast with a light and aromatic puree. Following a Parmigiana Spatola , perhaps a little less bright on the palate of the previous fried, to close Cruditeè Sauro (horse mackerel) with spring onion and celery biological . Meanwhile in the boiling pot Octopus Murati of John Tarantino d
the Porticello (Palermo), in a restaurant kitchen is not only fish caught by more than six hours. The base of the Octopus Murati will then build the first course proposal to the large audience of members and friends of Slow Food Messina: Pennette Paranza . With authentic pasta Gragnano the format of which refers to the name assigned to Calamari .
M entre Peppe Carollo, the tavern Nangalarruni Castelbuono (Palermo
), prepared with lettuce ravioli pescestocco, Saro Gugliotta reminded the guests that the initiative has led to national headlines Slow Food Messina: the Master of Education for the Taste Differently Disabled . A project that aims to be a substantial contribution to bringing the world to everybody's taste but simple set of many of our young and old friends. Recently submitted to Slow Fish in Genoa, the Master is required by many Italian associations in the sector not only food but also of social assistance.
I the menu pre
saw two seconds of meat. The first developed by Aldo Bacciulli (also responsible for the Slow Food Catania) and performed by Kanyhe Bisson, combining tradition with Catania's commitment to the Slow Food in the protection of handicrafts Nebrodi : Grenadines pig and calf of Nebrodi Nebrodi of provolone and sun-dried tomatoes. With the help of wine Fatascià the menu led us to another according Nebrodi specialty Peppe Carollo: knuckle of pork Nebrodi Nero d'Avola and chestnut honey. The shins were little ones, as are the pigs
blacks from the herd Nebrodi Borrello of Librizzi. Peppe Carollo recommends browning the shanks with olive oil and then blend with red wine. So close inside the aluminum after soaked in red wine, holding it in the oven at 150 degrees for two hours. After that, increase to 2 teperature
00 degrees for 30 minutes and then turn the oven off but continue to keep inside the shin for altre4 hours. To prepare a small part of red wine and chestnut honey. The end result is excellent, it captures the texture of the pork and the harshness of growing up free, sopattutto appreciated meeting with honey.
N on sono poi mancati i dolci, così il messinese Nuccio
Micali ha presentato un tipo di gelato, ormai perso, della tradizione peloritana, lo Schiumone . Mentre il pasticcere palermitano, Pietro Pupillo ha presentato insieme ai vice, Jimmy Cascio ( nato in New Jersey, U.S.A.) e Salvatore Greco , una affascinate montatura di zucchero.
A vivacizzare la serata il più giovane sommelier d'Italia, Gioele Micali di 14. We do not know if even taste the wines ... The next Friday, May 24, the beautiful site of ' Horcynus Orca also see the opening of the restaurant Officina del Gusto . Chef Franco Ruggeri will . The evening was totally shot, with cameras and microphones in the kitchen to the table of guests. As soon as we can enjoy ourselves packed in television circuits.
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