But Messina menu was as follows ..
.. carpaccio of swordfish smoked in oak Nebrodi with the fruits of summer and the scent of Sicilian bergamot in Reggio. Peaches, apricots and cherries were of Peloritani, the mountains that dominate Messina, almost crushing it against the sea. In short, everything in a dish Nature shows us in the Strait
And here is a chilled soup of beans Ucria (mountain village Nebrodi) and dry skin of Muraena Helena. There were leaves of lettuce and radicchio, and also provola Nebrodi. The Murena Strait in ancient times was famous, today the fishermen thrown back into the sea .. yet, at least to Chiaramonte, it's really good
The study of a menu icon corresponds to the territory and traditions of the Straits, could not whatever 'a greedy . But 'to the greedy Chiaramonte, who avoids fry onions and garlic, and add the olives, capers and celery almost cooked, then does not put any part of swordfish, but only those from the fins and the streets around the spine, because the pot comes with the remains of the swordfish that fishermen do not could sell, but instead for their own poor power (as evidenced by the presence of celery) And here are fileddi fin 'i cozzu , scurzetta , I fell, and hit cutigghiuni ' to gghiotta
But in this time of year swordfish have the gonads filled with eggs. Caramel is so that Malfa , uno dei tre comuni di Salina (Isole Eolie ) un tempo vi era l'usanza di cucinare a cotoletta le uova di pescespada . Prima le mette a vapore per un'ora all'interno della propria sacca su cui passa un pochettino di aglio, sale e salvia prima di avvolgerla con carta di protezione. Poi raffreddata con l'abbattitore, così da poterla affettare senza che si sbricioli, e quindi fritta dopo averla passata con farina, uova e mollica
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