Sono uno dei pochi under 30 etichettato come "di sinistra" ( che poi in Italia coinciderebbe con anti-berlusconiano) a non aver mai letto Gomorra e aver schivato vieni via con me. Un po' per scelta, un po' per caso, un po' son fatti miei, resta il fatto che di Saviano ne ho preso pillole qua e là. Mi guarderò bene dal commentarne i contenuti e le affermazioni,quindi. Resta il fatto, però, che il napoletano "eroico", "anti-italiano", "anti-campano", "Courageous", or whatever, I find myself stuck for months, such as advertising dell'activia everywhere.
I therefore feel entitled to shoot four lines, not required, what I think of the phenomenon Saviano. "
Who is Roberto Saviano?
It 's a young Neapolitan writer, who had the courage to tell us about the cancer the Italian mafia, with the aid of narration of the story. He ripped the theme from the mouth of many self-styled experts, with their treatment as a normal phenomenon of crime, even when it is organized, there were anesthetized and rendered deaf. With his stories, Roberto, has turned into something close to the daily lives of everyone - from Valley Medical Brembana the seller of escape - and his message (initially) cross, has captured the respect and turned on the courage of thousands of young people are indifferent to time, or worse still the victims, the language of the Mafia. E 'with this, of course, has earned the kisses of the goddess and the blows money (for now threatened) of the Camorra. Its strength lies in two elements, which according to me a lot in common with Obama on the vitality and the desire to change the force that is offered to him by his readers. As for the president, "tan" was identified by his followers, in his message of hope for a better future made with our hands, the desire to redeem himself from a past reprehensible (slavery in America and the mafia in Italy), which represented his true strength, its real power, not so much innovative content.
This is the bright side of Saviano. Then, in a chronological sense, there is also a dark side, the dark side, which comes with all his gloom at this time of overexposure, and that even in this case is characterized by two elements.
First Saviano decided to take a public person, with his lucid and beautiful crapa not only with his pen, proclaiming himself the Camorra SYMBOLS IN THE FIGHT. All well and good (not just good marketing), as his mere presence, even if silent, at any stage, arena, theater, tavern, would mean a net position against the Mafia. But gradually he slipped into self-narcissistic celebration, becoming the first martyr of bars made prisoner by armed men in jackets and Kevlar, and then transformed into new antimafia pop icon - and also of anti-. This has begun to turn up their nose to many, especially among those who have never been a big fan (and maybe even a great player overall), especially among those who have always had many reservations about the intellectual world, often considered arrogant .
Finally, you could not predict that the power and the gravitational force of Saviano not become the object of attention of the conquest of consenso ha fondato la propria vita. Il rischio ed il pericolo di finire ghermito dalla politica. Certo non si poteva pensare che Roberto venisse adulato da chi in casa teneva uno stalliere mafioso,o in parlamento dei "duri" con i "moschetti" pronti alla secessione dal sud criminale e terrone, o da chi raccoglie in certe province della Trinacria anche il 100% dei consensi (Mugabe sei un pivello!). Eccolo quindi finire planando placidamente tra le braccia della sinistra. ll nuovo idolo, il nuovo eroe (shhhhhh! zitto Mr.Brecht!), il papa straniero pronto per l'eredità prematura di Bersani(che quello Tedesco, di Papa, vota Rutelli), finalmente qualcuno che potesse piacere alle folle spaesate del centrosinistra senza avere l'orecchino. Esattamente at that precise moment, the power of the narrative of Gomorrah, the story that shook the mafias, the message across and apolitical but effective and cathartic is gone to hell.
Ergo, rather than asking if the left will lose, as did someone recently, approaching the Southerner who criticizes the south, then north, then the center, then who knows, it is reasonable to ask how the force will be the author of Gomorrah castrated by the vicissitudes of a left into rigor mortis, which seems to have tied a double knot.
Following a long and sad list on the evils of Italy, very badly acted by
Gianluca del Rio
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