Friday, March 19, 2010

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Israel could (and has the ability) to destroy the 'whole of Europe

Al-Quds (Jerusalem) - Pic. The Israeli military historian Martin Karfeld said that Israel could be forced to destroy the entire European continent using all kinds of weapons, including nuclear ones, if he felt his end near . He added that Israel views l'Europa un bersaglio ostile.

Queste dichiarazioni sono state rilasciate durante un'intervista al canale 7 della radio israeliana, tradotta in arabo mercoledì scorso dal Centro studi, analisi e informazioni.

"Possediamo centinaia di testate atomiche e missili che possono raggiungere differenti bersagli nel cuore del continente europeo, compresa Roma", ha detto Karfeld, aggiungendo che la maggior parte delle capitali europee diventerebbero bersagli privilegiati per l'aviazione israeliana.

Lo storico israeliano ha più volte affermato la capacità di Israele di distruggere il mondo intero se esso si sentisse vicino alla fine.

Per quanto riguarda i palestinesi, lo storico Karfeld ha detto che when Israel pursues a specific strategy based on the mass deportation of Palestinians, with the intention to expel them all, without exception, but is just waiting for the right moment to do so.

"Two years ago, only 7-8% of Israelis believed in this solution for the Palestinians, but only two months ago in favor of the percentage rose to 33%. Today, according to a survey by Gallup, the percentage has grown to 55%. "

Karfeld said that Israel must take advantage of every event that could provide a golden opportunity to expel the Palestinians, just as happened in Deyr Yasin massacre in 1948.

Responding to the question "Israel afraid of being considered a rogue state if the Palestinians expelled? "Karfeld replied:" Israel is a state that does not care what others say about him. You must remember what he said former Defense Minister Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must always act like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother. "



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