Yesterday, after an immense effort of strength, I finished reading the book by Laura and Cristina Origone Amis " How to go to bed a woman in 10 moves. " want me to explain why a man-and in particular my person-may have been attracted by a title like that skirt the issue or do we want? Perfect. So let me tell you a little argument 'my bitterness over this pretentious title.
The manual for young Casanova on Sunday had an added value compared to other many of his counterparts: he had been drafted by experts in the field, or two women. This, I confess, has piqued even more my desire to go through. In short, it's like a famous magician had held a seminar on how to reveal his tricks, or even better, as if you had an enemy general sent a letter on how to easily overcome their defenses. Wow!
But nada. A violent fall and noisy to the fiasco.
The authors in 10 chapters, one for each rule, guide us step by step and in a prudent and gradual shift towards the achievement of the prosaic goal: the pleasure between the sheets (if you're lucky, otherwise tra il cambio ed il volante). Tutto ciò dopo un’abbondante introduzione nella quale, nell’alto medioevo del 2010, ci viene svelato che: si, le donne di oggi sono molto più libere e libertine, ed anche loro sono alla ricerca del piacere in quanto tale.
Ma la domanda che viene fuori dopo le prime 30/40 pagine è: per chi diavolo è scritto questo libro? Chi è il referente? Perché le due esperte ci dichiarano da subito che l’uomo a cui si riferisco è il tipico “piacione” da spiaggia, icona della commedia all’italiana, con i suoi modi grossolani , il costumino adamitico, l’aplomb ed il savoir faire di un trucker Valsugana snooty and security that distinguishes tamarri.
Now I wonder if you think a character in this bill will never buy this bon ton of the Latin lover as the arsenal of self-esteem she has. I would not say it would be a humiliation. The natural buyers eager to devour the pages is the shy and introverted that before asking the direction of the bus (which of course already know) a woman, the fixed feet for 25 minutes, just long enough to see it run in the same bus. But in this case our friendly handbook proves useless. Tips such as: do not tell her 'you have cellulite!', Do not try to put a hand under her skirt as soon as you know, not trying at the same time with friends, etc., are not just our case. The fact is that the advice on the approach currently hiding, and they represent only a narrow part of the book. It is, however, that the fleeting moment, the swollen river to cross, there is the awkward turns into a pillar of salt and is expressed as a machine at the toll road. The later is almost always a game played in two, and that the desire to know how to drive. The small errors that can arise in this next phase are often removed from simple curiosity, the (likely) non-familiarity of the same partners and, again, by desire.
Another terrible mistake is the context and particularization. The authors we have two special scenarios in which our protagonist must move: The first is that the meeting with a colleague at work, in the second we are on holiday at the sea and find the beautiful beach. The first, which would seem the most tempting, since most common situation in our daily lives, is almost immediately discarded in favor of the latter. Then, to complete the work, season assuming that the "prey" or girlfriend or maybe even married. And no! It is as if they were printed manuals for the driving school where you teach to lead to an aspiration racer only diesel cars with automatic transmission. There is no space for the generalization of advice given to the versatile use of "strategies" (let's call it that) in the most different and everything is packaged for the statistically unlikely event. The two then try to correct some sloppy shooting another possible scenario, but their simulated conversations in which they delight to read the minds of potential gains (mostly adapting to recommend just the thoughts given, to give a semblance of effectiveness), making repeated references to instantly erase husbands waiting at home for friends and spy.
short, sad to say, but if you had tied your hopes to use what Aldo Busi called "the drug of the poor" are badly fooled. If you prefer to find a compendium of the best rules for use with the fairer sex taken from Sex and the City & Co. or you can buy this book or ask your friend to fifteen. It will definitely more.
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