Saturday, September 18, 2010
Planetary Pinball- Funbrain
The global elite has launched an operation against a global population unconscious in order to reduce and control their fertility. In order to achieve these objectives have been modificati i vaccini al pari delle principali colture alimentari.
Se tu non riesci a credere che una tale impresa sia possibile o che vi siano esseri umani che ne siano desiderosi e capaci, guarda indietro nel tempo, questo tipo di cospirazione non è nuova; infatti questo tipo di controllo fu idealizzato da Platone circa 2300 anni fa nella sua opera di grande importanza La Repubblica. Platone scrisse che la società dovrebbe essere guidata da una classe dirigente " cui obiettivo sarà quello di mantenere la media della popolazione". Egli inoltre dichiarò:"Ci sono molte altre cose che dovranno prendere in considerazione, come gli effetti delle guerre e delle malattie e ogni intervento simile, al fine di fare il possibile di evitare che lo Stato becomes too large or too small. "
activities of the ruling class in control of the population, says Plato, must be kept secret. He writes:" Now it must be a secret that only the rulers know, or there will be a further danger that our kennel .... broke out in a revolt. "
peeking back in time and history that reveals that there is really nothing new under the sun. What has been done will be done again, and the event global elite of the XXI century has sophisticated tools at its disposal.
The GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization).
The GAVI Alliance, founded in 2000 with the help of the Gates Foundation, aims to vaccinate all the third world. The organizations included the GAVI are listed on the website of the group, and these include:
"National governments of donor countries and countries in developing the Bill and Melinda Gates Children's Vaccine Program, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA ), the Rockefeller Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization (WHO). "
In December 2000, David Rockefeller and William H. Gates Sr., among others, visited the campus of Rockefeller University to take part in a meeting on the theme of "Philanthropy in a Global Century". Mentre era li Gates parlò fervidamente in merito alla sua ispirazione da Rockefeller nella fondazione del GAVI:
Gates disse che "Prendendo guida e ispirazione dal lavoro già svolto dalla Fondazione Rockefeller, la nostra fondazione ha effettivamente avviato la GAVI impegnando 750 milioni di dollari verso qualcosa chiamato Fondo Globale per i Vaccini dei Bambini, uno strumento del GAVI".
Egli elogiò anche la famiglia filantropica del secolo Rockefeller, dicendo:
"Sembra che in ogni nuovo angolo dove ci rivolgiamo, i Rockefeller sono già lì. E in alcuni casi, sono stati lì per un lungo, lungo tempo".
Il fatto che esista un tale congegno globale come il GAVI - nelle mani dei sostenitori del controllo explicit population - for the delivery of vaccines to millions of people around the world, should be disconcerting to say the least, especially in the face of mountains of documentation which demonstrates that the anti-fertility vaccines have been developed and issued by the World Health with the money granted by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Bill Gates reaffirmed the global agenda for population control at a recent TED conference presentation, in which said
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. It is heading towards 9 billion. Now, if we really do a great job on the new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, could be reduced by perhaps 10, or 15 percent. "
vaccine FERTILITY '
As reported by Jurriaan Maessen, The World Health Organization, a partner in the GAVI Alliance, has worked with the World Bank and the Fund for Population Activities UN in the 70s of the twentieth century under the "Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation." The Task Force:
"It acts as a coordinating body in the world for vaccines anti-fertility R & D in the various working groups and supports research on different approaches, such as vaccines and anti-sperm and ovum vaccines designed to neutralize the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype vaccine against hCG.
In 1989 a study was conducted by the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi on the use of 'carriers' such as tetanus toxoid and Diphtheria to bypass the immune system and distribute the hormone Women's called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The research paper was brought to Oxford University Press in 1990 and titled "Bypass by an alternate 'carrier' of Acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with Tetanus-conjugated vaccine." The Rockefeller Foundation is listed in the document as a donor for research.
Through the distribution of HCG in a vaccine against tetanus - which acts as a carrier - the human body is like the hCG an intruder to create antibodies against it. This has the effect of sterilizing women who receive the vaccine, and in many cases is a miscarriage when administered during pregnancy. Shortly after they were successfully developed anti-fertility vaccines, vaccines against tetanus containing hCG were deployed through various third world countries. Many of these countries were specifically targeted in the document taken to reduce the population of the U.S. government called the National Security Memorandum 200, 1974. The document on the date of 1974 recommended that the "injectable contraceptives" should receive more funding.
Following the widespread use of vaccines covered the anti-fertility Passed in 1995 a BBC documentary entitled "The Human Laboratory". It was here exposed the discovery of vaccines with tetanus toxoid "contaminated" and the subsequent sterilization of women in the Philippines.
The following are excerpts from the BBC:
Maria Pilar Verzosa: Women were never told why they had taken the tetanus had effects on us? Our fertility cycles have all been polluted, some of the women among us have had bleeding and miscarriages, some have lost their children at a very initial stage. Symptoms may come immediately after the tetanus vaccination, some the next day, others within a week. For those who were pregnant three or four months of the miscarriage was really scary.
Maria Pilar Verzosa: I began to suspect that this is what really happens here in the Philippines. They tied the vials of tetanus toxoid with Beta HCG.
Maria Pilar Verzosa: Oh boy there's really something when this came out of my fax. Report on the concentration of HCG in vials of vaccine. Three of the four bottles were recorded positive for HCG, so, as my suspicions lead me to say, here in our country they are not only planning to administer tetanus vaccines to our women, but they are also giving infertility .
According to the local population
Akha in Thailand, pregnant women are forced to receive vaccines - including tetanus - in order to obtain ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results in miscarriage. In the video below, Matthew McDaniel, an activist for human rights who has worked with the Akha people in Thailand, talking with two Akha women of the vaccine against tetanus and forced abortions resulting.
The rural populations of the Third World have taken the possible effects of vaccination. Their fears are dismissed as "rumors" or "mild" by the mainstream press is missing to report on the previous research demonstrated the anti-fertility vaccines. Often those reassuring that vaccines are safe are the very organizations engaged in efforts on the reduction of the population. A 2006 press release of UNICEF (United Nation Children Fund), which is involved with the vaccination of many third world countries, cites the Assistant Project Officer for Health in the South Ethiopia Nations, Tersit Assefa:
"In other places women at this age they are often far away," said Ms. Tersit. "All sorts of bad rumors going around the fact that the injections will sterilize or feel bad in some way. But here, the village elders are in agreement. They are here, encouraging women to come forward."
While the needle is a clear and visible form of vaccination, new technologies have been developed with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The edible vaccines, according to the Journal of Medical Microbiology, will be more acceptable alternative to needles in socio-cultural. In other words, people will be less resistant to a common eating banana rather than get a shot in the arm. The Journal says the new technology of edible vaccines can serve the dual purpose of birth control. This states:
"Edible vaccines hold great promise because of the vaccine delivery system affordable, easy to administer, easy to stow, secure and easily acceptable to the socio culturale, soprattutto nei paesi poveri in via di sviluppo. Essi coinvolgono l'introduzione di selezionati geni desiderati all'interno di piante, inducendo poi queste piante alterate a produrre le proteine codificate. Introdotto come concetto circa una decina di anni fa, è diventato oggi una realtà. Sono stati sviluppati una moltitudine di sistemi di consegna. Inizialmente pensati per essere utili solo per prevenire le malattie infettive, essi hanno anche trovato applicazione nella prevenzione delle malattie autoimmuni, il controllo delle nascite, la terapia del cancro, ecc."
La guerra contro la popolazione è uno sforzo corrente da parte dell'élite globale. Questa è una operazione veramente di portata massiccia, ma se viviamo our lives in fear of what the future may hold there, we allow to be defeated. Let your awareness of the situation to guide you in making positive changes. We still have the power to raise awareness among our fellow beings and believed that despite what the elite, they do not have a monopoly on the future.
Original source (Eng): 20news/vaccinate_the_world.htm
Cubefield- Coffee Table
"Let's face it: at this point the 'Europe has in recent years, worrying signs of uncertainty. I am thinking in particular, the choice of some European leaders not to recognize the Judeo-Christian roots of our culture, refusing - at the time - to make reference in the Constitutional Treaty . "
This phase belongs to our Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and is contained in his letter of reply Angelo Panebianco to Corriere della Sera of 15/09. Frattini is alone, however, the last of the knights of faith that attach to the refusal of many countries in the union to recognize the Christian roots and Judaism as a distinctive feature of the genetic code of the European part (indeed many) problems that Europe is experiencing in the field of immigration, integration, international cooperation, defense of rights and in international relations, especially the latter with the governments of the Islamic world (not a joke).
I am, as usual, end up the victim of malicious and erroneous interpretation due to my being a layman with no dirt or moral God, or do you also read the usual demagogic identity of the many tailors, empty the contents but a strong emotional impact and functional to capture the popular support of many frightened masses and confused, in the context of this clash of civilizations sought (hello Dr. . Huntington)?
Let's analyze this weaving.
cut. is true, Christianity is a recurrent and fundamental trait of all European history. Why not enter into the constitutional treaty but also the Roman roots (I mean the empire, the capital der Caliph) of our continent? The origins of such traits are still found today in the urban structure of many European cities and in laws and constitutions of all countries where the rule of the civil law.
Why not refer the colonial past shared by virtually all countries of the continent - even the spit of land that is Belgium -? After centuries of genocide of indigenous , real or imagined burdens of white men, friendly campaigns od'Algeria Ethiopia, Europe's trade relations still govern the old ties that existed between colony and homeland.
We recall our common Caucasian and Indo-European roots, just to give a touch of ethnic feeling of brotherhood that is missing in the constitution.
Why not mention even for a moment to Nazism and fascism? While the bodies and institutions, like people, make up your character and reach their mature reflection and also in opposition to the tragic events that occurred in the course of its historical path, then we can not fail to note that the totalitarianism of the twentieth century have created the conditions that led to World War II, which, in its tragedy, its conclusion has shaped international institutions, particularly European ones as they are today. How do you play "the Nazi roots of Europe?". (I'm in "Iron On" to avoid misunderstandings)
Finally - but let's plan if we do not want to turn in his grave without the cover could not forget-national Fallaci to do a little hint, when we speak of cultural and historical roots, the game of actions and reactions that for hundreds of years took place on European soil between us and the Muslim world. A game that we saw in some cases debtors of a culture and a knowledge of light-years distant from our time.
But no: the choice is necessarily fall on a single item. None of the above seemed to capture the interest he extensors (in some cases, fortunately, of course). We preferred the Judeo-Christian roots, pace of us evil cultural relativists.
sewing. The choice of the adjective "Christian" m pare vittima di dimenticanze storiche e teologiche . In questo caso i crociati decidono arbitrariamente di eliminare qualsiasi distinzione confessionale all’interno del variegato mondo cristiano, per ridurre tutto ad un denominatore comune che condivida valori universali ed universalmente accettabili. Ma la storia, se la si vuole imporre, occorre anche che non la si nasconda a piacimento. E quella dell’Europa è stata una storia che ha visto la religione cristiana essere protagonista di aspre battaglie fatte di persecuzioni, scissioni, lotte di potere e per il predomino; e poi abiure, apostasie, scismi, tesi e antitesi, roghi, eresie. Dalle persecuzioni dei primi tre secoli dell’era volgare , passando per lo scisma ortodosso e le tesi Luterane, to Calvinist predestination and the "Protestant capitalism" (Webber you not angry '), there is nothing that can be traced back to an idea even and peaceful "Christian European identity," which could become the basis for a' shared ethical or even European policy for peace and integration. Better to be silent on the story instead of "Jews" in our continent, we do the best shape.
Beautiful stuff, but the king is naked. The fact is that I find useless and dangerous to try to tie all our effort to transform Europe in a better place, based on civil rights, political, and cultural opportunities for all, including minorities, starting with "our historical and cultural roots." Even when we refer to the footprint of our constitution I halls Enlightenment, rationalist in me that I am up to the nails, a shiver down my spine. Why not look at our past that we will create a better future, made of tolerance for diversity, of acceptance, respect for freedom and sustainable development, even environmentally. But addressing the real situation, and this quota in the light of only two values \u200b\u200bwhich are truly universal (and I relativist is called, by God!): Common sense and empathy. Certainly not through empty rhetoric slogans that refer passed a reworked and constructed identities.
Pending the sacred texts are no longer burned in the square by preachers of hate in the mood for glory, or read to crowds of voters and creditors in turmoil, but are taken for what they are, evidence of ancient cultures past, to be read with interest the right but also with detachment and laughing at (I confess: I do often), I hope that our politicians (as well as ourselves) begin to make more use of common sense and ethics based on respect for freedom, only recipe to ensure that even those who are different and distant from us, we can observe and imitate.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Different Techdeckgames On The Computer
di Stefania Vignaroli
Nel server 23.87.90 viveva la foto di Silvia. Il mezzo busto sorridente, con lunghi capelli rossi e occhi riparati da un enorme cappello di paglia, è il ricordo di un allegro e spensierato pomeriggio estivo a Sperlonga. Un giorno il ritratto viaggiando lungo i byte dell'etere, vide dall'altra parte dell'autostrada a banda larga, l'immagine di un ragazzo con enormi occhiali da sole immortalato in una posa plastica. “Il solito piacione”- pensa fra sé,- “ il tipo che interessa alla me in carne e ossa.”
A volte le nostre estensioni ci conoscono meglio di quanto pensiamo.
Pochi giorni dopo, infatti, su Facebook, Silvia e Luca stringono amicizia e le due foto cominciano a convivere forzatamente sullo stesso server. I due umani cominciano a chattare, e anche l'alter ego di Luca vorrebbe stringere amicizia ma l'icona di Silvia è un po' restia.
“Ti va se dopo ci andiamo a prendere un aperitivo? conosco un dominio all'angolo mondanissimo” -dice il Luca etereo
“Ma se ancora non sono riuscita neanche a vedere il tuo viso!gli occhiali da sole ti coprono mezza faccia!”
“ Mica è colpa mia!Luca mi presenta così, che devo fare?mamma mia che acida hai il ciclo?”
“E secondo te Silvia metterebbe mai una foto in cui è gonfia, e con i brufoli su questo programma?si vede che non conosci le women! "
" Do as you please, I have over 100 contacts I'm going to have a drink with Giulia
"Bravo, even though she can see only the front, you can serve the same light?" Luke is not
more connected and the picture begins to reflect the sea. Perhaps he exaggerated but it feels tight in those albums made ad hoc showing not only a part of her, but smaller. Asks why human beings are unaware of their wealth and envy them because they have heat. The warmth of the body, breath, smell, often hidden behind huge flat screens.
That night, the pc remains on Silvia, is downloading music, and the girl virtual an idea. He began to browse through the records of the girl who breathes, and find a folder with pictures in my pajamas, hair is not styled and face make-up, is in the kitchen doing breakfast, avergliela dad has taken a Sunday morning.
the guards and for the first time it is recognized.
Without hesitation, the spreads on the web.
The day after Luke returns to the node with the usual sunglasses and a nice dragon tattoo on his shoulder.
"Hello acid, cute teddy bears shirt. I, too, despite a slightly squinting eyes are not bad you know? "
" As soon as the "fake me" if you will notice will think of a virus and will reset the pc, I am finally free from its insecurities. Cross-eyed? thank goodness at least there is someone else on this site that hosts millions of copies! However, for me you could have up to three, the glasses are tattooed with the dragon? "
" Yogurt expired waiting here ... "- Luke replied sarcastically
few minutes later, the boy next to her, is no longer tan, the tattoo is covered by a simple white t-shirt and wearing glasses that they discover the face.
"This is me! Luca fear, has pure self, not me ... "
complete darkness.
The connection is broken, the two find themselves after many cannons, dispersed in a knot on the outskirts of the web. The lights of the domains, URLs, away from them.
"Where are we now?"-The demand picture is still upset by Silvia somersaults
"The cities that dot the Internet is there, we have reset and trashed! I threw my street can not believe it! "- Answered Luke jpg
" I'm sorry .... I see you finally! your beautiful brown eyes ...."
"And since you have all those freckles?"
"Since I do not trick" - and laughed together.
"is still valid, an aperitif?"
"I do not know the area, but I am sure we will find a local" mondanissimo "- Luke opens his arms, pointing the way, looks at this Barrier-free time - after her "true image of reality "....
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Rotator Cuff Symptoms More Condition_symptoms
continue my close discussion with the Italian average, after the interruption of TV football, on immigration.
learn, in fact, with little surprise but much joy, that the Swedish Bosnian Ibrahimovic scored yet another double win in the league, which promises to replicate the Teutonic on Wednesday against Bayern. At this point rises in me the hope that the news well have my partner, so as to make it more likely to accept my reasons, or better yet, to forget and let me talk to my religious rites based on caffeine. Me miserable.
Before I can utter a word, the "average" turned back and resumed the left dangling: "And anyway, they bring a lot of crime. Do not you look newspapers?". It
admitting, ironically, the reality of the statement of my friend, we should again consider the problem of seeking a source of evil to which we refer. If we assist with the importation of huge proportions of crime to be outside the boundaries of this is because the world around us is inhabited by beings devoted to the nature of evil and capable only for lack of any ability, to commit a crime, or rather Italy sta diventando una sorta di far west legale dove, sia autoctoni che immigrati possono compiere malefatte di ogni genere senza incontrare la giusta opposizione del sistema giuridico e normativo? L’alto tasso di delinquenza del nostro paese, unito al raffronto con le situazioni di paesi molto più aperti all’accoglienza e con una percentuale di immigrati sulla popolazione più alta , quali Svezia, Germania Gran Bretagna, che non si trovano a dover far fronte alle stesse dimensioni di tale piaga, farebbero propendere per la seconda ipotesi.
Cerco di cogliere l’assist fornitomi dal suo silenzio (vocale e di pensiero) per stuzzicarlo con l’argomento morale, a cui dovrebbe essere sensibile uno dei tanti “italiani good people "as stated by the absent-minded expression, then you do not think that is a crime to raise cataracts in front of a mass of desperate people ready to risk their lives crossing the seas of water, seas of sand and seas of traffickers, in order to find the hope? How many of the repatriated refugees are fleeing civil wars and political persecution, ethnic or religious?
Cataracts Symptoms More Condition_treatment
The fixed agitated, hoping it will not stop the rest of my daily coffee. I'm talking about him, the average Italian. He is sitting at the next table, wearing a green Lacoste intolerance, look dazed, on the LCD of the bar, a Tg of a national channel. In disturbing wave is a service that screams alarmed steelworks forget, workers in revolt, ministers silent, lost cities, rattles off numbers, hurts with sharp minds and embarrassing statistics reports.
Eventually he does, he turns to me, the only other customer, and after having seriously affected assured that no, he's not a racist, finally tells me:
At this point I would like him to present what most informed people about us, come gli economisti della Banca d’Italia, hanno riscontrato nelle loro ricerche: ovvero che quel che dice corrisponde ad una panzana . Starei lì lì per porgli una semplice e sibillina domanda a conferma di quanto affermato dagli economisti: ” quante, tra le amiche di tua moglie, passano le proprie giornate a bussare di porta in porta per cercare un impiego come badante?” o magari “conosci qualcuno degli amici di tuo figlio che nelle lunghe pause universitarie, tra una lamentela per un esame non passato e uno sbuffo per un altro ancora da dare, si dichiari pronto ad abbandonare tutto per trascorre 16 ore al giorno alla guida di un Tir?”. Lascio perdere e decido di dar credito alla sua apodittica assunzione. The pose, however, a question that starts the debate. If it is true that we "steal" some of our jobs, this means that in Italy there is an offer to hire job ready.
Qualsiasi sia delle due la risposta al nostro dilemma, l’immigrato risulta essere solo l’ultimo meccanismo di una macchina che trova l’origine del suo movimento in fattori molto più complessi e di nostra responsabilità . Tra l’altro, un meccanismo ben oliato che, anzi, permette alla “macchina economica Italia” di muoversi ancora nonostante tutto. L’immigrato, clandestino o meno, comunitario o non, diventa, come sempre nella storia, il facile bersaglio di proclami demagogici e populisti di una classe executive who is suddenly losing support. The proverbial finger that is fixed while pointing at the moon.
The average Italian watches me, even a fixed somewhere on my face, and shakes his head sadly.