"Let's face it: at this point the 'Europe has in recent years, worrying signs of uncertainty. I am thinking in particular, the choice of some European leaders not to recognize the Judeo-Christian roots of our culture, refusing - at the time - to make reference in the Constitutional Treaty . "
This phase belongs to our Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and is contained in his letter of reply Angelo Panebianco to Corriere della Sera of 15/09. Frattini is alone, however, the last of the knights of faith that attach to the refusal of many countries in the union to recognize the Christian roots and Judaism as a distinctive feature of the genetic code of the European part (indeed many) problems that Europe is experiencing in the field of immigration, integration, international cooperation, defense of rights and in international relations, especially the latter with the governments of the Islamic world (not a joke).
I am, as usual, end up the victim of malicious and erroneous interpretation due to my being a layman with no dirt or moral God, or do you also read the usual demagogic identity of the many tailors, empty the contents but a strong emotional impact and functional to capture the popular support of many frightened masses and confused, in the context of this clash of civilizations sought (hello Dr. . Huntington)?
Let's analyze this weaving.
cut. is true, Christianity is a recurrent and fundamental trait of all European history. Why not enter into the constitutional treaty but also the Roman roots (I mean the empire, the capital der Caliph) of our continent? The origins of such traits are still found today in the urban structure of many European cities and in laws and constitutions of all countries where the rule of the civil law.
Why not refer the colonial past shared by virtually all countries of the continent - even the spit of land that is Belgium -? After centuries of genocide of indigenous , real or imagined burdens of white men, friendly campaigns od'Algeria Ethiopia, Europe's trade relations still govern the old ties that existed between colony and homeland.
We recall our common Caucasian and Indo-European roots, just to give a touch of ethnic feeling of brotherhood that is missing in the constitution.
Why not mention even for a moment to Nazism and fascism? While the bodies and institutions, like people, make up your character and reach their mature reflection and also in opposition to the tragic events that occurred in the course of its historical path, then we can not fail to note that the totalitarianism of the twentieth century have created the conditions that led to World War II, which, in its tragedy, its conclusion has shaped international institutions, particularly European ones as they are today. How do you play "the Nazi roots of Europe?". (I'm in "Iron On" to avoid misunderstandings)
Finally - but let's plan if we do not want to turn in his grave without the cover could not forget-national Fallaci to do a little hint, when we speak of cultural and historical roots, the game of actions and reactions that for hundreds of years took place on European soil between us and the Muslim world. A game that we saw in some cases debtors of a culture and a knowledge of light-years distant from our time.
But no: the choice is necessarily fall on a single item. None of the above seemed to capture the interest he extensors (in some cases, fortunately, of course). We preferred the Judeo-Christian roots, pace of us evil cultural relativists.
sewing. The choice of the adjective "Christian" m pare vittima di dimenticanze storiche e teologiche . In questo caso i crociati decidono arbitrariamente di eliminare qualsiasi distinzione confessionale all’interno del variegato mondo cristiano, per ridurre tutto ad un denominatore comune che condivida valori universali ed universalmente accettabili. Ma la storia, se la si vuole imporre, occorre anche che non la si nasconda a piacimento. E quella dell’Europa è stata una storia che ha visto la religione cristiana essere protagonista di aspre battaglie fatte di persecuzioni, scissioni, lotte di potere e per il predomino; e poi abiure, apostasie, scismi, tesi e antitesi, roghi, eresie. Dalle persecuzioni dei primi tre secoli dell’era volgare , passando per lo scisma ortodosso e le tesi Luterane, to Calvinist predestination and the "Protestant capitalism" (Webber you not angry '), there is nothing that can be traced back to an idea even and peaceful "Christian European identity," which could become the basis for a' shared ethical or even European policy for peace and integration. Better to be silent on the story instead of "Jews" in our continent, we do the best shape.
Beautiful stuff, but the king is naked. The fact is that I find useless and dangerous to try to tie all our effort to transform Europe in a better place, based on civil rights, political, and cultural opportunities for all, including minorities, starting with "our historical and cultural roots." Even when we refer to the footprint of our constitution I halls Enlightenment, rationalist in me that I am up to the nails, a shiver down my spine. Why not look at our past that we will create a better future, made of tolerance for diversity, of acceptance, respect for freedom and sustainable development, even environmentally. But addressing the real situation, and this quota in the light of only two values \u200b\u200bwhich are truly universal (and I relativist is called, by God!): Common sense and empathy. Certainly not through empty rhetoric slogans that refer passed a reworked and constructed identities.
Pending the sacred texts are no longer burned in the square by preachers of hate in the mood for glory, or read to crowds of voters and creditors in turmoil, but are taken for what they are, evidence of ancient cultures past, to be read with interest the right but also with detachment and laughing at (I confess: I do often), I hope that our politicians (as well as ourselves) begin to make more use of common sense and ethics based on respect for freedom, only recipe to ensure that even those who are different and distant from us, we can observe and imitate.
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