Sunday, February 20, 2011

Churchletter Head Templates

Paul's article on Freedom Slaves


Friday, February 11, 2011

“celebrating Orgasm

"My Name is Queen" in the Giornale di Sicilia


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Used Laser Sailboat Hawaii


It 's a shame!

I would like to remind all justice-the last hour, to the many members of the party of hate , ready to sink into the soft flesh of their sharp teeth, that Osama bin Laden is innocent until proven contrary, and therefore anyone will accuse him of being involved in the attacks of 11 September 2001, will be liable to prosecution for libel.

I never tire of repeating that boasts Bin-unlike its many detractors- a criminal record to lind as rivers flow in Eden. Never, in fact, a jury has spoken internationally recognized and until the last grade of trial , in the direction of his guilt.
course, some argue, mischievously, that some of his collaborators, including Lashib and Bin Khalid Shaykh Muhammad, have been (in our opinion wrongly) considered in some way responsible for any faults. But Speak, of military tribunals without any validity . Devoted even torture, to extract confessions "spontaneous"! What value can have those opinions? and evidence that there are reports (at most friendship) between them?

In many movies released by Osama lying, repeatedly denies any involvement. Are seen over the years, broadcast by TV Western movies that are said to show the contrary. These movies do not exist, and if there are video montages that distrust by forward.

Never, I repeat NEVER, Sheikh and is subtracted from the stern hand of the law. There is talk of escape and hiding rock. False. Osama has only ever asked to be tried his natural judge, neutral and impartial, that he was referring to the only true justice and the people : the Sharia.
Reject instead the persistence of which is subject for decades, by international organizations and ideological sinionisti, victims of a Western attempt to undermine the will of Islamic people.
then rejects the jurisdiction of those, who are as foreign outside their jurisdiction.
E 'a the fact that it is blown 1998-13-long years that the authorities ideologized Western attempt at any cost to overthrow the power of the sheik Laden has won through his sacrifices, and to undermine the sovereign authority of states as sovereigns such as Afghanistan.
13 years doggedly trying every means to violate illegal freedom and privacy of Osama , but to prevent it fulfill its liberal Islamic revolution, for which hundreds of thousands of cheering Muslims around the world.
E 'as an indisputable fact that Bin Laden is the most persecuted man World . Simple envy.

His detractors are forgotten - or try to make you forget-how in the '80s he was a great friend of the West, and has succeeded where the West failed to , countering the communist invasion in on the battlefield.
ideological media portray him as a criminal . but if the middle east is in these harsh conditions to blame Western colonialism and the legacy that he left us by the Zionist past .
and how can we forget, then, that Bin Laden will have removed the ICI and has eliminated the problem of waste from Campania??

Gianluca Tdc

The Black Death Symptoms

dickhead: A BETRAYAL

a quick observation about why you would do well Marchionne to move the command center of Fiat from Torino, Italy and more generally, and why accuse him of betrayal and misplaced.

The national identity of a company, or rather, its territorial identification, not now (about a hundred years for the truth) is no longer any sense. Thinking of how to define the Swiss Nestle or Google as an American, it would be a nonsense. that have a geographical significance, for obvious reasons, the location of the various business units that make up the body in the context of globalization: the administration here, some factories there, etc.. National states are inserted, with greater or lesser extent, within this mechanism, to influence the choices of placement firms, and do so through different means. Some of these are legal, lawful and correct - in essence, through targeted public spending, low tax burden and red tape and fast-light and other less legal and legitimate - corporatism, protectionism, blindness to the dumping, complicity in repealing the rights alvor ... -. Obvious that a modern state to act virtuously will atraverso the first, since the latter are certainly not sustainable for a community. The first in today's vehicles are still on site (at best) while the latter, although quite active and popular, do nothing but reward those who escapes to freedom of capitalist competition, rewarding the monopolists and those rules do not respects.

why Marchionne is good to escape. It is also why I recommend it to anyone who has any means to assert themselves in a way, to do the same. But this is an argument that I intend to deal with another post soon.

Gianluca Tdc

Monday, February 7, 2011

Presents For Stroke Patients


IF you can call things by their name, it must be said that the world of the Knight can be traced in a couple of lines of a dirty story by Eric Ambler. In that book there is a character - Arthur Abdel Simpson - who as a child remembers the advice he received from his father: "One of his first lessons was: never tell a lie if you can get by dint of crap." [...] continues to read

Giuseppe D'Avanzo taken from the Republic of February 4, 2011

Old Woodsman Fly Dope

work ennobles man. that paid even more

this is a comment emanuele Sbardella interesting article on the topic of internships underpaid, released on his on his blog, and that in turn wants to be a critical reading of another, Stephen Felts, appearing in the online version of the daily show and the title "Scam stage"

Article di emanuele e quello qui sotto linkato. Vi invito a leggerlo prima di passare alle mia piccol riflessione.

ogni tipologia di contratto lavorativo dovrebbe avere, chiara e in calce, la sua ragione d'essere.E dovrebbe averla per entrambi gli attori interessati alla stipula. Lo stage troverebbe la sua ratio nel permettere di collocare un giovane alle prime esperienze lavorative, all'interno di un contesto organizzativo, al fine di permetterli un percorso di APPRENDIMENTO che abbia poi come sbocco un definitivo ( iperbole per contratto a tempo determinato)l'inserimento pienamente integrato del lavoratore stesso. i vantaggi sarebbero ovvi per entrambi.

now instead of the internship experience is to play for a short period but the most humble tasks needed to run a company, the latter avoiding the burden of hiring a new employee. unilateral advantages.

if this comes down to the stage ("Steig" Stasch "placement ...) the wage claim is discovered need

we must not resign ourselves to the status quo, much less invoke-class revolutions intended to modify the system capitalist production, and bal-blaismi.

solutions inherent in the "terrible" "turbo" there are liberal and globalist, and end all under the label "competition"

Gianluca TDC

Bladder Prolapse More Condition_treatment


Open now the debate in the formula "Question time" to free the parliament of the Republic of the Internet for "I'm not my own." Minister responds to the Implementation of the Sovversivocomunistaantiliberaleanarchicosinistroidegiustizialistagolpista:

1 - Those have been minors but were also more than aware of what they did. I do not see what crime he has my berlu '[argument Sticazzi 1].

Worldwide, there are certainly even 12enni sexually emancipated, keenly aware of (and often willing to use) their sexual potential. This is not a reason to eliminate the crime of child prostitution. E 'own capacity circuit exploiting a minor and it is these drives "not polite" to make the crime so serious. Of course then if you are willing / and send your daughter / niece / sister to drink "Diet Coke" because it is a straight, a "loose cannon" ...

2 - What it does not interest us at home, well enough that governments [Sticazzi 2].

Really? The anomaly that makes the "best president in the last 150 years'" the worst choice we could do, is that precisely because of its unique position (in Italy and the world) of incumbent contractor, on whose head hang dozens of judicial and conditions often dubious, which is constantly in the position of having to fold and raping the judiciary and the legislature to save your ass, with the natural corollary to distort the law already ingrained in our country, which affects all noi.

3- Di quello che fa sotto le lenzuola, a noi italiani non frega nulla [sticazzismo 3]

Berlu’ è accusato di 2 reati: sfruttamento della prostituzione e CONCUSSIONE. Quest’ultimo non ha nulla a che vedere con le agitate lenzuola di Arcore. Concussione significa che Berlusconi ha sfruttato la sua “qualità” di Presidente del consiglio per distogliere un funzionario pubblico (quelli che paghiamo noi per svolgere il loro mestiere) dai propri doveri, al fine di assecondare la propria volontà. Avete presente i concorsi pubblici nei quali…

4- Si ma il funzionario della questura ha dichiarato di non essersi felt threatened by the call of berlu ', then there can be no concession extorted. [1 topic Ghedini]

sure the graft is only when the extorted feels threatened?

5 - The crime is the responsibility of the court of Ministers. [Topic Ghedini 2]

But where did all this legal security? The offense of bribery is performed in the capacity of president, not its mission. Unless one does not tell me how to intervene to free an underage prostitute and illegal within the powers of a prime minister.

6 - He did it because it is filled with Christian charity and generosity compulsive. [Topic caritas]

Ok. There I read the story by this point: the Prime Minister, became aware of a peripatetic Brazilian assiduous that they go to the home is accused of theft to the police station, seized by one of his "many" fit of generosity that mark, call at least 2 times by police officer in charge of this case that the girl, "which was pointed as the nephew of Mubarak" (recorded, but it was not a hardship raped by uncles ???), it would be better if it were released. Two hours after the girl is released and delivered to Nicole Minetti which, in turn, handed over to a prostitute and goes. At that point, the spirit of charitable berlu 'dissolve like mist, and the destiny of the girl does not care anymore. It is, moreover, in the safe hands of a prostitute. We want to put a bucket on his head??

7 - The judges, instead of dealing with more important things and the good of the country, have made substantial use of public resources to intercept since January Berlusconi and hundreds of other people. [Taxpayer's argument]

False. The investigations and the corresponding intercepts are begun after 27 magus 2010 - data della telefonata di berlu’ in questura- . Sono state coordinate da 3 pubblici ministeri, ed hanno impegnato per tutta la durata 10 agenti, i quali hanno intercettato circa 100 persone su di una trentina di utenze. Per le perquisizioni, avvenute contemporaneamente in diversi luoghi, sono stati mobilitati 30 agenti. Sta di fatto che i magistrati non devono agire “nel bene del paese” o per assecondare “la volontà” dei cittadini, ma per perseguire reati o persino prevenirli.

8- Il nostro berlu’ è vittima da 17 anni di persecuzioni giudiziarie, attuate da giudici “commmunisti”. Ecco la verità! [argomento fumus persecutionis]

The phrase most emblematic and explanatory information about the case, has formulated our own Prime Minister - speaking by phone (but it should be?) In a televised debate, which more or less read:

or there are prosecutors who are politicized for years trying to subvert the popular vote through court action, or I would be most criminal president of the West!

To answer this question I would appeal to the infamous "Occam's Razor" which states that "among various possible explanations of a thing is the simplest one that has a better chance of being true." Let us read together with the assumption of the premier English monk: it is more likely to be about 20'anni dozens of prosecutors, led by dozens of Pm of all backgrounds, have coalesced to secretly subvert the popular vote, with no clear advantage and material, other than to satisfy their perverted communist, attacking the most protected man in the world, or that President Berlusconi, one of the richest men in Italy, has entered into politics to avoid being condemned by them? Mah!

9 - The fact remains that Berlusconi was voted by the majority of citizens! [Topic plebiscite]

Oh yeah, almost forgot! And 'that I do not remember him often. But in the majority is a majority-election on: if 13,629,464 people voted berlu '(and is expected to do it again), 36,628,070 have not done so. But it is also their president, and one of them has a serious responsibility. B-even Hitler, Milosevic, Hamas, Chavez, (maybe) Ahmadinejad had their consecration popular in some cases with results that would dwarf our Napoleon's makeup, perhaps - but this history there has not been able to say-i top of the list would have also been re-elected. This has made them good ruler, or even strardinaria statistics? Li has absolved from their sins? C-in any liberal democracy, the rule of law and institutions is and must be, above the changing will of the people, that is why che esiste una costituzione, la quale è stata resa “semiri-rigida” e difficile da modificare dai suoi straordinari estensori! Se il popolo desiderasse instaurare la pena di morte o il divieto di sciopero o di espressione religiosa?

10- Sarà, ma Il nostro presidente ci ha abbassato le tasse, mica come quelli della sinistra! [argomento homo oeconomicus]

Ah be’, quando le preoccupazioni di uno stato , in tema di diritti, legalità, valori etic,i politici e sociali si riducono a questo, poso spada e scudo e non ho più nulla da dire. Anzi…


Ps Bertlusconi, che se ne dica, non è liberale, non è di destra ma soprattutto NON è ANTI-COMUNISTA

Gianluca TDC del Rio