Open now the debate in the formula "Question time" to free the parliament of the Republic of the Internet for "I'm not my own." Minister responds to the Implementation of the Sovversivocomunistaantiliberaleanarchicosinistroidegiustizialistagolpista:
1 - Those have been minors but were also more than aware of what they did. I do not see what crime he has my berlu '[argument Sticazzi 1].
Worldwide, there are certainly even 12enni sexually emancipated, keenly aware of (and often willing to use) their sexual potential. This is not a reason to eliminate the crime of child prostitution. E 'own capacity circuit exploiting a minor and it is these drives "not polite" to make the crime so serious. Of course then if you are willing / and send your daughter / niece / sister to drink "Diet Coke" because it is a straight, a "loose cannon" ...
2 - What it does not interest us at home, well enough that governments [Sticazzi 2].
Really? The anomaly that makes the "best president in the last 150 years'" the worst choice we could do, is that precisely because of its unique position (in Italy and the world) of incumbent contractor, on whose head hang dozens of judicial and conditions often dubious, which is constantly in the position of having to fold and raping the judiciary and the legislature to save your ass, with the natural corollary to distort the law already ingrained in our country, which affects all noi.
3- Di quello che fa sotto le lenzuola, a noi italiani non frega nulla [sticazzismo 3]
Berlu’ è accusato di 2 reati: sfruttamento della prostituzione e CONCUSSIONE. Quest’ultimo non ha nulla a che vedere con le agitate lenzuola di Arcore. Concussione significa che Berlusconi ha sfruttato la sua “qualità” di Presidente del consiglio per distogliere un funzionario pubblico (quelli che paghiamo noi per svolgere il loro mestiere) dai propri doveri, al fine di assecondare la propria volontà. Avete presente i concorsi pubblici nei quali…
4- Si ma il funzionario della questura ha dichiarato di non essersi felt threatened by the call of berlu ', then there can be no concession extorted. [1 topic Ghedini]
sure the graft is only when the extorted feels threatened?
5 - The crime is the responsibility of the court of Ministers. [Topic Ghedini 2]
But where did all this legal security? The offense of bribery is performed in the capacity of president, not its mission. Unless one does not tell me how to intervene to free an underage prostitute and illegal within the powers of a prime minister.
6 - He did it because it is filled with Christian charity and generosity compulsive. [Topic caritas]
Ok. There I read the story by this point: the Prime Minister, became aware of a peripatetic Brazilian assiduous that they go to the home is accused of theft to the police station, seized by one of his "many" fit of generosity that mark, call at least 2 times by police officer in charge of this case that the girl, "which was pointed as the nephew of Mubarak" (recorded, but it was not a hardship raped by uncles ???), it would be better if it were released. Two hours after the girl is released and delivered to Nicole Minetti which, in turn, handed over to a prostitute and goes. At that point, the spirit of charitable berlu 'dissolve like mist, and the destiny of the girl does not care anymore. It is, moreover, in the safe hands of a prostitute. We want to put a bucket on his head??
7 - The judges, instead of dealing with more important things and the good of the country, have made substantial use of public resources to intercept since January Berlusconi and hundreds of other people. [Taxpayer's argument]
False. The investigations and the corresponding intercepts are begun after 27 magus 2010 - data della telefonata di berlu’ in questura- . Sono state coordinate da 3 pubblici ministeri, ed hanno impegnato per tutta la durata 10 agenti, i quali hanno intercettato circa 100 persone su di una trentina di utenze. Per le perquisizioni, avvenute contemporaneamente in diversi luoghi, sono stati mobilitati 30 agenti. Sta di fatto che i magistrati non devono agire “nel bene del paese” o per assecondare “la volontà” dei cittadini, ma per perseguire reati o persino prevenirli.
8- Il nostro berlu’ è vittima da 17 anni di persecuzioni giudiziarie, attuate da giudici “commmunisti”. Ecco la verità! [argomento fumus persecutionis]
The phrase most emblematic and explanatory information about the case, has formulated our own Prime Minister - speaking by phone (but it should be?) In a televised debate, which more or less read:
or there are prosecutors who are politicized for years trying to subvert the popular vote through court action, or I would be most criminal president of the West!
To answer this question I would appeal to the infamous "Occam's Razor" which states that "among various possible explanations of a thing is the simplest one that has a better chance of being true." Let us read together with the assumption of the premier English monk: it is more likely to be about 20'anni dozens of prosecutors, led by dozens of Pm of all backgrounds, have coalesced to secretly subvert the popular vote, with no clear advantage and material, other than to satisfy their perverted communist, attacking the most protected man in the world, or that President Berlusconi, one of the richest men in Italy, has entered into politics to avoid being condemned by them? Mah!
9 - The fact remains that Berlusconi was voted by the majority of citizens! [Topic plebiscite]
Oh yeah, almost forgot! And 'that I do not remember him often. But in the majority is a majority-election on: if 13,629,464 people voted berlu '(and is expected to do it again), 36,628,070 have not done so. But it is also their president, and one of them has a serious responsibility. B-even Hitler, Milosevic, Hamas, Chavez, (maybe) Ahmadinejad had their consecration popular in some cases with results that would dwarf our Napoleon's makeup, perhaps - but this history there has not been able to say-i top of the list would have also been re-elected. This has made them good ruler, or even strardinaria statistics? Li has absolved from their sins? C-in any liberal democracy, the rule of law and institutions is and must be, above the changing will of the people, that is why che esiste una costituzione, la quale è stata resa “semiri-rigida” e difficile da modificare dai suoi straordinari estensori! Se il popolo desiderasse instaurare la pena di morte o il divieto di sciopero o di espressione religiosa?
10- Sarà, ma Il nostro presidente ci ha abbassato le tasse, mica come quelli della sinistra! [argomento homo oeconomicus]
Ah be’, quando le preoccupazioni di uno stato , in tema di diritti, legalità, valori etic,i politici e sociali si riducono a questo, poso spada e scudo e non ho più nulla da dire. Anzi…
Ps Bertlusconi, che se ne dica, non è liberale, non è di destra ma soprattutto NON è ANTI-COMUNISTA
Gianluca TDC del Rio
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