How they react U.S. and Israel?
The events follow each other in the Arab World at a rate such as to require constant updating of news. If I had the opportunity to devote all my time to constantly report on the past and present events in Palestine, because the fate of the Palestinian people is my primary concern. And also because it seems that Israel is taking advantage of the fact that the eyes of the world are on the Arab street, to intensify the attacks, newspapers, sull'inerme population of Gaza.

However, the entire Islamic world, unfairly discriminated against and at the same time the West exploit for political purposes and economic worth at the time our fullest attention.

d Replies to have to give their lives for the cause of liberation from the yoke of tyrants supported dall'occidentale, the brave fighters of Libya and other countries in the region.

commented a few days ago, in connection with PressTV, American author and journalist Marc Glenn, founder of the solidarity movement "Crescent and Cross" and an expert on Middle East issues:

Since the Italian media, and not just Italian ones, are stingy with information on the events of the massive movements of revolt in the Arab world, I think it is important to provide short summaries of the news of the day, to add some insights of the single most significant situations . How they react
U.S. and Israel?

How could I have personally consist of the American media following the news of international spread, is an initiative under way for several weeks mass media by Washington, aimed to discredit the Arab riots reminiscent of acts of persecution by both the period of "McCarthyism" was in place when the witch hunts to "flush out" those who were called "enemies of the state", ie sympathizers of the Communist philosophy.

All’iniziativa della Commissione i media americani, compresi quelli a diffusione internazionale, stanno dedicando in questi giorni un’attenzione quasi maniacale, con dibattiti in studio e commenti da parte di figure istituzionali. E dato che nei media è iniziata la campagna elettorale per le elezioni presidenziali del 2012, in maggioranza gli “esperti” invitati a commentare o dibattere sono candidati repubblicani che si presenteranno per le prossime elezioni.
Per tornare all’intervento dell’avvocato Franklin Lamb on the air today on PressTV dedicated to the Arab riots. Commented as follows, the expert in International Law:

Infatti Obama era riuscito a “raccogliere” per la sua campagna elettorale quasi un miliardo di dollari (ufficialmente, ma molto più secondo gli informati), mentre McCain, nonostante sia un irriducibile difensore di Israele (come lo è stata storicamente l’intera McCain dynasty), he could not have garantitire public support for the unscrupulous American foreign policy.
That said, here's the latest - yesterday - of Arab affairs. Those on today, Friday, will follow shortly.

Ciò che Rasmussen omette di menzionare, è che il "supporto regionale" non meglio specificato sarebbe rappresentato dal Consiglio Rivoluzionario, che attualmente agisce da governo ad interim e che ha ripetutamente ed espressamente dichiarato di opporsi a qualsiasi intervento militare dall'esterno.
Si tratta dello stesso Rasmussen che ai tempi in cui era primo ministro danese, ha fortemente appoggiato l'intervento militare della Danimarca in Iraq e Afghanistan. E pochi sono informati sullo scempio compiuto dai militari danesi nel carcere della base militare di Bagram, in Afghanistan.

Il premier del Kuwait è un nipote dello Sceicco al-Sabah ed è stato nominato nel 2006. E' da sempre fortemente osteggiato nel parlamento e durante gli anni del suo governo ci sono stati già 3 rinnovi completi del parlamento e 5 rimpasti del consiglio dei ministri.

The message to the ultra-conservative Saudi government is loud and clear: if you do not come to meet our demands, we blame you for your public crackdown against demonstrators. The message comes on the eve of the event "Day of Wrath" in the squares Saudi scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, March 11.

As I write - almost midnight on Thursday - is a special broadcast from London on the riots in Saudi Arabia, with the expert in Middle Eastern Affairs Christopher Walker commented that the images live from Qatif and are "very concerned" about what happen tomorrow, Friday, March 11. The images show the massive parade of military vehicles that are moving to reach the destinations of cities in which are expected events. A truly terrifying. I'll see if I can find some pictures of the movie aired.
Meanwhile, thousands of Secret Service agents Saudis are preparing to enter the nearby Bahrain, as announced by Saudi King Abdullah to Mr Al Khalifa of Bahrain.

For tomorrow, as every Friday for the start of the Arab revolt, mass demonstrations are expected in all the Arab street. In Saudi Arabia the confrontation in the streets promises to be fiery.


Many hospitalized: 1 dead, hundreds injured. Said Dr. Sami Zaid Hospital of Science and Technology in Sana'a, "we discovered that many in the state of temporary paralysis characteristic of nerve gas, whose use is also prohibited under international conventions.

Prisoners in revolt can take a dozen guards hostage. Are sent to the police, who use tear gas on inmates and hurl themselves gathered in the courtyard of the prison. 60 prisoners were wounded in fighting and 20 agents. During the day the crowd also takes the Saudi Embassy siege calling for the release of Yemeni prisoners held in Saudi Arabia.

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