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After remarkable article by Alberto B. Mariantoni on "Libyan crisis" that is likely to attack Italy, taken by the aggregator article "How Don Quixote," where he reached in less than a day, the 3000 readings, we resume here the publication of the correspondence of Egeria following very attention to foreign channels. Our news programs are worthwhile and badly needed to make people understand the guidelines, which say the disorientation of our government or not government and the boiling impotent and cowardly opposition, who can not wait to replace the current power holders in exchange for watch the "greed of servility" denounced by Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, and constant throughout the war Italian politics since the defeat today. Needless to expect from our media a shred of information, while paying the TV license and print journalists, all assisted at the expense of the taxpayer. Seem more interesting reportages of our correspondent, who is now specializing in hunting and in the sieve to filter the relevant news from foreign channels, including Press TV, Arab TV but also the Anglo-American. Our reading is done during editing. And also the comments of the news themselves.
"President Obama, I will be the next Arab leader to have to resign?"

a brief mention of the most representative cases in some countries, but then the focus will be all for Egypt in a separate chapter. The revolt is entering a critical phase and delicate is the ongoing attempt to deprive citizens revolution with maneuvers politiche ingannevoli, ma gli egiziani sono vigili e si ribellano con determinazione. Gli eventi precipitano, anche in queste ore.
Tutti i rivoltosi nelle piazze arabe, oltre ad avanzare richieste specifiche in merito ad un cambiamento radicale dei governi, chiedono quasi unanimemente le dimissioni dei loro capi di stato. Ma in proposito è importante specificare un aspetto fondamentale.

The expert in Middle Eastern issues Hesham Tillawi, a Palestinian who emigrated to the U.S. that states in alternative media on the Palestinian question, comments a few days ago on PressTV:
Appena avrò il tempo, tradurrò uno degli interventi davvero interessanti di Tillawi registrato sul sito di PressTV."I'm not the Arab heads of state to decide whether or not to cede to the demands of the people to resign. And 'the United States that orders arrive on who should stay, and who it deve andare perché un successore è già pronto ad impersonare un presunto “cambio di guardia”. Faccio un esempio emblematico: quando è “caduto” Mubarak, il re Abdullah II di Giordania ha chiamato Obama al telefono chiedendo “Signor Presidente, avrei bisogno di sapere se sarò io il prossimo leader arabo a doversi dimettere.”

fought relentlessly for weeks in all Yemeni cities against the brutal security forces loyal to the regime of Ali Abdullah Sahleh, in power for 33 years. 6 dead, dozens injured the budget of the last two days. Unlike other Arab countries in revolt, the citizens are not advancing specific requests: simply and insistently ask for the resignation of the dictator.

said yesterday Britain's George Galloway (founder of the famous "Long live Palestine" and host of two programs on PressTV):
For the next days events are planned just opposite the imposing American Embassy and the UN."That's the hypocrisy of Western powers:" In Libya there's with warships, submarines and helicopters to threaten military intervention. In Bahrain and Yemen, however, U.S. forces are already present with military bases, including 5 and 6 to Fleet in the Navy, but here clearly support the dictators is more important than the blood shed by populations, and the forces of the Empire no sign of action in favor of the rebels. "



"In a desperate attempt to avoid U.S. military involvement in Libya (also due to the strong military involvement in other parts of the world, says another article) where fighting between the Gaddafi regime and its opponents were to be extended, the U.S. has asked Saudi Arabia to supply weapons to rebels in Benghazi. The Saudi kingdom, already committed to cope with the "Day of Wrath" held by the Shiite community for the next Friday, with the banning of all public events, not for now responded to the request highly confidential (!!!) of Washington, despite the Saudi king secretly detest the Libyan leader, who tried to assassinate him about a year ago.
"... The Saudis are the only Arab ally of the United States in a strategic position to be able to supply weapons to guerrillas in Libya. The Saudi assistance would allow Washington to deny any U.S. military involvement in the supply chain - even if the weapons would be paid by the Americans and Saudis. (Remember the recent contract for the sale of American arms to Saudi Arabia for a record $ 60 billion, ndt) -
"... For several days now, the American AWACS surveillance planes are flying over Libya in constant contact with air traffic control in Malta ... getting details about trips made in the last 48 hours by private jet Gaddafi, who has made a return flights in Jordan before the weekend.
"... The organizers of the protests Saudi provide a demonstration of 20,000 people with women in the front row. ... If the Saudi government agrees to the demands of Washington for supplying weapons and missiles, it will be impossible for Obama to condemn the Saudi king for any violence against the Shiite demonstrators
... "It 's so that a few hours in the Arab Revolt, the struggle for democracy in North Africa, the Shiite protest against Gaddafi el'insurrezione are having to deal directly with the American military priorities in the region. "

other proof of operations for intelligence operations in Libya, in place by Western powers, is an episode in recent days.

According to an article in the Sunday Times the unexpected presence of the SAS and the British diplomat "sent on a rampage the Libyan opposition, which has confined the soldiers in a military base" in Benghazi. It seems that the diplomat would confer with the anti-government forces.
The rebels have said that the Libyan British soldiers carried weapons and maps, and passports

However, the National Revolutionary Council, recently officially established as the current transition government has refused negotiations with the British delegation that secretly infiltrated the territory without making arrangements for a meeting. The Council adds that the delegation will be sent back to you in London.

Meanwhile the British Government has put into the stand by "the army for a possible military intervention to be made on the request within 24 hours.

While yesterday's news that has been captured in British waters a ship bound for Libya carrying $ 160 million in Libyan currency to be delivered to the Libyan leader, referring to the UK authorities.
Enter this "post" and follow the short report on recent events in Egypt, which currently are of interest priority in many respects.
Speaking of the British soldiers captured in Libya and the consignor : 
... continue ...
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