Mi rendo conto di quanto sia pericoloso entrare in polemica con Certi Signori, ma quel che è troppo è troppo. In intervention at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, has been debated, very animated, the story of Zionist colonialism, I supported a view that will go below and developed and expressed, if there will be no need. Who in the fifties he attended elementary school Italian received some education and the Italian national sentiment . There was no class in the worship of the flag. You do not start classes singing the anthem of Italy. The national sentiment was not a form of religion that was going to replace the Catholic education of all the classes I attended. The charm is finished, however, since another man was able to say with impunity that he wished to make use of the Italian flag.
So, who's culture and historical memory has been thought that perhaps it was better to stay Bourbon, Papal, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, etc.. But it was unclear what was meant by the word "Renaissance", but then give the content more convenient to come back for very clear tasks of propaganda and legitimation of a incurable illegality. With "Risorgimento" each of us - student in the Fifties of the Twentieth Century - intended and felt that where previously there were Bourbon, Papal, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, etc, there would be after first "Italian", if not solely and exclusively Italian.
Nobody thought to have "Italian" would be "ethnically cleansed" of Calabria, Tuscany, Piedmont, Veneto, etc.., And in their place you would have these triumphal entry "Italians." The deep local roots of the population pre-unification was not even remotely in question. It was simply inconceivable that someone could drive from his home, his country, in the name of 'Italian' and that this filthy operation could be called "Risorgimento". It would be was only an "ethnic cleansing", now fully assimilated to "genocide."
is all too clear the transaction of a certain journalism "Zionist", where the term should be distinguished from "Jewish." The claim that certain, authoritative, and advanced to equate "Zionism" with "revival", by Giuseppe Mazzini's cousin, if not the godfather of Theodore Herzl. But just the few rules of account of the elementary school to understand the scam. Since none of us is stuck in his head to be descended from the Etruscans and claim title to this land rights in all areas already inhabited by this people rather mysterious, rather legendary, the national feeling of belonging is linked to the uninterrupted stay in the places of their ancestors.
If we go just to study the concrete history Zionist immigration to Palestine from 1882 onwards, do not look like there was more geometrical and there is a continuous uninterrupted dispossession of indigenous peoples, the "natives", presented as wild as deserving of extermination and a little condescending if they accept the submission. What this process has to do with the Risorgimento that has been taught in our elementary schools? It may be permissible to expel someone from his home, his country, his homeland? And Risorgimento is it? What
of Psalm 137? behind the willow tree, he continues:
During the "Lead Time" we have seen so many children crushed with your brains beaten on the walls of the gutted houses. So, who's culture and historical memory has been thought that perhaps it was better to stay Bourbon, Papal, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, etc.. But it was unclear what was meant by the word "Renaissance", but then give the content more convenient to come back for very clear tasks of propaganda and legitimation of a incurable illegality. With "Risorgimento" each of us - student in the Fifties of the Twentieth Century - intended and felt that where previously there were Bourbon, Papal, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, etc, there would be after first "Italian", if not solely and exclusively Italian.
Nobody thought to have "Italian" would be "ethnically cleansed" of Calabria, Tuscany, Piedmont, Veneto, etc.., And in their place you would have these triumphal entry "Italians." The deep local roots of the population pre-unification was not even remotely in question. It was simply inconceivable that someone could drive from his home, his country, in the name of 'Italian' and that this filthy operation could be called "Risorgimento". It would be was only an "ethnic cleansing", now fully assimilated to "genocide."
is all too clear the transaction of a certain journalism "Zionist", where the term should be distinguished from "Jewish." The claim that certain, authoritative, and advanced to equate "Zionism" with "revival", by Giuseppe Mazzini's cousin, if not the godfather of Theodore Herzl. But just the few rules of account of the elementary school to understand the scam. Since none of us is stuck in his head to be descended from the Etruscans and claim title to this land rights in all areas already inhabited by this people rather mysterious, rather legendary, the national feeling of belonging is linked to the uninterrupted stay in the places of their ancestors.
If we go just to study the concrete history Zionist immigration to Palestine from 1882 onwards, do not look like there was more geometrical and there is a continuous uninterrupted dispossession of indigenous peoples, the "natives", presented as wild as deserving of extermination and a little condescending if they accept the submission. What this process has to do with the Risorgimento that has been taught in our elementary schools? It may be permissible to expel someone from his home, his country, his homeland? And Risorgimento is it? What
of Psalm 137? behind the willow tree, he continues:
Even in the fifties of those years a German philosopher named Karl Jaspers, voiced la sua saggezza parlando di uno “Stato criminale”, rifendendosi al suo paese, la Germania, le cui tragiche vicende non intendiamo qui ripercorrere. Il problema è che se avesse rivolto la sua attenzione a ciò che accadeva nella Palestina storica durante l’anno 1948 poteva osservare l’inveramento di quella dottrinale coloniale e razzista, in sionismo, che inizio la sua opera nel 1882 e si avvalse dei servigi dei potenti di turno, dalla Gran Bretagna agli USA. Nel 1948 d’un colpo solo fu estromesso dai suoi villaggi il 50 % della popolazione palestinese, che ricorda non il suo “Risorgimento” ma la sua “Nakba”. Uno storico sionista, ammettendo il fatto, lamenta che avrebbe dovuto essere espulso il 100% della popolazione autoctona! Altri poi discettano se quel 50% se ne andò o fu espulso: come se facesse molta differenza per chi conservava e conserva le chiavi di una casa che fu demolita, insieme con la metà dei villaggi palestinesi allora esistenti, letteralmente cancellati dalla carta geografica. Commisero loro – questi Gran Signori – quello che imputano ad altri di voler fare.
Non c’è più nessun limite alla decenza. Ma qui ci fermiamo per non dover scendere in incresciosi dettagli. Riassumiamo dicendo non è in alcun possibile collocare sotto una stessa categoria concettuale ciò che è stata l’idea di Risorgimento nella nostra educazione di italiani, prima ancora che in testi abbandonati in dusty shelves, with the idea, practice and the actual realization of Zionism, for which it is for us the feedback that was given to a large majority of a UN commission, equating them with racism. Simply put, however, by the snip biblical mythology, who also founded the Promised Land on the genocide of the Canaanites, to watch day by day, step by step, the process of colonial settlement in Palestine to realize how it was perhaps the most consumed greatest injustice of all time. But even if this were really the "Risorgimento", then you should go to shake hands with Bossi, thanking him for telling the truth remained hidden for the 15th year.
Non c’è più nessun limite alla decenza. Ma qui ci fermiamo per non dover scendere in incresciosi dettagli. Riassumiamo dicendo non è in alcun possibile collocare sotto una stessa categoria concettuale ciò che è stata l’idea di Risorgimento nella nostra educazione di italiani, prima ancora che in testi abbandonati in dusty shelves, with the idea, practice and the actual realization of Zionism, for which it is for us the feedback that was given to a large majority of a UN commission, equating them with racism. Simply put, however, by the snip biblical mythology, who also founded the Promised Land on the genocide of the Canaanites, to watch day by day, step by step, the process of colonial settlement in Palestine to realize how it was perhaps the most consumed greatest injustice of all time. But even if this were really the "Risorgimento", then you should go to shake hands with Bossi, thanking him for telling the truth remained hidden for the 15th year.
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