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Crisis Libyan attack or Italy?
Alberto B. Mariantoni
In any international crisis, the main drama with "our" West Americanized - every day more mercantilist, fixer, trafficker, lustful, abettor, pimps, con artist, charlatan, double agent, false moralist, changeable and capricious dispenser of indulgences or curses (a meter ... and rate variable and arbitrary!) and constantly fedigrafo, and Maramaldo felon - is that, " grace received" (not you know who ...) - and although every time and in any kind of conflict, direct contender or just a party - invariably has a tendency to self-exclude from any infringement or liability and to stand up simultaneously and in neutral and biased healthy guardian of order, fair trial, which is indispensable helper "humanitarian" and Executioner of service.
In other words, the West - for himself, and in the eyes of our sputtered and benighted populations - is always the "good", and others, always the bad guys! Last
exploit this Generally, the bellicose views expressed by some Western countries, with the regime of Colonel Gaddafi, and in relation to the situation of "civil war" that, from February 17 last year, Libya is going through, or if you prefer, the gheddafiana Al Jamahiriyah ( 1) al `Arabiyah to Libiyah ash Sha` biyah to Ishtirakiyah (Giamahiriya Arab Libyan People's, Socialist). This "Nation" - with its 1,755,550 km square (nearly 4 times in France, although three-quarters desert) and its 5 or 6 million people (mostly ethnic Berber, Arabic and with a large number Arabized, and at least 22-25% of foreigners) ( 2) that have traditionally been scattered and broken into five main regions (Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, to Sirte, the Fezzan oasis of Kufra), and culturally / politically parceled in a myriad of contradictory and inconsistent tribes ( 3), usually mutually opposing or antagonistic - can not, under any circumstances, compared to Tunisia or Egypt.

Libya, fact - with a production of approximately 1.7 or 2 million barrels of oil per day (second largest in Africa, after Nigeria) and a GDP of approximately $ 87 billion (USD 14,200 per capita) per year - is one of the key countries of the Mediterranean area. Especially, with regard to Italy and its many and varied economic implications with that State. In particular, the ordinary commercial exchange which tends to oscillate between 12 and 20 billion dollars a year, and a market share of 17.4% in Italian imports (mainly oil and gas, respectively, which are calculable and quantifiable to approximately 24% and 15% of our national demand). Imports in the first place our Peninsula place among the various countries of the world (even 60-70% more than the volume of imports that boasted the now powerful and influential China), inside the Mare Nostrum. This, not to mention the important and, now, indispensable and vital financial involvement in Libya, with the leading Italian economic groups, such as ENI, Finmeccanica Ansaldo, Impregilo, Unicredit, Assicurazioni Generali, Telecom, Juventus, etc., Not name only the most significant.

said that, with my long (but, I think, necessary) introduction, I will not defend the indefensible absolutely Colonel of Tripoli, let alone claim that his regime is the ne plus ultra of any dynamic, emancipated and advanced society.

The autocrat and his regime in question, in fact, are those who have always been (even if taken, and facets of different conventional appearances, iridescent and above). And that, invariably, from September 1, 1969 : date of the coup d'etat carried out by the then Captain Muammar Al-Gaddafi and the other 11 "Officers Nasserites" ( 5 ), compared with their contemporary and very accommodating (with the British and Americans) first and last King / puppet Libya, Idriss I who was none other that the modest and pious "holy man" Sayed Muhammad bin Idris Muhammad al-Mahdi as-Senussi (1889-1983).

The incorrigible West
Thus Things standing (in those circumstances), I wonder and say: it is permissible and acceptable that the same Western countries that, for 42 years, and have continuously allowed to Gaddafi his regime to remain in power in Libya - and where several different prime ministers and foreign ministers, until yesterday, they were literally elbow to try to get himself in "full regalia, from the Colonel, under its brand tent (the traditional " guitun" Bedouin of the desert), hoping to trim a few stocks potergli of arms or to be able to just get by him, some favorable and "discounted" crude oil contract - let's pretend today did not know him, as if even the Colonel and his regime in question had suddenly jumped out of the hat of a magician ? Moreover, hurrying to publicly " rend their garments, for his unacceptable behavior ( ..." is shooting its own people in revolt "!) To refer to the International Tribunal ( 6) 's Hague for "crimes against humanity " to freeze all their financial assets Western banks (when, in fact, we shall return, was fine!) to invoke the " right to intervene" for purposes "humanitarian " by sending warships to be able to intimidate and persuaded to resign and go into exile.
I honestly believe it is not at all acceptable, and unacceptable!
Not because, according to the United Nations Charter, all UN Member States (unless, of course, the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China, because - as permanent members of the Security Council and having the "veto" that other states have not - are "more equal" than others!) are also independent and sovereign, and as such - Libya ( 7) included - should at least be as well off as regards their internal affairs . But just for the proverbial commonplace and common sense!
There is right and "right" ...
To try to understand, however, what I'm looking forward to the unsuspecting, often forgetful and constantly manipulated and Forvo player of our time, let's imagine this simple hypothesis .
Suppose, by contradiction, that any rowing boat fleet Libyan military - in conjunction with the angry and destructive riots of underprivileged African-American populations of the cities of Atlanta, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, etc.. In the '60s ( 8), '70, '80 or '90, in any event, largely repressed in blood by the police, National Guard and Army of the United States - had decided, perhaps just to browse or propose to distribute any gift basket to be in need of groped to approach the coast of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida or Louisiana, as the U.S. government would react? And how they would react, for their part, governments in London and Paris, where the same boat rowing above - in simultaneity and timing with the dangerous and violent riots in the '80s, the local color some " outskirts (suburbs) of Britain's cities or those with much more angry and radical" banlieues "French 90s and 2000 - had decided to approach the coasts of these countries? All
shocked and outraged, however, in the West, by aggressive statements by the Libyan Leader (... "s and attacked me, there will be a bloodbath !), When - in the wake of the riots and the fratricidal clashes taking place in Libya since February 17 last year - the

Someone could argue: what would be abnormal in the behavior of those western countries? And above all the United States of America which, as everyone knows - from skilled, experienced and ultra-permanent "liberators" of the world - could not do anything else, for "humanitarian" reasons (sic), which interfere in the internal affairs of Libya which, as we know, not only does not respect nor has he complied with the "Human Rights", but even allows you the luxury to shoot him to his own citizens in revolt!
This kind of arguments - even if the reader, most likely, it will certainly have forgotten or are unlikely to have never even heard it - est simplement du déjà vu
... I personally, for example (remember Only the U.S. military interference most flagrant and well-known in the past 30 years), I've seen them use the "good" in Washington, and in many different occasions. In particular: a Grenada , October 25, 1983, against the then lawful government of that island Caribbean; in Nicaragua, between 1984 and 1990 - via the CIA and the Contras or Milicias Populares Anti-Sandinistas (MIPLAS) or Nicaraguan Fuerza Democrática (FDN) - against the then duly elected Sandinista government of the country to Panama, December 23, 1989, against their ex-secret agent Manuel Noriega,

short, as in a repetitive, monotonous and soporific script - theater ed anche se nessuno sembra stranamente accorgersene o notarlo – i Paesi occidentali, come al solito, sono sempre i “buoni”, ed i “cattivi”, sempre e comunque gli “altri”!
Il più pulito ha la rogna
Ma allora, mi si potrebbe rimbeccare: il diritto, i principi e la morale internazionale che sono, ogni volta, invocati dagli Stati o dai Governi occidentali, per giustificare i loro ciclici e sistematici interventi militari, a cosa corrisponderebbero?
E’ presto detto… A mio giudizio, alla classica e proverbiale “ foglia di fico” dietro la quale, ogni volta, i suddetti Stati and government - counting sull'invariabile "short memory" man in the street - constantly trying to hide the bombs and many "skeletons" that continue to abound plentifully within their trimmed and horrifying "gardaroba!
The "good" in Washington

Well, in their case, it would also be interesting to know, why the press embedded in the world - that tends to constantly provide them with a newspaper and precious alibi public "straight" and "propriety" - prefer to hide at the same time, in the eyes of world public opinion, that whole series of outrageous and sickening legacies which are normally kept within the traditional "wardrobe" of these "gentlemen". Like those, for example:
- of marauding criminals and mass murderers of more than 85 Indian Nations / Native Americans (about 6 / 7 million Aboriginal people disappeared into thin air), North America;
- of repulsive and repugnant propagators - together with English, Portuguese, Dutch and British - of the modern "slave trade " (5 / 6 million Blacks kidnapped and forcibly imported from the coasts of Africa, with more than 3 million deaths over the trip to America);
- of disgusting and insatiable gnomes jackals, in 1929, when the then Wall Street stock market crash-did not hesitate at all to put on the street and destroy the existence of infinite multitudes of artisans, small traders and farmers, who casually leaving approximately 10 million of them, literally died of hunger or starvation, having been deliberately designed to be freely sacrificed on the altar of their untouchable liberalism and the selfish and greedy interests of the usual international financial speculators;
- of inventors and repulsive and disgusting application of "apartheid " (which in the USA invariably continues to assert rigorously applied, up to the 60s);
- degli stomachevoli promotori ed inflessibili curatori di centinaia di “ campi di concentramento ” per la quasi totalità dei loro stessi cittadini di origine italiana, tedesca e giapponese (tra i 3 ed i 4 milioni di persone di ogni età, pensiero e condizione che – ancor prima dell’inizio della Seconda guerra mondiale – furono arbitrariamente arrestate, deportate nelle zone più desolate ed impervie del Paese e rinchiusi dietro ai fili spinati “ democratici ”, con morie generalizzate avvicinanti il 25-30% degli internati, dal 1941 a tutto il 1949-50, ed in certi casi fino al 1951-52, per il solo “crimine” di avere un’origine etnica e culture different from the Anglo-Saxon!), this, not to mention the concentration camps ( 12) that the U.S. has recently set up in their current present, for the foreseeable future possible;
- of merciless annihilating terrorist of Hiroshima (140,000 dead) and Nagasaki (70,000 dead) ( 13) and more than 3.5 million civilians swept away by their terrifying and merciless air raids on the various European countries of the Axis;
- of vulgar war criminals that they die of exhaustion and hunger, the war was over in France, over approximately 800,000 German prisoners (see, in this connection: James Bacque, "Morts pour raisons diverses ", ed. Sand, Paris, 1990);
- of uncivilized and inhuman rapists - between 1942 and 1945 - at least 17,000 women in English, French and German (in this regard, see: J. Robert Lilly, " Rapes of war" Murcia, Milan, 2005);
- of arrogant gangster and at least 62 attackers Military Member ( 14) independent in the world since the Second World War to the present;
- cynical and arrogant of the creators of more than 110 years of imperialism ( 15) wisely;
- of arrogant and delinquent users of all weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, chemical) that are still on the market, including forged piercing shells and missiles and polluted with the deadly (for millennia) uranium "depleted" (sic !)
- of fearless and relentless executioners (the "property" of their victims, of course!) of at least 2 million North Koreans, 3 million Vietnamese and Cambodians (including, with diossiona or "agent orange ...) at least 250 000 Iraqi soldiers (during the first Gulf War in 1991) and more than 400 000 soldiers and militiamen of Saddam Hussein during the Second (2003-2004), not to mention the unfortunate and regrettable "collateral damage" of more than 96,000 Iraqi civilians (ie, absolutely no fighters) made to disappear into thin air, nor that of the 500 000 Iraqi children and babies, callously left to die from lack of medicine or the ill-nutrition During the shameful and intolerable embargo USA / UK / UN against that country (1991-2003), all for a trivial and grim total of approximately 1,421,993 deaths ( 16) Iraqi between 2003 and today, at least 2 and a half million Afghans (between combatants and civilians, including a deliberate war crime of 8,000 U.S. prisoners of war, Taliban, an ethnic Pashtun, in Dasht-e Leili, 21 November 2001, and - among many others - the latest massacre of nine children ( 17), between 9 and 15 years, March 3 last year) and this, without take into account the thousands of Serbs, the Somalis, Sudanese, Filipinos, Cubans, Nicaraguans of, the Costa Ricans, a Panamanian of Haitians, Colombians, Mexicans, Dominicans of, etc., fallen under their bombs " Liberia ";
- the barbarian and brutal creator and curator of shameful secret CIA prisons ( 18), as well as hallucinatory and horrific lager f uori legislation " di Guantanamo, Abu-Ghraib, Mazar-i-Sharif, Diego Garcia e dell’insieme degli altri lucubri ed agghiaccianti luoghi di detenzione e di brutale e selvaggia tortura ( 19 ) che gli USA continuano a nascondere o dissimulare all’interno di diversi Paesi del mondo;
- dei furfanteschi e schizofrenici autori e beneficiari del “ Military Commission Act ” del 2006 (tuttora in vigore), con il quale il Governo di Washington – in dispregio e beffa alla sua medesima Costituzione e alle diverse legislazioni nazionali del resto dei Paesi del mondo – può benissimo “ perseguire o imprigionare sine die, qualsiasi persona designata ‘nemica ” (In other words, anyone in the world, may be arbitrarily arrested or kidnapped and deported, imprisoned and detained by U.S. intelligence as "illegal enemy combatant " not based on any shred of legal evidence, but only and only because the U.S. government has arbitrarily and subjectively decided!)
- of blatant and shameful occupiers and exploiters of a series of de facto colonies the U.S. (who have always claimed that he had never owned!) continue to attract and retain the world, such as Guam, Northern Marianas, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Puerto Rico, the islands of Samoa Eastern and the U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Thomas, Sainte-Croix and Saint-John) and the island of Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean) and the Hawaiian Islands, not to mention having 720 military bases around the world (of which more than 100, including military bases and installations and logistics US / NATO only in Italy!) and a number of countries "friendly" or "vassals" in which the same U.S. exert a coercive influence and accurate political, economic, cultural and military such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Germany, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and other countries of ' Africa and Central America Latin America.
We see the British

Well, to take away the curiosity, we also investigate about the ordinary historical legacy that these "aristocratissimi" "Moralissimi" and "flemmaticissimi" Dandys ... usually tend to conceal or disguise, and pestilential hidden in their "closets"
wonder, then, if anyone, in the West today, still remembers or has ever come to knowledge of the process, for example:
- of feral and brutal mass murderers of about 500 aboriginal tribes of Australia and almost all native of New Zealand (in all, at least 4 / 5 million people), not forgetting Indian Tribes / Native Americans in Canada (at least 1 million);
- of the most heinous and brutal colonizers (along the French) and exploiters of the third world, with 34,621,642 km square of land occupied and subjugated and oppressed indigenous 449,213,000; colonies, of course, maintained until the end of 1948-1950 and in many cases up to 1967/68, without counting those who still possess ... as Northern Ireland, the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Aurigny and Sark on the French coast, the island of Anguilla, Bermuda archipelago off the coast opposite the U.S., North Atlantic, the Falkland Islands on the coast of Argentina; the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar in Spain, as well as the Isle of Man, the island of Montserrat, the islands of Chagos, Pitcairn Islands, the islands of St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan de Cunha, Sandwich Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, the Virgin Islands - as Tortola, Anegada, Virgin Gorda, etc..;
- of despots and tireless hardcore abusers - for centuries - the people Scottish, Irish and Welsh;
- of cunning and interested inventors of piracy modern and, to that title, untiring and predators go unpunished, then the riches of the European maritime powers (with their main pirate, of course, honored and ennobled, then the British Crown!) repulsive
- the establishment of the first deportations of mass of their own populations at colonies overseas, to "solve" the problems internal social liberal del loro Paese;
- dei cinici e delinquenziali fomentatori di ben due Guerre dell’oppio ( 20 ) in Cina (nel XIX secolo), con milioni di morti e distruzioni incalcolabili;
- degli ideatori e gestori, tra il 1899 ed il 1902, dei primi Campi di concentramento della storia, contro i Boeri, in Sud Africa (vedere: Andrzej Kaminski, “ I campi di concentramento dal 1896 a oggi ” - Storia, funzioni, tipologia - Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1997);
- dei primi “altruistici” e “disinteressati” gasatori di Curdi (all’incirca 22 mila morti), già agli inizi degli anni ’20, nel Nord-Est dell’Iraq;
- vicious killers of defenseless and martyred people of Dresden (thousand deaths than 50/60) and Hamburg (42,000 dead);
- of sinister and orripillanti initiators and applicators of apartheid and segregation, to all 90;
- of "civilized" and "forward-looking" inventors of the Bantustans;
- of long-standing, criminal and tyrannical conquerors and exploiters of the people of South Africa, Rodhes, Zambia, Namibia, Tanzania, Botswana, India, Afghanistan, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Iraq, del Bahrein, del Kuwait, dello Yemen, del Qatar, di Cipro, della Palestina, etc. (luoghi, dove ancora oggi, “grazie” ai loro intrighi di un tempo ed alla loro “benvegliante” presenza storica, ancora si stenta a restaurare una qualsiasi forma di pace!).
Diamo uno sguardo ai nostri “cugini” Transalpine

- of the "glorious" extermination of almost all the people of the Vendee;
- of dreary and relentless decimation of a large part of their enslaved blacks in Haiti;
- of the "illustrious" and " bold "murderers and torturers of the Syrian and Lebanese peoples, as well as those of Chad and Côte d'Ivoire, the Guiana and Martinique, Mauritania and Mali, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as Cambodia, Cochin China, of Madagascar, the Comorre and New Caledonia.;
- of vile and infamous instigators and organizers of the operations of rape and sodomy with their "Dear" and "amiable" Moroccan troops (the infamous "Goumiers") of General Alphonse Juin - to approximately 3500 women (aged between 8 and 85 years) and 800 men of Ciociaria in 1944 (see About Luciano Garibaldi, "The assault on ciociare " in the magazine "We", 1994);
- ferocious and inhuman responsible for the carnage, the torture e degli scempi praticati in Algeria (più di 1 milione di morti, tra l’8 Maggio del 1945, giorno della fine della Seconda guerra mondiale in Europa, ed il 1962, data dell’indipendenza di questo paese!), in Indocina, nel Laos e nella Cambogia (per un totale di più di 2 milioni di morti), per non abbandonare e restituire, ai loro legittimi proprietari, quei territori;
- degli spietati e crudeli programmatori e coordinatori – insieme agli Inglesi – delle più importanti e selvagge deportazioni forzate delle loro popolazioni, presso le loro colonie d’oltre mare, per “risolvere” radicalmente il problema sociale all’interno del loro Paese;
- dei più feroci e malvagi colonizzatori (dopo gli Inglesi, naturalmente!) del Terzo mondo, con 11.854.765 chilometri quadrati di territorio occupato e 67.280.500 autoctoni soggiogati, calpestati ed angariati; possedimenti, naturalmente, mantenuti fino a tutto il 1948-1953 ed, in moltissimi casi, fino al 1962, senza contare quelle che tuttora posseggono nel mondo... come la Guadalupe, la Martinique, la Guyana Francese, la Réunion, la Nuova Caledonia, la Polinesia francese, Wallis-et-Futuna, le Terre australi e antartiche Fr. o Kerguelen, la Mayotte, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Paul; una serie di possedimenti che, ancora oggi, vengono ufficialmente e pudicamente definiti "Territoires d'Outre Mer"…
Muammar Gaddafi, his sons and cousins \u200b\u200band the few tribes and militias that Jamahiriya still remain faithful to their bloody attempts to recapture of Libya, may also be considered criminals and murderers (and it is possible that, in their small, they are real), but we can objectively compare them with the perpetrators of crimes of which generalized and incomparable 's West should simply be ashamed?
An attack on Italy?

As anyone can verify this perfectly well, in fact, after the brief, limited (and proof to the contrary) domesticated "revolutions" in Tunisia and Egypt, and their fast and silence "normalization" ( 21) - canonized immediately supported and guided by lightning in a series of characters known to be linked to international financial cosmopolitanism, as the French ministers, Christine La Garde (Economy and Finance) and Laurent Wauquiez (European Affairs), Tunis (February 22 2011), the British Prime Minister David Cameron , Egypt (February 21, 2011), and the head of European diplomacy, the Anglo-Saxon Catherine Ashton, in Cairo (February 22, 2011) and Tel-Aviv (February 23, 2011) - you begin to see the actual meaning and sense of improvisation and "spontaneous" wave of unrest since the month of December last year, continues to invest in some Arab countries. And, incidentally, to rule and to save others ... surprisingly - like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait - which, although it continues to demand insistently call them moderate Arab countries "(sic) - who knows ... maybe because of consistent and profitable royaltie s that they have a habit (or obligation?) repayment under the counter to U.S. oil companies - are certainly much more medieval, reactionary and tyrannical than we are routinely held up by the mainstream media of 'West.

- power continue to dominate the Arab countries - up to hours from them directly or indirectly controlled through the expensive, unstable unpresentable tyrants and puppets / butlers - with other more acceptable, more docile, less exorbitant and / or manipulated political figures and forms of State or Government, at their most stable and firmly feudalised;
- cause of the huge and unsolvable problems to Italy and some European Union countries (for example: the difficulties ahead, for us Italians, to ourselves personally and directly in energy supply, at our usual suppliers without going through Washington, inevitable exponential multiplication of mass emigration from the Maghreb and Egypt, towards the north shores of the Mediterranean), to prevent, on the one hand, the government of Rome to continue to spread the "bad example" of energy independence to other EU countries, and second, to prevent that 'Europe-nation can really see the light and in the near future, become an important political power, economic, cultural and military competitor of the U.S. ;
- continue to justify the presence of hundreds of military and logistic bases U.S. and NATO in Europe and the Mediterranean, and to continue to cultivate the idea - among the fearful, weakened and devastated populations of our continent - which the giant Europe, to face the "enemy" Arab-Muslim, he is absolutely needed to be protected by the U.S. nano, is to collect and concentrate the attention of the faithful vassal states Europeans, on the sole and exclusive "danger" Iran, and to allow Israel to continue without hindrance its power quietly colonization of the occupied West Bank and to continue to militarily dominate the various Arab states in his region, without having to be politically or morally obliged, against world opinion, to accept the creation of a independent and sovereign Palestinian state, the its borders.
If Italy was ruled by Politicians worthy of the name, the problem would not arise at all.
Our country, for example, should, to try to protect injury, his self-decreed the suspension (even if temporary) by the UN and Europe, a pact the political, economic and military with Russia; break diplomatic relations with Washington and give the immediate and irrevocable marching orders (48 hours of time to do the "baggage" and move out!) to its more than 100 military bases and installations and logistics that are headquartered in our country, by as many as 66 years to propose a political, economic and military power to the various States of the Mediterranean area, including neighboring Arab countries. And, finally, I strongly encourage all of the Mediterranean Sea coastal population of the municipality to reject categorically the presence, the anchor and the free roam of the military fleets of the States which are not geographically adjacent to this sea area.
Italy, unfortunately, as we know, by the end of World War II, is "governed", for others, a series of cliques of castrated eunuchs and inhibited in yellow livery and gloves - in the majority, as the ranks of the opposition - continue to prefer only included among members of the traditional "party Amerikan" (bipartisan) and - despite the evidence cited above - to bow down submissively at the feet of their nauseating U.S. Masters, the better to try to win their sympathy and kindness, and receive, the more docile and servile possible their ritual "packages" on their shoulders, in payment (and tip ...) their always prompt and diligent execution (controlled, of course!), their most unbearable, and opprobrious imperatives / coercive dictates.
Therefore, unless abrupt or sudden "miracles" or "miracles" - and while I sincerely hope to abide certainly wrong ... - no need to wait for better times for Italy in the coming months and years. And this, or whatever may be the outcome of the current "targeted" Arab or the next upheaval and uproar that will certainly continue to affect and troubled the different countries of the opposite sides of the Mediterranean.
* The big picture in the center come from the archive of private Mariantoni and portray him in a few moments of his past career as a journalist of the leading European newspapers, which led him to travel the length and breadth of scenarios countries now driven by the wind of revolt, interviewing numerous political figures, among them Geddafi or his ministers, as it appears in some of the photos. Other pictures in small format and to the left, are the choice of drafting errors and do not involve the author. (Ed)
( 1) A neologism is composed of the Arabic word ' Jamah' (Masses that occur or take to the streets) and the suffix ' iya' (which indicates the affiliation or the relationship). This neologism can be interpreted to translate with: "The thing ( Res ) or" the system "or" the power of the masses ( moving) . - Back to text.
( 2) For the most part, Egyptians, Tunisians, Algerians, Moroccans, Mauritanians, the Sudan, Chad, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Turks, Pakistanis, South Koreans, Filipinos, Nepalese, Russian, Serbian, Hungarian, Chinese, Maltese, with the strong presence of German, Italian, French, British, Americans, Canadians, Brazilians, etc.. Foreigners in these days we have physically seen massing in the border posts of Ras Jedir (Tunisia) and As Sollum (Egypt). - Back to text.
( 3) Tripolitania: the tribe or Orfella Warfalla (the largest) and those of Awlad Busayf, the Al-Zintan, or Rojaban Rijban of Al-and Al-Riain (the district of Bani Walid, approximately 125 km to the south of Tripoli); Cyrenaica: the tribes of Al-Awagir, the Al-Abaydat, the Al-Barasso, of Madras, the Al-Fawakhir, the Al-Al-Majabra Zuwayya and (almost all related to the Muslim Brotherhood al-Senussi) Sirte: the tribes of Al-Qaddadefa (the small tribe of Colonel Gaddafi) of Al-Magarha (the major tribe to which it belongs the former number two in the Libyan regime, Commander Giallud Abdelsalam, has long left the political scene), the Al-Magharba, the Al-Riyyah, the Al-Harab, the Al-Zuwaid, Guwaid of Al-and Al- Farjan; Fezzan: the tribes of Al-Hutman, the Al-Hassauna, with a high proportion of minorities of nomadic Tuareg and Tubu or Toubou; Kufra: propagini important of the tribe of Al-Zuwayya Cyrenaica, in the presence of mixed or Toubou nomadic Tubu. - Back to text .
( 4) Refer to:
- http://www.abmariantoni.altervista.org/vicinooriente/Il_fusibile_Ben_Ali.pdf
- http://www.abmariantoni.altervista.org/vicinooriente/Ma_quale_rivoluzione_di_Egitto. pdf
- http://www.abmariantoni.altervista.org/vicinooriente/Tutti_contenti_e_coglionati.pdf
Back to text.
( 5) In particular: the Captains, Abdelsalam Giallud, Abdallah al-Mukhtar Qirwi, or Nagim Najim Mohammed, Hamza Awad, Abdel Moneim al-Huni, Mustafa al-Kharrubi, al-Khueldi al-Hamidi, Bachir Hawadi, Yunes Jaber Abu Baqr or Giaber, and the lieutenants and Omar al-Mohammed al-Mehaichi Maqrif. - Back to text.
( 6) Court empowered to judge, condemn and punish all responsible for any country in the world, unless, of course, those of Israel and the United States! - Back to text.
( 7) a member of the UN since 14 December 1955. - Back to text.
( 8) Refer to:
- http://rebellyon.info/Emeutes-noires-aux-USA-a-partir-de.html
- http://mejliss.com/1558294/ emeutes-memoire-noires-aux-usa-top-of-july-1964
( 9) For more information, see: AB Mariantoni, F. Oberson, blindfolded Gulf , Ed Jaca Book, Milano, 1991. Available online: http://www.abmariantoni.altervista.org/vicinooriente/Occhi_bendati.pdf - Back to text.
( 10) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SD3gytoOf8 - Back to text.
( 11) The regime of Saddam Hussein - in this case - having been falsely accused of possessing 'weapons of mass destruction' and maintain 'ties to Al-Qaeda' and 'terrorism International '. - Back to text.
( 12) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f0x8cxj-
( 13) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4x7G_AOL8k&feature=related - Back to text.
( 14) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVCYGjXb7u8 - Back to text.
( 15) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xffmgw_us-imperialism-1900-2010_news - Back to text.
( 16) http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq - Back to text.
( 17) http://www.ilpost.it/2011/03/02/nato-nove-bambini-uccisi-afghanistan/ - Back to text.
( 18) For more details, see: Giulietto Chiesa, Francesco De Carlo, John Melogli, The secret CIA prisons in Europe , Piemme Edizioni, Milan, 2007. - Back to text.
( 19) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXqylaDj2kY&feature=related - Back to text.
( 20) In the name of "free market", as some British companies producing opium in India, convinced the government in London to wage those wars against China under the pretext that the then government of Beijing, prevented his compatriots to take drugs and, therefore, to purchase from them this amazing product! - Back to text.
( 21) http://crisis.blogosfere.it/2011/02/ma-non-aveva-trionfato-la-democrazia.html ; http://it.euronews.net/2011/02 / 26/tunisi-infiammata-dalle-proteste /. artificial and misleading "revolutions" that have been personally confirmed to Hon. Dario Franceschini (PD) in Rome, by some Tunisian opposition figures who have come specifically in Italy, 23 February 2011. A witness that was made almost entirely passed over in silence by the mainstream media in our country. - Back to text.
( 22) Bel Ali and Mubarak, in my opinion, they would not permit that, from their respective borders, we organize the military and political destabilization of Libya. - Back to text.
( 23) The proof is, his hammering and (to our eyes) incorrect complaint every day against the terrorists of al-Qaeda that would, he said, the doping young Libyans and fomenting armed rebellion in the cities of Tripoli and Cyrenaica. - Back to text.
( 6) Court empowered to judge, condemn and punish all responsible for any country in the world, unless, of course, those of Israel and the United States! - Back to text.
( 7) a member of the UN since 14 December 1955. - Back to text.
( 8) Refer to:
- http://rebellyon.info/Emeutes-noires-aux-USA-a-partir-de.html
- http://mejliss.com/1558294/ emeutes-memoire-noires-aux-usa-top-of-july-1964
( 9) For more information, see: AB Mariantoni, F. Oberson, blindfolded Gulf , Ed Jaca Book, Milano, 1991. Available online: http://www.abmariantoni.altervista.org/vicinooriente/Occhi_bendati.pdf - Back to text.
( 10) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SD3gytoOf8 - Back to text.
( 11) The regime of Saddam Hussein - in this case - having been falsely accused of possessing 'weapons of mass destruction' and maintain 'ties to Al-Qaeda' and 'terrorism International '. - Back to text.
( 12) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f0x8cxj-
( 13) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4x7G_AOL8k&feature=related - Back to text.
( 14) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVCYGjXb7u8 - Back to text.
( 15) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xffmgw_us-imperialism-1900-2010_news - Back to text.
( 16) http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq - Back to text.
( 17) http://www.ilpost.it/2011/03/02/nato-nove-bambini-uccisi-afghanistan/ - Back to text.
( 18) For more details, see: Giulietto Chiesa, Francesco De Carlo, John Melogli, The secret CIA prisons in Europe , Piemme Edizioni, Milan, 2007. - Back to text.
( 19) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXqylaDj2kY&feature=related - Back to text.
( 20) In the name of "free market", as some British companies producing opium in India, convinced the government in London to wage those wars against China under the pretext that the then government of Beijing, prevented his compatriots to take drugs and, therefore, to purchase from them this amazing product! - Back to text.
( 21) http://crisis.blogosfere.it/2011/02/ma-non-aveva-trionfato-la-democrazia.html ; http://it.euronews.net/2011/02 / 26/tunisi-infiammata-dalle-proteste /. artificial and misleading "revolutions" that have been personally confirmed to Hon. Dario Franceschini (PD) in Rome, by some Tunisian opposition figures who have come specifically in Italy, 23 February 2011. A witness that was made almost entirely passed over in silence by the mainstream media in our country. - Back to text.
( 22) Bel Ali and Mubarak, in my opinion, they would not permit that, from their respective borders, we organize the military and political destabilization of Libya. - Back to text.
( 23) The proof is, his hammering and (to our eyes) incorrect complaint every day against the terrorists of al-Qaeda that would, he said, the doping young Libyans and fomenting armed rebellion in the cities of Tripoli and Cyrenaica. - Back to text.
Alberto B. Mariantoni
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