Tuesday, April 17, 2007

14 Foot Boat Floor Kit

candies and candy mobile properties

analyzing the situation of public transport the Italian cultural topics, the urban and historical can not be neglected.

I also think that a comparative approach can help in our analysis.

The use of transport, their efficiency, the type differ from state to state and depending on the context.
not know how many of you have found to live or even visit a city in Eastern Europe.
a year of my life I spent in Prague.
one of the things that has stayed with me most impressed was the efficiency of public transport, their ubiquity and the shortage of cars that went around the city
the means most used are those by rail: subways, trains and trams (almost a unknown in Italy :-()
I can say that for someone who has never owned a car (and not even know how to drive) was a paradise.
but must analyze why.

cities of the former Soviet bloc were all very small and consist of a "ring" and not very compact central intricate (as regards the main arteries), which represents not only the center of the city, But we can say the city itself in terms of social dynamism. Instead there is almost nothing in the outer ring.
then with the development of communism, its subsequent influence on neighboring states and the paradigm of industrialization, tens, hundreds of thousands of people have moved en masse from the countryside and rural villages on the outskirts of the city.
it has grown to form a proletarian suburb consists of areas dotted with huge barracks totally dependent on the center for every need.
with the transition to capitalism, the service sector and especially with the invasion of foreign capital has exacerbated the whole, the center became the area "residential" for the new "finanziatori "stranieri e dei turisti/villeggianti e luogo ideale per spendere ; la periferia un sobborgo dove i lavoratori andavano semplicemente a dormire
questo che riflesso ha avuto sulla rete di trasporti?
il centro della città , essenziale e di piccole dimensioni,rigidamente strutturato(pochi blocchi e poche strade ampie ) con il suo sistema di comunicazioni storico , a sua volta essenziale, poteva essere facilmente integrato e connesso con l'anello esterno costituito da semplici casermoni .

questi paesi fino ad oggi hanno attraversato un lungo periodo di povertà , e tutti i governi( statalisti o di mercato) erano al corrente dell'essenzialità del problema trasporto e l'impossibilità per ogni cittadino to have a car (I think, I'm not sure that the car market was and is directed more towards the export).
so also in the transition from communist to the modern welfare, public transport remained at a high degree of importance and were always subject to a persistent maintenance, a gradual improvement and a continuing series of features and low pricing.
(for the students paid very little experience of urban transport in absolute terms. But not only them)
anyone, especially among young people, needs to invest in half-polluting, expensive and essentially useless as long as the car needs families do not force him to buy a small car (usually a Skoda) to use as little as possible.

this east, particularly in Prague

assume, however, that this can happen in an Italian city of medium-large seems to me very possible, given the diversity of those planning for the area's topography, for different requirements imposed on our economy "more diverse", and also a cultural factor clearly (unfortunately difficult to interpret)

ps This, of course, is my interpretation of developments in the transport network in eastern Europe based on my experience and what I saw


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