Quest today was a day to be thrown away if it were not for a chance meeting at the university ... I'm going to do first secretariats of the commissions in, after I racked my brains in the bureaucracy "lasapianenze" ... I find myself Oretta a free first lesson.
I placed in the main hall, where I noticed a strange fervor, and an unusual number of people ... after half an hour the room is filled and all of a sudden he appears, accompanied by a roar of applause at the sight one would say "only "a little man in Eastern Europe. It has a
our teacher, his voice choked with emotion and Naga ... GO ...
Now I'm not being a fan of the matter I do not understand what all this fuss is due ... but soon after starting to projected images of the cartoons where the characters are unbelievably, that: Devilman, Mazinger Z, Grendizer, Jeeg .. . gooseflesh makes its appearance on my skin! And yes, and he, the cartoonist whose transpositions animated ... filled my childish days, my hours of play, the way I talk , my way of thinking about the world through the eyes of a robot ... it was Italy in the eighties ... I was high as a penny of cheese, but I could disentegrare anyone with laser oraggio me, I flew away, equipped with halberd space and running on the bike with the other ... they were fantastic Jeeg tempi, dove il perbenismo di piciakù non c'era, si doveva salvare ogni giorno la terra dagli invasori!!!Così finita la conferenza stampa mi sono sentito il dovere di stringergli la mano...già un dovere ringraziarlo per aver inventato qualcosa che nessuno potrà più invetare per me...Ricordi Fanciulleschi!
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