for once I want to dress even the clothes of the blame upon himself (deserved) institutions. and in this case I hurl a spear against the bad Italian reform in education, through sleight of hand works and tailoring wants to forget the petty officers in the field (so all citizens) the financial and structural weaknesses of the system school, university and research in Italy.
I refer in particular to the new, super new, brand new systems that have transformed the old, and in my opinion appreciable degree courses in a kind of elementary school course in the preparation and evanescent.
for the itch approval "international standards" and flattening Europe, which now rages every sector of social life, until the economy to education, have been introduced in recent years such as the 3 +2 system, perhaps the 'in almost 1 +2 +2 every discipline, regardless of training needs and the differences between right path.
do I set a personal example.
finished high school (speech included) decided it was the right time to direct my life into what had always been my ball: physics.
now, in the old system the physics course lasted four years for a total of 24 tests and came out by the faculty have specialist knowledge and with a heavy baggage under by way of warranty.
with the overall reform of the university course is now too it is a 3 +2 consists of the 35-year examinations which he should add a specialist 14-16.
but it is only here that the problem is located. the fact is that this plethora of examinations has led to fragmentation and fragmentation of material that has broken down so easily "ricucible" knowledge and the framework of knowledge that each graduate student must possess in order to fully enter the world of research / work.
here that becomes an analysis: an analysis of the first part, an analysis of Part Two analyzes a vengeance ...
all conveniently distributed QUARTERS not often frequented by the average student (which still aims to become a professional medium-high)
odor of the first course that real physics is the third quarter saw the first year, but for a short enough not to understand where the faculty hostage was.
ergo: I ran away immediately (clear not only that, but the fact he had a heavy weight).
and where port:
in one of the newest degree programs inter-born to give birth after "wonderful years of training, research and experience on his head" new professionals in niche areas, but even more important. I am surrounded by the universe of
potrei spiegarvi brevemente di cosa si tratta, ma vi tedierei ; potrei farvi un corposo elenco delle problematiche connesse a questo settore di studi. quello che però penso vi basti sapere è che dopo anni di frequentazione, io (ma tutto il resto dei desperados che lo frequenta) non siamo ancora riusciti a capire di cosa si tratti!
quello che ci fa persistere nel proseguire è una vocina che spesso si aggira nelle file della posta o nei bar con il tono di qualche anziano pensionato o di impiegato frustrato ma che in fondo arrovella il cervello anche di noi studenti:" signora mia , oggi senza il pezzo di carta della laura non si va da nessuna parte"
luogo common, but unfortunately true. and anyway 3-5-7 years of study does not throw in the toilet. if only for self-respect.
and an undergraduate degree can not be just a test to understand their personal interests and abilities, and then jump from one course to another or even to reach the home base: the abandonment of studies. you must give something concrete.

problems related to education and research world are so many down here in the 2nd world Europe, but this does not seem a minor issue.
Gianluca vox populi
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