Friday, December 31, 2010

Renewal Of Ohio Drivers Liscense

The My name is Regina

Video interview with writer and director, Marie Reine Toe burkinabé, nata a Abidjan in Costa d'Avorio. Dopo aver trascorso parte dell'infanzia in Cina, dove la sua famiglia si era trasferita per seguire l'attività diplomatica del padre, André Toe ambasciatore dell'Alto Volta, torno in patria e vive l'esperienza della rivoluzione di Thomas Sankara. Risiede in Italia dal 1991. È stata attrice di fiction RAI, giornalista (Skytg24, Informazione e lavoro, Edizioni Paoline 2007) e attualmente si occupa dello sviluppo di un progetto per combattere la malnutrizione infantile.

Nel video ci racconta il perché del suo ultimo romanzo "Il mio nome è Regina" edito da Sonzogno.

If a coup suddenly changes the life of a country, it can happen that a nine year old girl must come to terms with history. This is what happens to Little Marie Reine Toe when Thomas Sankara seized power in Upper Volta, now Burkina Faso. His father, André Toe, is a senior official of the old regime Saye Zerbo and is the victim of the excesses of the Revolution. It's the end of childhood Marie Reine sweet and golden, but also the beginning installment in the adventure from the suburbs of Ouagadougou the lead in Italy. The discoveries are continuing at a frenetic pace, which pulses like the blaring music of nightclubs where the beautiful Marie Reine worked as a Cubist. Friendship, love, the excess will be familiar with the most hidden of this new world, until the pride to take back their lives in the burst to make it start again.

Vera and touching, full of unexpected twists, that's his story.
For more information:

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Replacements Henai

Awakening. The four branches of science Gourmet Cheese Messina

C Dear friends and readers, as you noted for nearly three years I do not write more. But in recent years I have received dozens of calls and hundreds of visits (at least since the statistics function that allows checking) who have kept alive my connection with the world of the Web by shells of Alfredo (Salina, Aeolian Islands ) the kitchen Pino Cuttaia de La Madia Licata (Agrigento) from the biennial event of Slow Food, the Cheese in Bra (Cuneo), to the great chef Ciccio Sultan de The Duomo of Ragusa-Ibla, Culinary travel has been a lot that I shared with you all. Then silence. However, during which I continued to get interested in cooking and food, trying to pay more attention to substance than form. In particular, I studied the traditions of my land, Sicily. With particular attention to the middle East and of course to my province and city, to Messina. Gastronomy peloritana (from Peloritani overlooking the city) rather than be identified in some very well known dishes, such as pescestocco to 'greedy, braciolettine the meat chops and swordfish plant roots on four major specialty still represent the excellence that have nothing to envy to the most famous gastronomical " the Bel Paese: the cake to Messina, the rustic (croquettes, fried pythons and mozzarella in a carriage), grenades (with brioche) and pastries (Black and White, pignolata, Cassata Messina, Lulu). These are the four branches of Gastronomic Science Messina. And each has its rules that need to be addressed for years and years of apprenticeship. And those who know these rules can easily be compared to the great craftsmen of the gastronomic history of Italy. Those who have made famous in the world Parma Ham or Parmigiano Reggiano, the or Tagliatelle Bolognese Pizza Napoletana, the Gelato Veneto or Nutella (Ferrero since the mark is registered ) Piemontese. I'd like to present these masters, even as they are called Masters in Messina. From Mastru Saru to Mastru Pippinu, we turn to ovens and fryers, looking dell'arancino perfect to discover the real quashed, that create a few more seconds in the 60's the recipe written in the notebook secretly guarded by Messina, a pastry shop and belonged to the greatest pastry chef of the last century Sicilian . See you soon.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Brazillian Waxing In League City

Unemployed? Trust in Tel Aviv!

Articolo del quotidiano anglosassone "Guardian" del 28/11/2010:

Israele ha incaricato le sue ambasciate in 10 paesi europei, tra cui il Regno Unito, ciascuna per reclutare 1.000 membri della cittadinanza pubblica destinati ad agire in rappresentanza per le sue politiche nell'ambito di una campagna propagandistica.

Un cablo del Ministero degli affari esteri è stato inviato alle ambasciate la scorsa settimana, da Avigdor Lieberman, il controverso ministro degli esteri di estrema destra ,con le istruzioni necessarie per adottare una serie di azioni volte a migliorare la posizione di Israele in Europa.

Il più insolito è stato il fine di identificare fino a 1000 persone entro mid-January to act as "allies" to Israel. One source described them as "friends who are not willing to only receive messages, but to actively promote these messages." These individuals - that can be drawn from Jewish or Christian activists, academics, journalists and students - will be instructed regularly by Israeli officials and encouraged to speak up for Israel in public meetings or write letters or articles for the press.

Five European capitals have also been identified for a more powerful conventional PR. Israeli Embassy in London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid and Rome will receive funds to hire firms that specialize in public relations, lobbyists and spin doctors.
Companies di PR verrà chiesto di concentrarsi su messaggi politici, come: la posizione di Israele su colloqui con i palestinesi, a soggetti che possono contribuire a "brand" di Israele, come il turismo e tecnologia, tematiche e regionali di cui Israele intende richiamare l'attenzione, come diritti umani in Iran o in paesi arabi.

Il ministero degli affari esteri ha anche suggerito che le ambasciate in tutta Europa organizzano mensilmente eventi di alto profilo pubblico per promuovere politiche di Israele e il suo governo, e le visite in Israele per le persone influenti. Lieberman ha in programma di incontrare gli ambasciatori di paesi europei il mese prossimo per spingere la nuova offensiva di pubbliche relazioni.

Un funzionario israeliano ha refused to comment on the statement, but said: "Obviously we are always looking for ways to improve our communication, there is nothing wrong with that," adding: "There is concern about the way Israel is perceived abroad, and there is particular concern of some countries in Western Europe. "

Israel has already launched the drive to improve its image through hasbara - which literally means explanation, although alternatively construed as public diplomacy, spin or propaganda. During his three-week war in Gaza, which began in December 2008, Israel launched a PR strategy through the National Information Management for the key messages to be coordinated on a daily basis.

The Israeli government, military and embassies are adept at using social media like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to promote the material. Organizations such as Bicom, Britain Israel Communications Research Centre, the United Kingdom and the Israel Project in the United States who describe themselves as independents, are dedicated to the promotion of Israeli policies. Both organizations offer through regular meetings, contacts and visits to foreign correspondents in Israel and Palestine, and all expenses paid trips to Israel for journalists, including from the Guardian, based elsewhere.

Other countries undertake similar PR unit. Rwanda took the company Racepoint London to feed positive stories to the media. Bell Pottinger, headed by Lord Bell, former adviser to Lady Thatcher, is Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

Meanwhile, the Israeli cabinet today approved a plan to build a large detention center can hold up to 10,000 illegal immigrants and refugees near the border with Egypt. Israel began building a fence along the border earlier this month. Population and immigration authorities said that between 1,200 and 1,500 people, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, have crossed the border every month this year, compared to 300 a month last year. "There is a wave swelling threatening Israeli occupation, a wave of illegal immigrants must stop because of the implications for the harsh nature of Israel, "Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, said today the cabinet.

Also today, Major General Uri Bar-Lev, the top cop under investigation for alleged sexual assault and rape, said that he was withdrawing his candidacy to become police commissioner of Israel and taking an unspecified time to leave.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pregnant Hiatus Hernia More Condition_symptoms

VIEWS OF A DICK HEAD: CHRIST 'Jump to Casal di Principe

Sono uno dei pochi under 30 etichettato come "di sinistra" ( che poi in Italia coinciderebbe con anti-berlusconiano) a non aver mai letto Gomorra e aver schivato vieni via con me. Un po' per scelta, un po' per caso, un po' son fatti miei, resta il fatto che di Saviano ne ho preso pillole qua e là. Mi guarderò bene dal commentarne i contenuti e le affermazioni,quindi. Resta il fatto, però, che il napoletano "eroico", "anti-italiano", "anti-campano", "Courageous", or whatever, I find myself stuck for months, such as advertising dell'activia everywhere.

I therefore feel entitled to shoot four lines, not required, what I think of the phenomenon Saviano. "

Who is Roberto Saviano?

It 's a young Neapolitan writer, who had the courage to tell us about the cancer the Italian mafia, with the aid of narration of the story. He ripped the theme from the mouth of many self-styled experts, with their treatment as a normal phenomenon of crime, even when it is organized, there were anesthetized and rendered deaf. With his stories, Roberto, has turned into something close to the daily lives of everyone - from Valley Medical Brembana the seller of escape - and his message (initially) cross, has captured the respect and turned on the courage of thousands of young people are indifferent to time, or worse still the victims, the language of the Mafia. E 'with this, of course, has earned the kisses of the goddess and the blows money (for now threatened) of the Camorra. Its strength lies in two elements, which according to me a lot in common with Obama on the vitality and the desire to change the force that is offered to him by his readers. As for the president, "tan" was identified by his followers, in his message of hope for a better future made with our hands, the desire to redeem himself from a past reprehensible (slavery in America and the mafia in Italy), which represented his true strength, its real power, not so much innovative content.

This is the bright side of Saviano. Then, in a chronological sense, there is also a dark side, the dark side, which comes with all his gloom at this time of overexposure, and that even in this case is characterized by two elements.

First Saviano decided to take a public person, with his lucid and beautiful crapa not only with his pen, proclaiming himself the Camorra SYMBOLS IN THE FIGHT. All well and good (not just good marketing), as his mere presence, even if silent, at any stage, arena, theater, tavern, would mean a net position against the Mafia. But gradually he slipped into self-narcissistic celebration, becoming the first martyr of bars made prisoner by armed men in jackets and Kevlar, and then transformed into new antimafia pop icon - and also of anti-. This has begun to turn up their nose to many, especially among those who have never been a big fan (and maybe even a great player overall), especially among those who have always had many reservations about the intellectual world, often considered arrogant .

Finally, you could not predict that the power and the gravitational force of Saviano not become the object of attention of the conquest of consenso ha fondato la propria vita. Il rischio ed il pericolo di finire ghermito dalla politica. Certo non si poteva pensare che Roberto venisse adulato da chi in casa teneva uno stalliere mafioso,o in parlamento dei "duri" con i "moschetti" pronti alla secessione dal sud criminale e terrone, o da chi raccoglie in certe province della Trinacria anche il 100% dei consensi (Mugabe sei un pivello!). Eccolo quindi finire planando placidamente tra le braccia della sinistra. ll nuovo idolo, il nuovo eroe (shhhhhh! zitto Mr.Brecht!), il papa straniero pronto per l'eredità prematura di Bersani(che quello Tedesco, di Papa, vota Rutelli), finalmente qualcuno che potesse piacere alle folle spaesate del centrosinistra senza avere l'orecchino. Esattamente at that precise moment, the power of the narrative of Gomorrah, the story that shook the mafias, the message across and apolitical but effective and cathartic is gone to hell.

Ergo, rather than asking if the left will lose, as did someone recently, approaching the Southerner who criticizes the south, then north, then the center, then who knows, it is reasonable to ask how the force will be the author of Gomorrah castrated by the vicissitudes of a left into rigor mortis, which seems to have tied a double knot.

Following a long and sad list on the evils of Italy, very badly acted by

Gianluca del Rio

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hodgkins Lymphoma More Condition_symptoms Itching


It is not uncommon for us vegetarians, animal rights activists to be accused of presumption and ostentatious moral superiority, to feel better than others, by some people when they are convinced of their omnivorous, suffer feelings of guilt in indirectly because of the suffering inflicted on the animals that eat their back or in the form of skins and furs.

To understand what it means to be best necessary to establish a reference point objective, a comparison considered more fair and beneficial to the common good, for the evolutionary process civil, moral and spiritual individual. If being the best means to cause the least harm, be more respectful of the rules and in harmony with our natural environment, then it is true, we feel better. Although
between white and black, as between day and night, there are infinite shades in between
say that in this life there is no better or worse as to equate Jesus to Judas Iscariot, as saying that the property has the same value of evil, the virtuous man who has the same merits of the scoundrel.

Between a man addicted to theft and an honest man has no doubts as to indicate the
second best. Among
who commits his time to care only about his problems and he spends most of his life and its human and financial resources to help those suffering, it is definitely better.
between an individual sensitive to pain and death of a fellow and one for human sensitivity and his sense of justice is also the suffering of any creature that does not belong to its species, it is definitely better. Among those who
has a conscience can stick electrodes in the brain of a cat to study the reactions and the one who considers this an abomination, surely it is better.
Among those who believe just brutally kill a fox, a mink or rabbit
to wrest the only skin and then make these wretched bodies of food for other animals and those who believe this a monstrosity, this is definitely better.

Try prove otherwise, there is evidence to show that the two in question have the same moral values, the same sense of justice, the same sensitivity to human intelligence itself positive.
Try to show that in these respects we universal-animal-vegetarians are like the others and perhaps convince us not to be better. If we feel better because we share more universal suffering, then we have the presumption to feel better than those who felt only the pain of his fellows.

But the presumption is not part of our vision of things or gratifies us look "better" or more sage.
We are virtuous people, who love non-violence, justice that we would like to extend our family films. We are more sensitive it is true, have a wider perception of freedom and justice, respect for which he is entitled by natural law, every living being to simply because they exist.

We strive for the growth of man, the wealth of
's fundamental values.
We know that a tree does not grow in one day, we know that each one for an infinite circumstances of a social and cultural rights, belongs to his developmental level, we know that all great innovations known three stages: ridicule, then considered and finally sharing.

Franco Manco Free

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ringworm More Condition_symptoms In Dogs

Demonstration against Chemtrails!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Juliet Cariaga Watchful Eye

Who dares oppose Israel?? END OF DAYS

Once again the Jewish state violates the sovereignty of a sovereign state in the usual indifference (and complicated!) of the entire planet.

Six Israeli warplanes entered Lebanese airspace and flew over parts of the country, in flagrant violation of UN Security Council resolution.

A correspondent of 'Press TV', citing a statement released by the Lebanese army, reported that Israeli aircraft crossed the Lebanese airspace in the southern border near the village of Kfar Kila at 9:30 am local time (06: 30 GMT) on 9 November and conducted several flights over southern Lebanon unjustified and the capital Beirut.

The previous week (November 2) an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese air space and patrolling the skies over many areas in southern Lebanon, including the village of al-Naqoura and the Bekaa Valley in the western part of the country, located about 73 km from Lebanese capital.

Israel violates Lebanese airspace on an almost daily basis, arguing that in pursuit of the surveillance.

The Lebanese government, the resistance movement Hezbollah and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon known as UNIFIL, has repeatedly cited such air incursions over Lebanon as a clear violation of UN resolution 1701 and the country's sovereignty.

Resolution 1701 of UN Security Council, which mediated un cessate il fuoco nella guerra che Israele ha lanciato contro il Libano nel 2006, invita il regime di Tel Aviv a rispettare la sovranità del Libano e l'integrità territoriale.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Montreal

La Fine dei Giorni

[Intro: David Icke]

la più grande forma di controllo è quando pensi di essere libero, quando sei stato manipolato e fondamentalmente costretto. Una forma di dittatura è quando stai in una cella e puoi vedere le sbarre e toccarle. Un'altra è dove sei seduto in una cella di prigione ma non vedi le sbarre e pensi di essere libero.

Questo sta soffrendo the human race, is the mass hypnosis.
We are mesmerized by people like this: TV journalists, politicians, academics, teachers. We are in a country and a world that is run by people incredibly sick. The gulf between what we were told to happen and what is really happening is absolutely huge.

[Chorus: Block McCloud]

E 'as if everyone knew what is happening
but no one talks shit, what happened in the home of the brave?
These sons of bitches we are monitoring hours
But nobody talks about how we have made modern slaves

And everybody walks
head in the clouds, we wake up only when we dead in the grave
Then it will be too late, we must be prepared to get up at the end of the day

[Verse: Vinnie Paz]

Everyone is a slave, but a few are aware
That the government poisons the air with poisons
this is why I collect so many guns in my den
I've never caught slipping, never unprepared
Yes, the army of Shaytan (Satan), they do nothing but show it with pride
George Bush's nephew Aleister Crowley
want you to believe the lie that the enemy is Saudi
The enemy is not Saudi, the enemy is around you
There is fluoride in the water, but no It knows
'also an important component of Prozac (but should?)
How could a government do this?
A proud people who believe in the return to political passt
But not all know what I'm presenting
the black pope in the Temple of Solomon
Yes, the murderers of the Vatican and how they arrive
And as has been cloned in a Barak Obama Hssein tube


[Verse 2: Vinnie Paz]

Who built the pyramids knew electricity
And you know that this information is to suppress and destroy
Who do you think are the sons of bitches that crashed into the towers?
Who do you think he managed to transform to ashes in an hour?
The same people who have invaded Jerome
Those who have never told of the skeletons on the moon
Yes, those who poison all the food you eat
what you do not have never spoken of the Tomb on Mount Vesuvius
Avian influenza is a lie The influenza virus is a lie
Why should this be a surprise?
Yes, the polio vaccine made you die
has caused cancer and has claimed the lives of a lot of people know everything about
Bohemian Grove?
As the world leader sacrificed children wrapped in togas?
Lucifer is God in the public system scoilastico
I suggest you open your ears and listen


[Closing: David Icke]

The greatest hypnotist on the planet is an oblong box in a corner of the room. It constantly tells us what to believe is real. If you can persuade people that what they see with their eyes is that there is to see ... that's it. Why do you laugh in the face with an explanation that shows the overall picture of what is happening ... and that they have.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Toronto Body Opponent Bag

opinion of a dickhead: we just have to THINK

ghettizazione Any phenomenon, discrimination, exile or similar has an exaltation and as a natural consequence fortificazone identity, not just the perpetrators of such acts, but especially in its victims. The history of pre-Nazi he is just one of many examples. If, as I think all of us We aim for a lifestyle that is completely detached to the rules of civil life and peaceful coexistence, such as that of Rome ("the zingheri"), the "extinct", do not we hold that to act in the opposite direction As proposed by supporters of zero tolerance ( some tasty examples ).

I think that have to do is "natural selection to cultural lvello. To be clear: in every historical context as any tradition historically and locally rooted has had to adapt to the changing dynamics of the society in which they persisted. Even the monolithic and dogmatic monotheistic religious institutions have evolved to be in control, despite the strenuous resistance to the demands of a secularized society (I still feel the friction). Same thing with regard to the Islamic world today, where the contradictions of that world posed the challenges of globalization (in the broad sense) are exploding right now with more vigor.

Why can not we therefore believe that the same process acts on a small minority of the European population increasingly on the margins of society?

Of course this process can only be long and will inevitably have led and promoted Veira.

Some actions for that can not be directed and targeted to the problem, including economic incentives to increase the level of education, removing the children from the street (on the model "Bolsa Familia" in Brazil), information campaigns against stereotypes around Roma ("steal bamini" are "Romanian" etc.).

other interventions have a more general char but also an obvious impact on the problem at hand: review of some urban areas (camps in paris or Via Monte Napoleone I've never seen :-)) investment in security and certainty of Penalty: Italy is a far west legal in certain areas, then we should not be surprised if in addition to delinquency DOCG we also have a good share of imports.

short, the road is "long and hard," but I think it feasible, remembering always that if the "cultural trends" we speak, we can not but reflect on the fact that these definitions are invertible


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Planetary Pinball- Funbrain


The global elite has launched an operation against a global population unconscious in order to reduce and control their fertility. In order to achieve these objectives have been modificati i vaccini al pari delle principali colture alimentari.
Se tu non riesci a credere che una tale impresa sia possibile o che vi siano esseri umani che ne siano desiderosi e capaci, guarda indietro nel tempo, questo tipo di cospirazione non è nuova; infatti questo tipo di controllo fu idealizzato da Platone circa 2300 anni fa nella sua opera di grande importanza La Repubblica. Platone scrisse che la società dovrebbe essere guidata da una classe dirigente " cui obiettivo sarà quello di mantenere la media della popolazione". Egli inoltre dichiarò:"Ci sono molte altre cose che dovranno prendere in considerazione, come gli effetti delle guerre e delle malattie e ogni intervento simile, al fine di fare il possibile di evitare che lo Stato becomes too large or too small. "
activities of the ruling class in control of the population, says Plato, must be kept secret. He writes:" Now it must be a secret that only the rulers know, or there will be a further danger that our kennel .... broke out in a revolt. "
peeking back in time and history that reveals that there is really nothing new under the sun. What has been done will be done again, and the event global elite of the XXI century has sophisticated tools at its disposal.
The GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization).

The GAVI Alliance, founded in 2000 with the help of the Gates Foundation, aims to vaccinate all the third world. The organizations included the GAVI are listed on the website of the group, and these include:
"National governments of donor countries and countries in developing the Bill and Melinda Gates Children's Vaccine Program, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA ), the Rockefeller Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization (WHO). "

In December 2000, David Rockefeller and William H. Gates Sr., among others, visited the campus of Rockefeller University to take part in a meeting on the theme of "Philanthropy in a Global Century". Mentre era li Gates parlò fervidamente in merito alla sua ispirazione da Rockefeller nella fondazione del GAVI:
Gates disse che "Prendendo guida e ispirazione dal lavoro già svolto dalla Fondazione Rockefeller, la nostra fondazione ha effettivamente avviato la GAVI impegnando 750 milioni di dollari verso qualcosa chiamato Fondo Globale per i Vaccini dei Bambini, uno strumento del GAVI".
Egli elogiò anche la famiglia filantropica del secolo Rockefeller, dicendo:
"Sembra che in ogni nuovo angolo dove ci rivolgiamo, i Rockefeller sono già lì. E in alcuni casi, sono stati lì per un lungo, lungo tempo".

Il fatto che esista un tale congegno globale come il GAVI - nelle mani dei sostenitori del controllo explicit population - for the delivery of vaccines to millions of people around the world, should be disconcerting to say the least, especially in the face of mountains of documentation which demonstrates that the anti-fertility vaccines have been developed and issued by the World Health with the money granted by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Bill Gates reaffirmed the global agenda for population control at a recent TED conference presentation, in which said
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. It is heading towards 9 billion. Now, if we really do a great job on the new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, could be reduced by perhaps 10, or 15 percent. "

vaccine FERTILITY '

As reported by Jurriaan Maessen, The World Health Organization, a partner in the GAVI Alliance, has worked with the World Bank and the Fund for Population Activities UN in the 70s of the twentieth century under the "Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation." The Task Force:
"It acts as a coordinating body in the world for vaccines anti-fertility R & D in the various working groups and supports research on different approaches, such as vaccines and anti-sperm and ovum vaccines designed to neutralize the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype vaccine against hCG.

In 1989 a study was conducted by the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi on the use of 'carriers' such as tetanus toxoid and Diphtheria to bypass the immune system and distribute the hormone Women's called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The research paper was brought to Oxford University Press in 1990 and titled "Bypass by an alternate 'carrier' of Acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with Tetanus-conjugated vaccine." The Rockefeller Foundation is listed in the document as a donor for research.
Through the distribution of HCG in a vaccine against tetanus - which acts as a carrier - the human body is like the hCG an intruder to create antibodies against it. This has the effect of sterilizing women who receive the vaccine, and in many cases is a miscarriage when administered during pregnancy. Shortly after they were successfully developed anti-fertility vaccines, vaccines against tetanus containing hCG were deployed through various third world countries. Many of these countries were specifically targeted in the document taken to reduce the population of the U.S. government called the National Security Memorandum 200, 1974. The document on the date of 1974 recommended that the "injectable contraceptives" should receive more funding.
Following the widespread use of vaccines covered the anti-fertility Passed in 1995 a BBC documentary entitled "The Human Laboratory". It was here exposed the discovery of vaccines with tetanus toxoid "contaminated" and the subsequent sterilization of women in the Philippines.
The following are excerpts from the BBC:

Maria Pilar Verzosa: Women were never told why they had taken the tetanus had effects on us? Our fertility cycles have all been polluted, some of the women among us have had bleeding and miscarriages, some have lost their children at a very initial stage. Symptoms may come immediately after the tetanus vaccination, some the next day, others within a week. For those who were pregnant three or four months of the miscarriage was really scary.
Maria Pilar Verzosa: I began to suspect that this is what really happens here in the Philippines. They tied the vials of tetanus toxoid with Beta HCG.
Maria Pilar Verzosa: Oh boy there's really something when this came out of my fax. Report on the concentration of HCG in vials of vaccine. Three of the four bottles were recorded positive for HCG, so, as my suspicions lead me to say, here in our country they are not only planning to administer tetanus vaccines to our women, but they are also giving infertility .
According to the local population
Akha in Thailand, pregnant women are forced to receive vaccines - including tetanus - in order to obtain ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results in miscarriage. In the video below, Matthew McDaniel, an activist for human rights who has worked with the Akha people in Thailand, talking with two Akha women of the vaccine against tetanus and forced abortions resulting.

The rural populations of the Third World have taken the possible effects of vaccination. Their fears are dismissed as "rumors" or "mild" by the mainstream press is missing to report on the previous research demonstrated the anti-fertility vaccines. Often those reassuring that vaccines are safe are the very organizations engaged in efforts on the reduction of the population. A 2006 press release of UNICEF (United Nation Children Fund), which is involved with the vaccination of many third world countries, cites the Assistant Project Officer for Health in the South Ethiopia Nations, Tersit Assefa:
"In other places women at this age they are often far away," said Ms. Tersit. "All sorts of bad rumors going around the fact that the injections will sterilize or feel bad in some way. But here, the village elders are in agreement. They are here, encouraging women to come forward."

While the needle is a clear and visible form of vaccination, new technologies have been developed with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The edible vaccines, according to the Journal of Medical Microbiology, will be more acceptable alternative to needles in socio-cultural. In other words, people will be less resistant to a common eating banana rather than get a shot in the arm. The Journal says the new technology of edible vaccines can serve the dual purpose of birth control. This states:
"Edible vaccines hold great promise because of the vaccine delivery system affordable, easy to administer, easy to stow, secure and easily acceptable to the socio culturale, soprattutto nei paesi poveri in via di sviluppo. Essi coinvolgono l'introduzione di selezionati geni desiderati all'interno di piante, inducendo poi queste piante alterate a produrre le proteine codificate. Introdotto come concetto circa una decina di anni fa, è diventato oggi una realtà. Sono stati sviluppati una moltitudine di sistemi di consegna. Inizialmente pensati per essere utili solo per prevenire le malattie infettive, essi hanno anche trovato applicazione nella prevenzione delle malattie autoimmuni, il controllo delle nascite, la terapia del cancro, ecc."

La guerra contro la popolazione è uno sforzo corrente da parte dell'élite globale. Questa è una operazione veramente di portata massiccia, ma se viviamo our lives in fear of what the future may hold there, we allow to be defeated. Let your awareness of the situation to guide you in making positive changes. We still have the power to raise awareness among our fellow beings and believed that despite what the elite, they do not have a monopoly on the future.

Original source (Eng): 20news/vaccinate_the_world.htm

Cubefield- Coffee Table


"Let's face it: at this point the 'Europe has in recent years, worrying signs of uncertainty. I am thinking in particular, the choice of some European leaders not to recognize the Judeo-Christian roots of our culture, refusing - at the time - to make reference in the Constitutional Treaty . "

This phase belongs to our Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and is contained in his letter of reply Angelo Panebianco to Corriere della Sera of 15/09. Frattini is alone, however, the last of the knights of faith that attach to the refusal of many countries in the union to recognize the Christian roots and Judaism as a distinctive feature of the genetic code of the European part (indeed many) problems that Europe is experiencing in the field of immigration, integration, international cooperation, defense of rights and in international relations, especially the latter with the governments of the Islamic world (not a joke).

I am, as usual, end up the victim of malicious and erroneous interpretation due to my being a layman with no dirt or moral God, or do you also read the usual demagogic identity of the many tailors, empty the contents but a strong emotional impact and functional to capture the popular support of many frightened masses and confused, in the context of this clash of civilizations sought (hello Dr. . Huntington)?

Let's analyze this weaving.

cut. is true, Christianity is a recurrent and fundamental trait of all European history. Why not enter into the constitutional treaty but also the Roman roots (I mean the empire, the capital der Caliph) of our continent? The origins of such traits are still found today in the urban structure of many European cities and in laws and constitutions of all countries where the rule of the civil law.

Why not refer the colonial past shared by virtually all countries of the continent - even the spit of land that is Belgium -? After centuries of genocide of indigenous , real or imagined burdens of white men, friendly campaigns od'Algeria Ethiopia, Europe's trade relations still govern the old ties that existed between colony and homeland.

We recall our common Caucasian and Indo-European roots, just to give a touch of ethnic feeling of brotherhood that is missing in the constitution.

Why not mention even for a moment to Nazism and fascism? While the bodies and institutions, like people, make up your character and reach their mature reflection and also in opposition to the tragic events that occurred in the course of its historical path, then we can not fail to note that the totalitarianism of the twentieth century have created the conditions that led to World War II, which, in its tragedy, its conclusion has shaped international institutions, particularly European ones as they are today. How do you play "the Nazi roots of Europe?". (I'm in "Iron On" to avoid misunderstandings)

Finally - but let's plan if we do not want to turn in his grave without the cover could not forget-national Fallaci to do a little hint, when we speak of cultural and historical roots, the game of actions and reactions that for hundreds of years took place on European soil between us and the Muslim world. A game that we saw in some cases debtors of a culture and a knowledge of light-years distant from our time.

But no: the choice is necessarily fall on a single item. None of the above seemed to capture the interest he extensors (in some cases, fortunately, of course). We preferred the Judeo-Christian roots, pace of us evil cultural relativists.

sewing. The choice of the adjective "Christian" m pare vittima di dimenticanze storiche e teologiche . In questo caso i crociati decidono arbitrariamente di eliminare qualsiasi distinzione confessionale all’interno del variegato mondo cristiano, per ridurre tutto ad un denominatore comune che condivida valori universali ed universalmente accettabili. Ma la storia, se la si vuole imporre, occorre anche che non la si nasconda a piacimento. E quella dell’Europa è stata una storia che ha visto la religione cristiana essere protagonista di aspre battaglie fatte di persecuzioni, scissioni, lotte di potere e per il predomino; e poi abiure, apostasie, scismi, tesi e antitesi, roghi, eresie. Dalle persecuzioni dei primi tre secoli dell’era volgare , passando per lo scisma ortodosso e le tesi Luterane, to Calvinist predestination and the "Protestant capitalism" (Webber you not angry '), there is nothing that can be traced back to an idea even and peaceful "Christian European identity," which could become the basis for a' shared ethical or even European policy for peace and integration. Better to be silent on the story instead of "Jews" in our continent, we do the best shape.

Beautiful stuff, but the king is naked. The fact is that I find useless and dangerous to try to tie all our effort to transform Europe in a better place, based on civil rights, political, and cultural opportunities for all, including minorities, starting with "our historical and cultural roots." Even when we refer to the footprint of our constitution I halls Enlightenment, rationalist in me that I am up to the nails, a shiver down my spine. Why not look at our past that we will create a better future, made of tolerance for diversity, of acceptance, respect for freedom and sustainable development, even environmentally. But addressing the real situation, and this quota in the light of only two values \u200b\u200bwhich are truly universal (and I relativist is called, by God!): Common sense and empathy. Certainly not through empty rhetoric slogans that refer passed a reworked and constructed identities.

Pending the sacred texts are no longer burned in the square by preachers of hate in the mood for glory, or read to crowds of voters and creditors in turmoil, but are taken for what they are, evidence of ancient cultures past, to be read with interest the right but also with detachment and laughing at (I confess: I do often), I hope that our politicians (as well as ourselves) begin to make more use of common sense and ethics based on respect for freedom, only recipe to ensure that even those who are different and distant from us, we can observe and imitate.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Different Techdeckgames On The Computer

Facebookkiana and Modern fairy tale!

di Stefania Vignaroli

Nel server 23.87.90 viveva la foto di Silvia. Il mezzo busto sorridente, con lunghi capelli rossi e occhi riparati da un enorme cappello di paglia, è il ricordo di un allegro e spensierato pomeriggio estivo a Sperlonga. Un giorno il ritratto viaggiando lungo i byte dell'etere, vide dall'altra parte dell'autostrada a banda larga, l'immagine di un ragazzo con enormi occhiali da sole immortalato in una posa plastica. “Il solito piacione”- pensa fra sé,- “ il tipo che interessa alla me in carne e ossa.”
A volte le nostre estensioni ci conoscono meglio di quanto pensiamo.
Pochi giorni dopo, infatti, su Facebook, Silvia e Luca stringono amicizia e le due foto cominciano a convivere forzatamente sullo stesso server. I due umani cominciano a chattare, e anche l'alter ego di Luca vorrebbe stringere amicizia ma l'icona di Silvia è un po' restia.
“Ti va se dopo ci andiamo a prendere un aperitivo? conosco un dominio all'angolo mondanissimo” -dice il Luca etereo
“Ma se ancora non sono riuscita neanche a vedere il tuo viso!gli occhiali da sole ti coprono mezza faccia!”
“ Mica è colpa mia!Luca mi presenta così, che devo fare?mamma mia che acida hai il ciclo?”
“E secondo te Silvia metterebbe mai una foto in cui è gonfia, e con i brufoli su questo programma?si vede che non conosci le women! "
" Do as you please, I have over 100 contacts I'm going to have a drink with Giulia
"Bravo, even though she can see only the front, you can serve the same light?" Luke is not
more connected and the picture begins to reflect the sea. Perhaps he exaggerated but it feels tight in those albums made ad hoc showing not only a part of her, but smaller. Asks why human beings are unaware of their wealth and envy them because they have heat. The warmth of the body, breath, smell, often hidden behind huge flat screens.
That night, the pc remains on Silvia, is downloading music, and the girl virtual an idea. He began to browse through the records of the girl who breathes, and find a folder with pictures in my pajamas, hair is not styled and face make-up, is in the kitchen doing breakfast, avergliela dad has taken a Sunday morning.
the guards and for the first time it is recognized.
Without hesitation, the spreads on the web.
The day after Luke returns to the node with the usual sunglasses and a nice dragon tattoo on his shoulder.
"Hello acid, cute teddy bears shirt. I, too, despite a slightly squinting eyes are not bad you know? "
" As soon as the "fake me" if you will notice will think of a virus and will reset the pc, I am finally free from its insecurities. Cross-eyed? thank goodness at least there is someone else on this site that hosts millions of copies! However, for me you could have up to three, the glasses are tattooed with the dragon? "
" Yogurt expired waiting here ... "- Luke replied sarcastically
few minutes later, the boy next to her, is no longer tan, the tattoo is covered by a simple white t-shirt and wearing glasses that they discover the face.
"This is me! Luca fear, has pure self, not me ... "
complete darkness.
The connection is broken, the two find themselves after many cannons, dispersed in a knot on the outskirts of the web. The lights of the domains, URLs, away from them.
"Where are we now?"-The demand picture is still upset by Silvia somersaults
"The cities that dot the Internet is there, we have reset and trashed! I threw my street can not believe it! "- Answered Luke jpg
" I'm sorry .... I see you finally! your beautiful brown eyes ...."
"And since you have all those freckles?"
"Since I do not trick" - and laughed together.
"is still valid, an aperitif?"
"I do not know the area, but I am sure we will find a local" mondanissimo "- Luke opens his arms, pointing the way, looks at this Barrier-free time - after her "true image of reality "....

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rotator Cuff Symptoms More Condition_symptoms

opinion of a dickhead: thieves crafts (II)

continue my close discussion with the Italian average, after the interruption of TV football, on immigration.

learn, in fact, with little surprise but much joy, that the Swedish Bosnian Ibrahimovic scored yet another double win in the league, which promises to replicate the Teutonic on Wednesday against Bayern. At this point rises in me the hope that the news well have my partner, so as to make it more likely to accept my reasons, or better yet, to forget and let me talk to my religious rites based on caffeine. Me miserable.

Before I can utter a word, the "average" turned back and resumed the left dangling: "And anyway, they bring a lot of crime. Do not you look newspapers?". It and sometimes I find myself even to read them. I can not do unless we come up with what is a very serious research done by Tim Wadsworth, a professor of Sociology at the University of Colorado, where it is shown that the relationship between immigration and crime is inverse, contrary to what is believed to . What is really obvious when you consider that a man driven by poverty to leave their home and their families to ensure that it had a regular income and a decent future, transported to a world thousands of miles away and real culture, it will plunge headlong into work (a slave) rather than spending their time and their only possible to make crap. At least in most cases. Again I will be meeting with the Bank of Italy research seeks to establish precisely what. The data on to my adopted city (well I sort of immigrant?), Rome, show the same evidence: The data of the Ministry of Interior - Department of State Police show, in fact, in 2008 the crime of aliens is decreased by 7.6% and 15.3% in the Lazio region near Rome, in spite of the foreign resident population has increased in both contexts. "(source: Roman Observatory on Immigration, Report VI ,).

admitting, ironically, the reality of the statement of my friend, we should again consider the problem of seeking a source of evil to which we refer. If we assist with the importation of huge proportions of crime to be outside the boundaries of this is because the world around us is inhabited by beings devoted to the nature of evil and capable only for lack of any ability, to commit a crime, or rather Italy sta diventando una sorta di far west legale dove, sia autoctoni che immigrati possono compiere malefatte di ogni genere senza incontrare la giusta opposizione del sistema giuridico e normativo? L’alto tasso di delinquenza del nostro paese, unito al raffronto con le situazioni di paesi molto più aperti all’accoglienza e con una percentuale di immigrati sulla popolazione più alta , quali Svezia, Germania Gran Bretagna, che non si trovano a dover far fronte alle stesse dimensioni di tale piaga, farebbero propendere per la seconda ipotesi.

Cerco di cogliere l’assist fornitomi dal suo silenzio (vocale e di pensiero) per stuzzicarlo con l’argomento morale, a cui dovrebbe essere sensibile uno dei tanti “italiani good people "as stated by the absent-minded expression, then you do not think that is a crime to raise cataracts in front of a mass of desperate people ready to risk their lives crossing the seas of water, seas of sand and seas of traffickers, in order to find the hope? How many of the repatriated refugees are fleeing civil wars and political persecution, ethnic or religious? . "Exactly. You who think your pretty hypocritical with them until you come here [I? I'll send them? What the fuck are you saying?? Maybe phone them in secret]. Facing some kind of risk, just to give your reason beautiful ideal [sic]. Why not instead help in their country ? "

There. This is another one of those expressions that it's hard to understand. What do you mean help? In what way? Who? Maybe my well-meaning friend refers to all those policies of official assistance to developing countries (known as ODA), which many have good intentions even in the name. It's a shame that our country is virtuous and generous to last places in the ranking of countries in combating poverty through development funding. If the government had done wrong the past, the present one, despite promises, has placed a tombstone on the field of development assistance. It would be useful to point out to him, too, that while many of the so-called "third world "can boast pull is because the economies of the same family are supported by migrant remittances. A flow on a scale so vast as to be the only one to have survived even the recent financial crisis, even showing growth rates. But I flow, without a shot being fired, until the next step: the only way in which the countries of origin of immigrants to grow (if this is seen as an asset) to reach our level, is that "you help yourself "embracing the market economy and develop itself its own institutions. In this foreign aid have always failed and, by their nature, always fail. Serves that momentum if you give yourself by opening their doors to international markets (including employees) are already doing as China, India, Brazil and so on. But this fall the shafts of the average Italian, who now hints at self-styled experts in economy and society such as our property finance minister Giulio "Three Peaks": "Chinese overwhelm us, we will close the factories, we will win ... "

ok. I would like to continue but feel a bitter regurgitation salirmi esophagus. I do not know whether it is the coffee that rebels and tries to shun the conversation of the anger or is talking without communicating. To get some clarification on his last statement I invite him to read "Tremonti: instructions for the disuse" of the collective Noisefromamerika. I greet him and I left the bar. I realize it's time for lunch. And I decide to head to kebabbaro nearby. I turn and I notice that the average Italian has had stretched my mind.


Cataracts Symptoms More Condition_treatment

opinion of a dickhead: thieves trades (I) =


The fixed agitated, hoping it will not stop the rest of my daily coffee. I'm talking about him, the average Italian. He is sitting at the next table, wearing a green Lacoste intolerance, look dazed, on the LCD of the bar, a Tg of a national channel. In disturbing wave is a service that screams alarmed steelworks forget, workers in revolt, ministers silent, lost cities, rattles off numbers, hurts with sharp minds and embarrassing statistics reports.

Eventually he does, he turns to me, the only other customer, and after having seriously affected assured that no, he's not a racist, finally tells me: steal the work>. Uses that very verb, to steal: steal something wrongly belongs to someone - presumably belonging that in our context should come to a right by birth.

At this point I would like him to present what most informed people about us, come gli economisti della Banca d’Italia, hanno riscontrato nelle loro ricerche: ovvero che quel che dice corrisponde ad una panzana . Starei lì lì per porgli una semplice e sibillina domanda a conferma di quanto affermato dagli economisti: ” quante, tra le amiche di tua moglie, passano le proprie giornate a bussare di porta in porta per cercare un impiego come badante?” o magari “conosci qualcuno degli amici di tuo figlio che nelle lunghe pause universitarie, tra una lamentela per un esame non passato e uno sbuffo per un altro ancora da dare, si dichiari pronto ad abbandonare tutto per trascorre 16 ore al giorno alla guida di un Tir?”. Lascio perdere e decido di dar credito alla sua apodittica assunzione. The pose, however, a question that starts the debate. If it is true that we "steal" some of our jobs, this means that in Italy there is an offer to hire job ready. . Well. So, if we do not want to assert that entrepreneurs and homegrown families have a natural preference for the anthropological outsider, we must go and find the reasons for this choice in something else, really easy to find. . Excellent approved my friend! Will agree with me, however, that no self-reduced salary for masochism. Apparently they will offer to meet with downward wage. . So perhaps it would be appropriate to understand why an entrepreneur (o una famiglia italiana) deve mettere in moto questo gioco al ribasso. Le ipotesi, a guardar bene, sono solo due: o gli italiani, cosa non escludibile a priori, sono dei rapaci votati alla massimizzazione estrema del profitto sino ad abdicare il proprio patriottismo e la propria moralità per sotto-stipendiare dei disperati , oppure le condizioni economiche del nostro paese sono tali per cui riusciamo a rimanere competitivi ( o meglio: a sopravvivere) solo abbassando gli stipendi sino ad un livello-soglia accettabile solo dalla popolazione immigrata. In questo secondo caso molta della responsabilità la possiede il governo ( ma dato che si tratta di una situazione inveterata e di remota origine, direi i governi ) che in questi decenni non ha fatto nulla per ridurre la vorace pressione fiscale divoratrice di redditi, ed è rimasto inerte ed immobile di fronte al declino economico che stava, e sta, vivendo il nostro paese.

Qualsiasi sia delle due la risposta al nostro dilemma, l’immigrato risulta essere solo l’ultimo meccanismo di una macchina che trova l’origine del suo movimento in fattori molto più complessi e di nostra responsabilità . Tra l’altro, un meccanismo ben oliato che, anzi, permette alla “macchina economica Italia” di muoversi ancora nonostante tutto. L’immigrato, clandestino o meno, comunitario o non, diventa, come sempre nella storia, il facile bersaglio di proclami demagogici e populisti di una classe executive who is suddenly losing support. The proverbial finger that is fixed while pointing at the moon.

The average Italian watches me, even a fixed somewhere on my face, and shakes his head sadly. . At this point I would counter by surfacing the moral question, but the TV frame as arrows, the words "Ibrahimovic" and "Champions League" and I hear my partner's attention quickly died down. I force myself to stop for a break "reflective". CONTINUE ->

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Brazilian Waxing 40214

The Maniaco.wmv

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dragonball Doujin Free

Bukin Faso

This is an overview of the my beautiful country.
Enjoy the video.

Marie Reine Toe

are on facebook at:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Long Is Cervix Open Before Period Starts

occult power ... Where did Impunity 'OUR HEROES OF ISRAEL

The great international complicity with the Israeli massacres journals are not created for fear of Israel, but to afraid of what the Jewish state represents. Israel is the most emblematic symbol, the home territory Zionist capitalist who controls the world without borders from managerial positions of banks and transnational corporations. Israel is basically the national representation of a global power the Zionist, who is master of the State of Israel as much as the United States and other countries with their natural resources and economic and production systems. And who controls the planet by central banks, major media chains and military nuclear arsenals.

The occult power
Israel, is the clear geographical transnationalization of the capitalist system that controls the governments economic systems of production and the major media, both in core countries in the underdeveloped world and as peripheral.
The Jewish state, beyond its impact as a nation, is the most representative symbol of a world power in its soft decisive controlled by a minority group of Jewish origin and conformed to a structure of strategists and technocrats who operate industrial networks, technological, military, financial and media of transnational capitalism expanded in the 4 corners of the planet.
With a population of approximately 7.35 million inhabitants, Israel is the only Jewish state in the world.

But when we speak of Israel, it is first and foremost a strategic plan of world power that protects him, interactive and scored, which concentrates through an infinite network of associations and communicating vessels between the financial capital, industrial and services that transform the countries and governments of impressum enclave.

The Zionist lobby that supports and legitimizes the existence of Israel is not a state back in the Middle East, but a system of global economic power (capitalist system) banks and transnational corporations with Jews dominating the majority of holdings hegemony or the decisions of managers from their positions as directors and performers.

Who takes the trouble to investigate the names of members of management or shareholders of the big transnational corporations and banks that control the U.S. and European foreign trade and domestic production to the economic systems of countries, both the central and "underdeveloped" or "emerging" can easily verify that (in an astonishing majority) are of Jewish origin.

The management and the shareholders of the first thirty mega transnational corporations and banks (the largest in the world) that are listed in the Dow Jones on Wall Street, are mostly Jews.

megacorporations of capitalism without borders such as Wal-Mart Stores, Walt Disney, Microsoft, Pfizer Inc, General Motors, Hewlett Packard, Home Depot, Honeywell, IBM, Intel Corporation, Johinson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, American International Group, American Express, AT & T, Boeing Co (armi), Caterpillar, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Dupont, Exxon Mobil (petrolifera), General Eletric, McDonald’s, Merck & Co., Protecter & Gamble, United Technologies, Verizon, sono controllate e/o dirette da capitali e persone di origine ebraica.

Queste corporazioni rappresentano la creme de la creme dei grandi consorzi transnazionali ebraicoo-sionisti che, attraverso la lobby esercitata dalle ambasciate statunitensi ed europee, dettano e condizionano la politica mondiale ed il comportamento di governi, eserciti o istituzioni mondiali ufficiali e private.

Sono i proprietari invisibili del pianeta: quelli che guidano i paesi e i presidenti con un telecomando, come se puppets were the last generation.

Those looking for with the same criterion, in addition, the mass media, cultural or artistic industry, business associations, social organizations, foundations, professional organizations, NGOs, both in the core countries as peripheral, will be surprised of the significant incidence of people of Jewish origin in the highest decision-making positions.

The three major U.S. television networks (CNN, ABC, NBC and Fox), the three major newspapers (Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post) are controlled and directed (by shares or families) from groups Jewish lobbyists, mostly New Yorkers. Similarly

as the three most influential magazines (Newsweek, Time and New Yorker) and consortia of hegemonic Internet as Time-Warner (Unitas with America Online) or Yahoo, are controlled by Jewish capital, and directors that operates the networks and conglomerates connected to other companies.

Colossi of Hollywood cinema and entertainment like Walt Disney Company, Warner Brothers Pictures Comlumbia, Paramouth, 20th Century Fox, among others, form part of this interactive network of Zionist imperialist capital.
The concentration of capital in global mega-mega-groups or companies controlled by Zionist capital, in an overwhelming proportion, makes possible the global decisions of all kinds, the economy, in society, politics, culture, etc.. and represents the most characteristic of globalization imposed by the imperial world power of the capitalist system.

The focus of this expansive transnationalization Zionist capitalism is the control and domination (through wars of conquest or "democracy") of natural resources and economic and production systems, an operation that his supporters and theorists call "political market".

Capitalism transaction on a global scale, is the owner of the states and their economic and productive resources and systems, not only dependent on the world, but also central capitalist countries. So
governments and central officials are impressum enclave of (left or right) with discursive variants carry the same economic program and the same strategies of political and social control.

This transnational capitalism "without borders" of the Zionist lobby which supports the State of Israel is based on two pillars: *

computerized financial speculation (with a territorial basis on Wall Street) and the military-industrial technology of last generation (the maximum expression of development is concentrated in the Military Industrial Complex of the USA).

The international Zionist lobby, which is based on existential pillars of the State of Israel, controlled by governments, armies, police and economic structures of production, financial systems, political systems, scientific and technological structures, socio-cultural, international media structures, up to power based on the arsenals of the world police nuclear, the military industrial complex and the deployment of U.S. military equipment and the Central Powers.

This power, and not the State of Israel, is what they fear the presidents, politicians, journalists and intellectuals who are silent or deform the daily genocide of Israel in the Middle East, intimidated and remain buried beneath the tombstone of life ' "anti-Semitism."

The Lobby imperial
The Zionist pro-Israel lobby, the network of hidden power that controls the White House, the Pentagon and the Federal Reserve, but does not pray in the synagogues in the Cathedral of Wall Street. A detail to be taken into account, not to confuse religion with myth el'affare.
When referring to the Zionist lobby (which they call pro-Israeli lobby), most experts and analysts speak of a group of officials and technocrats, in whose hands is the design and execution of U.S. military policy.

to this lobbying is attributed to the strategic goal of imposing the permanent military agenda and political and geopolitical interests of the Government and the State of Israel in U.S. foreign policy. How
definition, pro-Israel lobby, is a giant machine of economic and political pressure which operates in all segments of the U.S. institutional power: the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, the State Department, CIA and agencies the intelligence community, the most important.

Through the political use of its financial strength, its strategic position in decision-making, financial lobby groups have a crucial influence on U.S. foreign and domestic policy, the first imperial power, in addition to its dominant role in Financing political parties, candidates and presidents of the congress.
At the imperial level, the financial power of the lobby is expressed primarily through the Federal Reserve in the U.S., a key body for the concentration of speculative capital and the reproduction on a planetary level.

The heart of the Zionist lobby is the powerful U.S. financial sector on Wall Street that has direct implications for and participation in the appointment of key officials of the U.S. government and organs of control of monetary policy and credit institutions (national and international) with headquarters in Washington and New York.

cheap international financial bodies like the OECD, the World Bank, the IMF, are under direct control of central banks and governments of the U.S. and the international powers are controlled by the Zionist lobby (Britain, Germany, France, Japan, the most important).

organizations and international alliances such as the UN, the Security Council and NATO are Zionist controlled US-EU axis, whose power plants are those that guarantee the impunity of military extermination of Israel in the Middle East, as happened with the last massacre of activists in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
The main lobby of the financial institutions (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, etc.) and the major banks (Citigroup, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, etc.) have a decisive influence in the appointment of the holders of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and the Secretary of Commerce, in addition to the Directors of the WB and IMF.

The myth of the 'anti-Semitism "

This phenomenon of" global capitalist power "of the Jews, not Israel, who fear cioò presidents, politicians, journalists and intellectuals who avoid obstinately to condemn genocide in newspapers or appoint military Israel in Gaza, repeating what they have already done during the Israeli massacre in Lebanon in 2006.
The great international complicity with periodic massacres Israelis are not created for fear of the State of Israel, but to fear of what the State of Israel represents.

is not Israel, a Zionist state in most, but the "Greater Israel", the homeland of Judaism worldwide (with the territory stolen from the Palestinians), to which all Jews of the world are her children wonders around the world.
is not Israel but the powerful World Jewish organizations and communities who supported the genocide in full the Israeli military in Gaza, who use their power and "ladder of prestige" (built through their historic victimization of the Holocaust ) to turn into a social leper who dare criticize or speak out against the extermination of the Israeli military in Gaza.

The governments of the capitalist world, journalists, intellectuals, trade unions and social organizations are not afraid of Israel, but their social stoning as "anti-Semitic" (a word which is called those who challenge and / or denounce Zionism jew).
not fear the State of Israel but to the children of Israel disguised in major decision-making centers of world power, mainly economic, financial and media-cultural.
politicians, intellectuals and journalists of the system are not afraid of Israel, but fear the media, Jewish organizations and companies and their influence on governments and economic and cultural processes of the Zionist capitalist system expanded in all countries on a global scale. Ultimately
fear that companies, universities, organizations, foundations that fund international Zionist promotion and / or promote their places in the machinery of the system to declare them "anti-Semitic" and leave them without jobs, without holidays and no pension.
This is the main reason why the intellectuals, academics and journalists in the mulling living system's intelligent analysis of "reality" political, economic and social without the presence of the word Jew or capitalist system which pays for their services.

Although there is a group of Jewish intellectuals and activists of the left (Chomsky and Gelman among them) who have condemned and protested against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, the vast majority of Jewish communities and organizations globally has explicitly supported the slaughter of civilians in Gaza, saying it was a "war on terrorism."

Although Israel has not invaded or military has perpetuated a genocide in Gaza with the Jewish religion but with F-16 aircraft, missiles, cluster bombs, Apache helicopters, tanks, heavy artillery, ships, computer systems, and strategy and a plan to exterminate large-scale military who question this massacre was condemned as "anti-Semitic" by the World Jewish power distributed around the world.

campaigns to denounce anti-Semitism with which Israel and the organizations Jewish attempt to neutralize criticism of the massacre, address the issue as if Zionism ebraicoo (support of Israel) was an issue of "racial" or religious, and not a system of imperial domination plan that includes an interactive economic, political , social and cultural, overcoming the issue of race or religious beliefs.

the Zionist lobby does not control the world with religion: it checks with the banks, transnational hegemony over the economic and productive system, control over natural resources, control of the computer network, and global manipulation, and control of social values \u200b\u200bthrough advertising, consumer culture and the standardized and globalized the mass media.

Ultimately, the Jewish lobby does not represent any expression of racial or synagogue, but is the structure that controls the world power through its control on financial and economic centers of strategic decision of the capitalist system spread "civilization" is unique. Before
of religion and race, the Zionist lobby and its networks are moving from functional political ideology: Zionism and imperialism that puts capitalist market, the concentration of wealth, "political affairs", any philosophy that touches the concepts of "good" and "bad" meant within the social parameters.

So what it means when talk about "anti-Semitism" or "religious anti-Judaism"?
Which benchmarks underlying the condition of anti-Semitic?
Who is anti-Semitic?
Those who criticize the Jews for their religion or their race in societies worldwide?

At most, the Jews, as is evidenced in the social reality of any country, are not criticized for their religion or race condition but for their excessive attachment to the status of money (also grown in other communities) and integration structures or hierarchies of power within an unjust system of oppression and exploitation of man by man, as is the capitalist system.

Unless minority groups of fanatics and racists who only represent themselves in society (with the exception of the German Nazis and some exceptions) almost there ever was a "religious or racial persecution" of the Jew, but there was an association Jew with the "worst face of capitalism", represented in the economic system and financial speculation.

In summary
The Zionist lobby that protects the State of Israel (right and left) is shaped by a structure of strategists and technocrats who work in industrial networks technology military and financial media of transnational capitalism in the four extended corners of the planet.

Its networks are expressed through a multitude of organizations dedicated to promoting the current global model, there are mainly including: The Hudson Institute, The RAND Corporation, The Brookings Institution, The Trilateral Commissions, The World Economic Forum, Aspen Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politik Auswärtigen, Bilderberg Group, Cato Institute, Tavestock Institute and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and other .

All of these think tank or "brain bank", bringing together the best technocrats, scientists and scholars in their respective fields, graduates of universities United States, Europe and worldwide.
The lobby does not respond only to the State of Israel (as analysts say the "right" of the neocons), but a world power which is the owner of the Zionist state of Israel as much as the U.S. State and the rest of the states with the their natural resources and economic and production systems.

The lobby is not only the White House, but also all levels of operations on a transnational capitalism, whose strategic plan charmans large heads and executives of banks and multinational companies that are part of the Washington Consensus and share the world as a cake.
Neither the left nor the right to talk about this party power "scored" for the simple reason that both are merged (by way of false alternatives clashed) programs and strategies of transnational capitalism that controls the planet.
As a result, and while not articulated a new strategic understanding (a "third position" of the revolutionary wisdom and knowledge) the world power that controls the planet will continue to perpetuate the false options of "Left" and "right" .

And the Jewish lobby "right" of conservative Republicans continue to happen to the lobby ebraicaa "left" of the Liberal Democrats in a policy continuity with the same World Zionist Empire guidelines.
And the massacres of the State of Israel will continue, as in the past, sanctioned and protected by the structures of the World Zionist capitalist system of power that regards him as "his home territory."


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Doujinshi Dragon Ball Free


between changes in human social and natural, there is a small but important difference that I think si possa definire con l’espressione “la natura se ne frega”. L’evoluzione naturale agisce, infatti, attraverso l’azione del caso, degli errori. In un organismo si presentano delle casuali mutazioni che, in base all’ambiente nelle quali è immerso l’individuo, possono o favorirlo o penalizzarlo. Non esistono ne priorità ne valori nell’azione della natura. Essa agisce spesso affliggendo una specie nel breve periodo, favorendola poi sul lungo periodo. Non è detto però che ciò necessariamente avvenga: molte specie si estinguono quotidianamente.

La selezione umana è invece diversa. Questa non avviene per azione del caso ma attraverso il presentarsi nel corso della storia d’innovazioni tecnologiche. Queste rispondono, si, a delle priorità: nascono con lo scopo di avvantaggiare l’uomo o alcuni suoi membri rispetto a particolari problemi o situazioni. Nessuno però sa quale sarà l’effetto nel lungo periodo dell’applicazione su larga scala di queste innovazioni. Inoltre, a differenza della natura, noi umani abbiamo una lista di valori, decisi arbitrariamente e contingenti al periodo storico e al luogo in cui s vive, a cui difficilmente sapremmo rinunciare. E l’evoluzione spesso li travolge. È difficile in questo caso fare coincidere lo sviluppo con il progresso – il secondo interpretato nella sua accezione positiva e migliorativa- semplicemente perché non sappiamo cosa guadagneremo e cosa perderemo nel futuro; a quali valori dovremo dire addio. Non sappiamo infine se le abilità a cui avremmo rinunciato per sempre , in un nuovo ed inaspettato contesto, possano tornarci nuovamente utili.

Si può fare il semplice esempio della nostra attuale dipendenza dai combustibili fossili e più in generale dall’energia elettrica. Che cosa accadrebbe se un cataclisma (o anche solo un lento avvicinamento all’esaurimento delle risorse) ci rendesse non disponibile tale fonte di energia?


Monday, March 22, 2010

Mongrammed Plastic Cups

Oggi ho letto un bel editoriale (come al solito) di Giovanni Sartori sul Corriere della Sera (" Donkeys and uneven", 22 / 3) which, by the squawking wriggling creepy newspaper on the elections, faces the problem of the progressive "illiteracy" of the Italian people. The figure is part dall'allarmante that 70% of Italians are returning an illiterate, unable to understand a text that has more complexity than that offered by the Yellow Pages. The problem, in addition to gravity in and of itself, gives a useful key for interpreting the spread of populism on the right (but not only) and its success turnout and lively squares mezz'Europa.

The problem does not seem to afflict only our increasingly decrepit boot, although in a a German magazine (can not remember the name, heck!) It turns out that Germany complains the same lack of young players, and even a high level of real illiterate, not even able to read the labels of the water. Sartori goes further, however, not limited pitiless analysis of the phenomenon, but finding "the" ultimate culprit (who joins with other accomplices, such as poor schooling and pedagogical novismo): refers to the development of technology ' information. It is she who has made all of us are unable to follow a logical thread of thought for more than two sentences, the hurried search for information are always new and ever more "Easily used", we have sacrificed the weight of reasoning and depth on the altar of multitasking.

Also this thesis does not taste the original, although, as pointed out Vaughan Bell in an article in State (and reported on International No. 837) that our ability to reflect and concentration had been considered endangered since dall'apparsa the press in 1455 (it refers to the same Sartori in his article), then after the problem has revived with the emergence of radio, television, cell phone text messages with their ... well, any appearance of anything that came out of all proportion to speed up our ability to transmit thoughts, words and knowledge, sound the alarm.

issues that I believe will materialize at this point are 2: 1-

is true what it claims Sartori?

2 - even supposing that what Sartori says is true, how to reconcile the much acclaimed rising power of citizens / users, due to the use of tools such as instant and free sharing web with stupidity "the sovereign people feared the political scientist just because of the use of these same means?

you declare immediately that the first question I can not give a definitive answer. The aforementioned article by Bell wanted to be a refutation of the theory also supported by Editoriale Corriere. As a double to bring the results of several studies (does not specify which) where it was argued that the Internet had a negative influence on our brains - unlike the TV-gloss and noting that, as always in history, technological advances have been welcomed, especially by the elderly population and therefore conservative, as an instrument of corruption of young minds. do not know if this is true, I claw and neurological research, sociological and psychological, that can not be in its infancy. What I can say from personal experience, is that my level of patience in the face of a written text has been reduced a lot, to almost disappear in the case of newspapers, which now reduces me to read only the page titles on-line; search engines, the wikienciclopedie, the multitude of opinions "cooked", they also filed a part of my passion for finding meaning in a text, spell checkers have freed us from the burden of ' education and grammar language tools fatigue of translation, inoltre, guardando non solo al mio caso, ho notato che la conoscenza è divenuta sempre più nozionistica e meno di spessore.

Rispondere alla seconda domanda, essendo questa orfana di una risposta alla prima, apparirebbe impresa un po’ ardua se non paradossale. Anche in questo caso galleggio nel dubbio. Mi limiterò ad osservare, come spesso in altre sedi ho fatto, che il web, con il suo potere di renderci tutti dei suoi creatori ( empowerment qualcuno lo definirebbe), ha moltiplicato le voci nel coro dell’informazione fino ad un livello incontrollabile, senza che un necessario meccanismo di controllo affidabile si sviluppasse per poter fare da filtro alla “messe mess "that flood the network (an interesting debate on the subject, about wikipedia, you can find him reading the article by Richard Waters, at the International 835).

So, how to build a valid opinion of the world around us if the person who "knows" has the same degree of respectability to those who "think they know"?

short, these are the dilemmas, which in turn opens more windows on several related issues.


Gianluca Frattini