Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Rivolta Araba: Ultime News

How they react U.S. and Israel?

The events follow each other in the Arab World at a rate such as to require constant updating of news. If I had the opportunity to devote all my time to constantly report on the past and present events in Palestine, because the fate of the Palestinian people is my primary concern. And also because it seems that Israel is taking advantage of the fact that the eyes of the world are on the Arab street, to intensify the attacks, newspapers, sull'inerme population of Gaza.

E 'of two days ago the news of the bombing of three wells in Gaza, which already suffers from acute shortage of water supply, as the continuing Israeli settlements are chosen on the basis of its easy access to water sources, gradually narrowing the rich pasture lands and water provision of the Palestinians.

I wonder how to succeed in unmasking the lies of the Zionist whole castle with a few lines written on a blog, as opposed to the systematic campaign of misinformation and propaganda by the pro-Israel national and international media.

However, the entire Islamic world, unfairly discriminated against and at the same time the West exploit for political purposes and economic worth at the time our fullest attention.

are ni leo, men com fighting in the streets and in the Arab zon and deser policies in Libya which are the central extraction and processing of p etrolio.

d Replies to have to give their lives for the cause of liberation from the yoke of tyrants supported dall'occidentale, the brave fighters of Libya and other countries in the region.

Why is well clear: they are corrupt and repressive regimes, the Arab, because we in the West, we have allowed this state of things, sacrificing the human rights of the peoples of the Near and Middle East on the altar of "stability" of oil, and a "security" of Israel, whose existence has never been at risk at any point, contrary to what would the false propaganda crafted and promulgated by our media , the news, American movies and TV series that portray the Israelis as victims and heroes and the Muslims as fundamentalist fanatics not so smart.

We, westerners, we think that after all Israel is a society with values \u200b\u200bsimilar to ours and we welcome a state, with democratic features that we think, established between the people of Muslim culture, Islamic, Koran, that we believe are so distant from ours and we look with suspicion. Blindly accepted the injury, without asking to know. That is favorable to Israel than to mistrust of Muslims.

I make a great example: the majority of western citizens think that the Arab governments reflect the ideology of Islamic nothing could be further from the truth. Not promulgate any ideology, do not defend any faith, who profess no faith, the Arab tyrants. Certainly do not have the Koran in mind when they oppress, suppress, enslave, torture the people. They use false obscurantist ideologies called Wahhabism and Salafism to keep people in subjection to psychological, especially women.

commented a few days ago, in connection with PressTV, American author and journalist Marc Glenn, founder of the solidarity movement "Crescent and Cross" and an expert on Middle East issues:

"The causes of the revolt Arabic is deeply rooted the question of the colonization of Palestine by Zionist Jews. "colonization began over a century ago and culminated in the founding of the Zionist state of Israel at the end of World War 2. Since then, the Arab peoples have had no peace. The persecution and oppression of the Arabs and particularly Palestinians has lasted nearly a century - long before the persecution of Jews in Europe.

Since the Italian media, and not just Italian ones, are stingy with information on the events of the massive movements of revolt in the Arab world, I think it is important to provide short summaries of the news of the day, to add some insights of the single most significant situations . How they react

U.S. and Israel?

After completing last night a list of relevant news (see below), I witnessed this morning at Long live the Friday of the protests in the Arab world. For most, the images were broadcast on PressTV rated link expert in International Law, American lawyer Dr. Franklin Lamb, who reported on what is currently going on in government circles in the United States as a reaction to events in Arabic.

How could I have personally consist of the American media following the news of international spread, is an initiative under way for several weeks mass media by Washington, aimed to discredit the Arab riots reminiscent of acts of persecution by both the period of "McCarthyism" was in place when the witch hunts to "flush out" those who were called "enemies of the state", ie sympathizers of the Communist philosophy.

Today the new "bogeyman" is Islam. He wants to lead all American citizens suspect that lurks behind the riots in reality the danger of radicalization of Islam, then that would be a danger to the West and would presage future attacks aimed at U.S. territory.

E 'was in fact recently instituted a "Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry" by the Committee for National Security, on " Muslim citizens constitute a danger to state security? "The Commission, headed by the Zionist Peter King, has the official purpose of investigating alleged crimes against American Muslims in American society, and suggests that there is considerable evidence for an organized attempt to establish the Islamic Law of Sharia law in American society. "

It was pointed out that Muslims americani, pur rappresentando appena il 6% della popolazione complessiva, costituissero tuttavia l’80% dei detenuti per crimini connessi al “terrorismo”.

All’iniziativa della Commissione i media americani, compresi quelli a diffusione internazionale, stanno dedicando in questi giorni un’attenzione quasi maniacale, con dibattiti in studio e commenti da parte di figure istituzionali. E dato che nei media è iniziata la campagna elettorale per le elezioni presidenziali del 2012, in maggioranza gli “esperti” invitati a commentare o dibattere sono candidati repubblicani che si presenteranno per le prossime elezioni.

Per tornare all’intervento dell’avvocato Franklin Lamb on the air today on PressTV dedicated to the Arab riots. Commented as follows, the expert in International Law:

"was held yesterday, the first hearing of the Commission and has triggered strong reactions in both the mainstream media, of course, deployed by the Commission, both from the community Islam, which in these days took to the streets with loud protests and slogans denouncing the racist Islamophobic discrimination. They were accompanied by solidarity groups and publicly stressed the peaceful nature that characterizes the Islamic culture, and then the Muslim community in America.

Add personally, I witnessed last night in the American media to witness to the Muslim Parliament elected in the U.S., Democrat Keith Ellison of Minnesota, present yesterday at the Hearing as a speaker / advocate. E 'burst into tears as he read the names of firefighters who perished during the Muslim attempts to rescue American citizens trapped in the Twin Towers after the attacks of 11 September 2001.

Franklin Lamb He commented: "Washington is concerned that violence against Arab demonstrators on the streets in the U.S. could lead to demonstrations of solidarity with the oppressed Arab world - And then with Islam - and thus exert strong public pressure to terminate American military intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Israel and the interruption of funding that are used to arm the army against the Palestinians. " Are already underway for weeks, the anti-government demonstrations throughout the U.S., and particularly in the industrial Northeast, which began in Wisconsin a month ago and never stopped a single day, one night since then.

"And all this happens while the bustles with frenetic activity behind the scenes by the U.S. pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, which at the moment is very committed to meet the demands that come from a secret government circles in Israel, since the beginning of the Arab riots have avoided public comment.

Franklin Lamb explains: "From my contacts in Israel, I learned that many Israeli citizens have expressed their intention to emigrate, but not to return to countries of origin in Europe and Russia. They want to move to the U.S.. It becomes increasingly clear to the Israeli population, that the Zionist regime has no future and that the occupation and colonization of Palestine must end.

Dr. Lamb continues: "E ' clear now, and in particular to Israeli citizens that the Arab peoples in revolt are determined to continue with the riots until the revolution is accomplished through. And one consequence will be the inevitable showdown with Israel, which has also lost support from the international community better informed. So it becomes important for Israel to take decisive political decisions before the revolution is the final statement.

(and I take a short parenthesis to confirm that today, Friday, all the squares are full of Arab demonstrators, more numerous than ever - in some there are violent clashes with security forces order, particularly in Bahrain, with some deaths and many injuries - and particularly the citizens in Cairo, after yet another charge yesterday by the police, now fill every square, every street, to denounce the recent maneuvers of the colonels, that temporizing avoid facing the explicit demands of the population ever more determined to get what he seeks, namely a 180-degree reversal of the policies and institutions, as described in detail in my previous post )

Dr. Lamb continues: "The Zionist lobby AIPAC was able to obtain the release of tens of thousands of American passports (Already at 30,000) for Israeli citizens who want to emigrate to America. The office for the issuance of passports is literally doing overtime to meet the demands of AIPAC, the VAT law in all spheres of American power. "

remember that the Israel Lobby to finance election campaigns of candidates promising to defend Israeli interests, and that goes for both candidates to the Parliament (House and Senate), which for candidates for the presidency. And it is always the AIPAC that in the end who will become parliamentary decrees, senator, president, or officer of the administrative institutions. Obama era stato la scelta della AIPAC per le ultime elezioni presidenziali.

Era promettente, Barack Obama, perché sapeva incantare le folle e sarebbe sicuramente riuscito a fare ingoiare agli americani alcuni rospi difficili come la continuazione delle guerre in Iraq e Afghanistan e l’appoggio incondizionato ad Israele, con massicci finanziamenti provenienti dai fondi dei contribuenti americani.

Infatti Obama era riuscito a “raccogliere” per la sua campagna elettorale quasi un miliardo di dollari (ufficialmente, ma molto più secondo gli informati), mentre McCain, nonostante sia un irriducibile difensore di Israele (come lo è stata storicamente l’intera McCain dynasty), he could not have garantitire public support for the unscrupulous American foreign policy.

That said, here's the latest - yesterday - of Arab affairs. Those on today, Friday, will follow shortly.


During a meeting of Defense Ministers of NATO countries, the Secretary-General Anders Rasmussen stated that NATO is considering the possibility of military action in Libya and is therefore intensifying monitoring of Libyan airspace. "If we have a clear mandate from the UN and a strong regional support, saremo pronti ad intervenire", dichiara Rasmussen.

Ciò che Rasmussen omette di menzionare, è che il "supporto regionale" non meglio specificato sarebbe rappresentato dal Consiglio Rivoluzionario, che attualmente agisce da governo ad interim e che ha ripetutamente ed espressamente dichiarato di opporsi a qualsiasi intervento militare dall'esterno.

Si tratta dello stesso Rasmussen che ai tempi in cui era primo ministro danese, ha fortemente appoggiato l'intervento militare della Danimarca in Iraq e Afghanistan. E pochi sono informati sullo scempio compiuto dai militari danesi nel carcere della base militare di Bagram, in Afghanistan.


Primi segni di rivolta anche in Kuwait, dove un gruppo di giovani kuwaitiani hanno programmato una manifestazione per domani, venerdì, allo scopo di chiedere le dimissioni del primo ministro e riforme importanti. Le proteste arrivano anche in aperta sfida alle leggi repressive del regime che inoltre vieta ufficialmente qualsiasi forma di protesta organizzata.

Il premier del Kuwait è un nipote dello Sceicco al-Sabah ed è stato nominato nel 2006. E' da sempre fortemente osteggiato nel parlamento e durante gli anni del suo governo ci sono stati già 3 rinnovi completi del parlamento e 5 rimpasti del consiglio dei ministri.


Alcuni days ago, we all remember, Obama had requested a "confidential" to the Saudi King Abdullah to send weapons to Libya, including tanks and missiles. However it is not got no affirmative response from Riyadh, and is today the news that "the United States appeal to the Saudi government to respect the right of citizens to demonstrate in public." As stated by Foreign Ministry spokesman, Philip Crowley front of the cameras during the daily briefing to the press.

The message to the ultra-conservative Saudi government is loud and clear: if you do not come to meet our demands, we blame you for your public crackdown against demonstrators. The message comes on the eve of the event "Day of Wrath" in the squares Saudi scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, March 11.

And only two hours ago George Galloway (founder of the pro-Gaza Movement "Long live Palestine") said during his live broadcast on PressTV London: "The editors inform me that there have been clashes in Saudi Arabia . The police have opened fire on the demonstrators and deliberately killed 3 people. "

The news is confirmed on the news at the end of the transmission of Galloway. In Qatif, the crowd of protesters, men and women, remained in place until the evening to ask the release of political prisoners. Last week, the Saudi government, in anticipation of the scheduled day of wrath, he had made publicly to call any kind of public event, announcing the deployment of 10,000 units of the police in major cities.

As I write - almost midnight on Thursday - is a special broadcast from London on the riots in Saudi Arabia, with the expert in Middle Eastern Affairs Christopher Walker commented that the images live from Qatif and are "very concerned" about what happen tomorrow, Friday, March 11. The images show the massive parade of military vehicles that are moving to reach the destinations of cities in which are expected events. A truly terrifying. I'll see if I can find some pictures of the movie aired.

Meanwhile, thousands of Secret Service agents Saudis are preparing to enter the nearby Bahrain, as announced by Saudi King Abdullah to Mr Al Khalifa of Bahrain.

arrived yesterday publicly, "the invitation to dialogue" by the Saudi foreign minister. But in a video aired on PressTV the spokesman for an opposition party responded by saying that "there is no one with whom you can talk to the government because the opposition leaders, including intellectuals and academics, are all in prison, or exiled, or forced into hiding to avoid capture. "

For tomorrow, as every Friday for the start of the Arab revolt, mass demonstrations are expected in all the Arab street. In Saudi Arabia the confrontation in the streets promises to be fiery.


El-Baradei, former Secretary-General by the International Atomic Energy Agency announced today that it will propose his own candidacy for the Presidency on behalf of Egypt. El-Baradei had occurred in Tahrir Square at the beginning of the uprising, but the crowd had returned to you after the public statements that "it was necessary to keep faith with the Treaty of Peace with Israel. " I do not know what to recur now to encourage the Egyptian citizens, but he knows he can count on - and ultimately the funding - to be part of the US-Israel-EU. In an attempt to curry favor with the electorate Egypt, El Baradei said "to be in favor of a democratic system in place the reforms that the military leaders are now proposing," adding that it will oppose the amendments proposed by the Egyptian colonels.

few days ago even Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League which is based in Cairo, close to Plaza Tahrir, declared their intention to run for president. The Arab League is however much discredited and criticized for inaction in the Palestinian issue. Moussa was also presented in Tahrir Square in the initial phase of the revolt, but the reaction of citizens was not at all enthusiastic. Under the leadership of Moussa, the League has been constantly under fire for ineffective policies to counter the aggression of the Zionist regime of Israel.


For weeks, have never ceased to manifest the citizens of this country battered by the constant attacks of the military joint US-SaudiArabia. In millions to the streets again today to ask, as always since the beginning of the revolt, the resignation of dictator Saleh and the release of political prisoners. And in Sana'a we saw a terrible sight. The police, seeing compartment every effort to disperse the crowds, yesterday threw a nerve gas on protesters.

Many hospitalized: 1 dead, hundreds injured. Said Dr. Sami Zaid Hospital of Science and Technology in Sana'a, "we discovered that many in the state of temporary paralysis characteristic of nerve gas, whose use is also prohibited under international conventions.

Meanwhile, comes news that hundreds of regular army troops have moved from the demonstrators and joined the protests. A riot broke out in a prison than 2,000 political prisoners. And 'well known that many of the detainees are "prisoners of war captured by the Saudi-American forces, long present in the area as real occupation forces officially" to fight Al Qaeda, "but in reality to punish groups insurgents who for years fought for the liberation of the country from the yoke of Saudi-American.

Prisoners in revolt can take a dozen guards hostage. Are sent to the police, who use tear gas on inmates and hurl themselves gathered in the courtyard of the prison. 60 prisoners were wounded in fighting and 20 agents. During the day the crowd also takes the Saudi Embassy siege calling for the release of Yemeni prisoners held in Saudi Arabia.


Nuova dichiarazione di fonte alle telecamere da parte di Saif al-Islam Gheddafi, che promette “Guerra senza quartiere”, aggiungendo che la famiglia Gheddafi non cederà mai e poi mai alle richieste dei rivoltosi di rinunciare al potere. “La Libia è nostra e uccideremo i rivoltosi complici di Al Qaeda uno per uno”.

… continua …

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“I legami fra il Risorgimento italiano ed ebraico”: Non esistono!


Mi rendo conto di quanto sia pericoloso entrare in polemica con Certi Signori, ma quel che è troppo è troppo. In intervention at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, has been debated, very animated, the story of Zionist colonialism, I supported a view that will go below and developed and expressed, if there will be no need. Who in the fifties he attended elementary school Italian received some education and the Italian national sentiment . There was no class in the worship of the flag. You do not start classes singing the anthem of Italy. The national sentiment was not a form of religion that was going to replace the Catholic education of all the classes I attended. The charm is finished, however, since another man was able to say with impunity that he wished to make use of the Italian flag.

So, who's culture and historical memory has been thought that perhaps it was better to stay Bourbon, Papal, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, etc.. But it was unclear what was meant by the word "Renaissance", but then give the content more convenient to come back for very clear tasks of propaganda and legitimation of a incurable illegality. With "Risorgimento" each of us - student in the Fifties of the Twentieth Century - intended and felt that where previously there were Bourbon, Papal, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, etc, there would be after first "Italian", if not solely and exclusively Italian.

Nobody thought to have "Italian" would be "ethnically cleansed" of Calabria, Tuscany, Piedmont, Veneto, etc.., And in their place you would have these triumphal entry "Italians." The deep local roots of the population pre-unification was not even remotely in question. It was simply inconceivable that someone could drive from his home, his country, in the name of 'Italian' and that this filthy operation could be called "Risorgimento". It would be was only an "ethnic cleansing", now fully assimilated to "genocide."

is all too clear the transaction of a certain journalism "Zionist", where the term should be distinguished from "Jewish." The claim that certain, authoritative, and advanced to equate "Zionism" with "revival", by Giuseppe Mazzini's cousin, if not the godfather of Theodore Herzl. But just the few rules of account of the elementary school to understand the scam. Since none of us is stuck in his head to be descended from the Etruscans and claim title to this land rights in all areas already inhabited by this people rather mysterious, rather legendary, the national feeling of belonging is linked to the uninterrupted stay in the places of their ancestors.

If we go just to study the concrete history Zionist immigration to Palestine from 1882 onwards, do not look like there was more geometrical and there is a continuous uninterrupted dispossession of indigenous peoples, the "natives", presented as wild as deserving of extermination and a little condescending if they accept the submission. What this process has to do with the Risorgimento that has been taught in our elementary schools? It may be permissible to expel someone from his home, his country, his homeland? And Risorgimento is it? What

of Psalm 137? behind the willow tree, he continues:

Babylon, mother of death,
wretched city is blessed

who makes you the same infamy
Blessed is he who seizes
your children

and crushes them against the rock .

During the "Lead Time" we have seen so many children crushed with your brains beaten on the walls of the gutted houses.

Even in the fifties of those years a German philosopher named Karl Jaspers, voiced la sua saggezza parlando di uno “Stato criminale”, rifendendosi al suo paese, la Germania, le cui tragiche vicende non intendiamo qui ripercorrere. Il problema è che se avesse rivolto la sua attenzione a ciò che accadeva nella Palestina storica durante l’anno 1948 poteva osservare l’inveramento di quella dottrinale coloniale e razzista, in sionismo, che inizio la sua opera nel 1882 e si avvalse dei servigi dei potenti di turno, dalla Gran Bretagna agli USA. Nel 1948 d’un colpo solo fu estromesso dai suoi villaggi il 50 % della popolazione palestinese, che ricorda non il suo “Risorgimento” ma la sua “Nakba”. Uno storico sionista, ammettendo il fatto, lamenta che avrebbe dovuto essere espulso il 100% della popolazione autoctona! Altri poi discettano se quel 50% se ne andò o fu espulso: come se facesse molta differenza per chi conservava e conserva le chiavi di una casa che fu demolita, insieme con la metà dei villaggi palestinesi allora esistenti, letteralmente cancellati dalla carta geografica. Commisero loro – questi Gran Signori – quello che imputano ad altri di voler fare.

Non c’è più nessun limite alla decenza. Ma qui ci fermiamo per non dover scendere in incresciosi dettagli. Riassumiamo dicendo non è in alcun possibile collocare sotto una stessa categoria concettuale ciò che è stata l’idea di Risorgimento nella nostra educazione di italiani, prima ancora che in testi abbandonati in dusty shelves, with the idea, practice and the actual realization of Zionism, for which it is for us the feedback that was given to a large majority of a UN commission, equating them with racism. Simply put, however, by the snip biblical mythology, who also founded the Promised Land on the genocide of the Canaanites, to watch day by day, step by step, the process of colonial settlement in Palestine to realize how it was perhaps the most consumed greatest injustice of all time. But even if this were really the "Risorgimento", then you should go to shake hands with Bossi, thanking him for telling the truth remained hidden for the 15th year.

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European Phoenix: un nuovo sito di controinformazione

received reports of a new site to "counter". We're watching and we find it graphically and technically mature. The contents seem interesting. We look forward to a phenomenon in itself, constitute a viable and successful alternative to the domination of the press and its outgrowth on the network. We also believe that the relationship between the various existing sites - now the family is also added European Phoenix - is not a "competition" but "integration". The capitalist notion of "competition" here does not really make any sense. Since the sites for more volunteers and non-profit, integration becomes a natural process. By integrating with each other specialist sites may deal with the multinationals. The speech is complex. We are pretty tired. We reserve the right to explore the concept, if any be needed. For now, we want to greet the new site and express our congratulations on this move of alternative information, which we must defend our right as a fundamental freedom. You can access the new site - which will include our list of links, in our various themed blogs - even clicking on the title of this post. This is the first report of appearance that we a new site, but we will be attentive to what comes out the same way in which we commonly affects the release of a new book.


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Nostra Corrispondenza: 9. «La Rivolta dell’Egitto entra nella Fase 2»

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News terrible and follow all the indications are that we have entered a new historical phase of what left their mark. The foolishness of our rulers, however, reigns supreme and cien natural to ask if we can do as in Egypt and elsewhere. For too long we had to hear that our country, happily ruled in alternarnanza and condominium by the same coterie of identity profiteers regime, are a model to export, even with the war, of course animated by a spirit of humanitarian intervention and mere police duties and to maintain order and stability. You should be really silly to drink all the buffaloes that every day there are Ammanniti by state television and print media. But we read the news that our correspondent has summarized for us by following closely the foreign channels, the ones that we put the index. This is the ninth and last match of Egeria, which became part of "Civium Libertas as a collaborator with the name of Egeria.

* * *

The Revolt of Egypt enters Phase 2

A brief reference to the latest news, then a report on what happens in Egypt, which in recent days PressTV devoted large amounts of information.

You add the Kuwait Arab protests, which started yesterday, Tuesday, March 8. Youth groups have announced protests for the next few days. The small country is closely tied to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Today in the Arab world was held a day of demonstrations by women, to demand the abolition discriminatory measures against women and the release of thousands of men detained without formal charges. The women's event in Bahrain has been the most massive. But also very important and large participation of Palestinian women in this day of protest for women.

Meanwhile, more signs for an imminent military intervention in Saudi Arabia Bahrain.

Many news from Yemen, where protests are more massive with each passing day. Yesterday the army joined the protesters, saying the officer support to insurgents, and this is a sign of great hope.

Yesterday, the revolt broke out in un carcere in cui i sauditi e gli americani – con forte presenza militare in Yemen da anni – tengono prigionieri i combattenti per la libertà catturati durante le recenti operazioni militari contro l’opposizione yemenita. Sono oltre 2.000 i detenuti nel carcere militare.

Il primo ministro israeliano Netanyau ha formalmente chiesto a Obama (e sicuramente otterrà) 20 miliardi di dollari “per fare fronte alle minacce arabe, che mettono a rischio la sicurezza di Israele”. E’ una menzogna, nessun popolo arabo si sogna di attaccare Israele, sapendo che è protetta dagli USA.

William Hague under prosecution for the "coup" failed in Libya. And 'the scandal for the misguided and deceitful attempt by the British SAS commandos in Libya, just a mission authorized by the British Foreign Secretary. I will look into this news as soon as possible

It 'very important what happens in Egypt in recent days. It 'the only one facing the Arab countries in which we have already passed the phase 2, so to speak, after the victory achieved in obtaining the resignation of the dictator Mubarak, in power for decades.

Egypt are entering a critical and delicate phase: people are consapevoli che è importante non allentare la pressione sull’attuale gruppo di potere che resiste ad un cambio di regime decisivo e mette in atto tentativi di ingannevole “ristrutturazione cosmetica” da una parte, e azioni di brutale repressione dall’altra, allo scopo di sequestrare la rivoluzione per la quale i cittadini sono determinati a combattere fino alla fine. E’ importante notare, che questa è una rivoluzione senza capi e senza una vera leadership che ufficialmente si faccia portavoce delle aspirazioni dei cittadini.

Marc Glenn, autore americano che scrive per il giornale “American Free Press”, e fondatore insieme a Hesham Tillawi (vedi post precedente) del “Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, "declared the other day in connection with PressTV:
" At this point there is a danger that this revolution has not the outcome hoped for. The revolutions are performed around an idea embodied in a leader or a well-organized revolutionary movement, of which there are absent. "

The Egyptian citizens are acting, but the individual initiatives are uncoordinated and mainly arises from frustration the absence of concrete answers to their requests expressed very clearly from the beginning of the revolt. The two main demands, around which revolve all the others are:
  • The cessation of "State of Emergency", which allows arrests without official charges and in some cases to disappear into the void of those arrested. And the request for the release of political prisoners, including many opposition leaders.
  • The invalidation of the Peace Treaty with Israel, making it complicit in the oppression of the Palestinians, Egypt and the Gaza blockade. And thus opening the border Egypt / Gaza.
In recent days there have been many initiatives by citizens to force a reaction from powerful groups (the colonels of the army and the party of Mubarak, the NDP), which had so far given no concrete sign of wanting to take seriously requests coming from the streets.

So here follows a chronological account of recent significant events in relation to attempts to bring about the abolition of the State of Emergency and break the blockade of Gaza.

Friday, March 4 - Egypt
Millions of protesters to the streets in the cities of Egypt for the "Day of Wrath." Only in Tahrir Square demonstrators exceeded one million. Their slogan used to say this: "We will not rest until our demands are met."
The posters listed the demands now advanced for specific weeks in a row: the banning of the ruling party, the NDP, and return of funds which the party has appropriated illegally. The termination of military government and the delivery of power to the Council consists of the Civil Courts reported by citizens, which will also seek to revise the Constitution. The release of political prisoners and the establishment of a commission to investigate the officers of the "Security", the terrible secret police who tortured many political prisoners and disappeared. It is worth mentioning that the term "political prisoner" is applied to anyone who is arrested for expressing criticism of the regime.

So far, only one of the claims for weeks had been received: Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq had had to resign, but otherwise the government was always formed by members loyal to Mubarak and the regime.

"In Egypt, Tunisia and the Americans, who work behind the scenes, have tried to 'minimize damage' with surgery, replacing dictators with figures that would guarantee the continuation of the status quo - as Suleiman Shafiq and instead of Mubarak Gannouchi and instead of Ben Ali in Tunisia - and now people are fighting inch by inch to remove the individual pieces that make up the framework of the military power of the two schemes, supported by the Empire West deeply concerned that the successes of the two countries can infect the crowds of other Arab countries in the determination of casting off the yoke of their puppet dictators of the USA and Israel, "commented the expert on Middle East affairs PressTV Zayd al-Isa, head of the institution IGA in Washington.

Friday, March 4-Cairo.
comes in Tahrir Square, more crowded than ever, the newly-appointed Prime Minister Essam Sharaf, another member of the former government and Mubarak, however, the new choice of army colonels for the guidance of government . In his speech to the crowd Essam Sharaf makes this somewhat contradictory statement: "I am one of you, one man army" and promises "a vero cambio di regime, che rispetterà tutte le richieste dei manifestanti”, aggiungendo che “qualora i cittadini egiziani non saranno soddisfatti della mia leadership, mi dimetterò senza esitazione.” Questa applicazione della formula “soddisfatti o rimborsati” alla questione politica non è piaciuta agli osservatori più critici, che vedono l’inganno dietro l’angolo.

I manifestanti in Piazza Tharir sono più agitati che mai e si riversano in massa verso il punto in cui si trova il neo-premier Sharaf, che deve essere scortato dalla sicurezza per lasciare la piazza. I commenti sull’accaduto sono contrastanti: alcuni affermano che la folla volesse dare il benvenuto al neo-premier, un tecnocrate noto per essere un “moderato” (un mostro moderato?), ad altri sembrava che la folla fosse furiosa.

Tuttavia, qualche ora dopo arriva l’annuncio da parte del Consiglio Militare che entro la fine del mese si terrà il referendum sulla nuova Costituzione. Nessun accenno alla richiesta insistente dei cittadini per la fine dello Stato di Emergenza e la scarcerazione dei detenuti politici, nessun segno che sia prossima la fine della complicità con Israele e del regno di terrore da parte della “Sicurezza”. Nel suo discorso alla folla, Sharaf aveva evitato una presa di posizione diretta, dichiarando che “l’apparato di sicurezza deve operare in favore dei cittadini”, despite the specific request of the citizens for the dismantling of the institution, called al-Amn Dowla, el'incriminazione of its leaders.

the evening come the first reports on the reactions of citizens. As guided by an invisible hand, many Egyptian cities, the crowd showed buildings under Security, in which the documents are kept and practices regarding political prisoners. And 'here's who end up arrested, and it is from here that often disappear into thin air.

Friday, March 4 - Alexandria.
come from Alexandria images of protesters surrounding the huge edificio della Sicurezza, centro di tortura e detenzione, quartier generale della polizia segreta locale. Si vede un’ala del complesso in fiamme e la carica sui cittadini da parte di uomini in divisa e altri in borghese. In un primo momento si specula che la folla abbia preso d’assalto il centro per liberare i prigionieri arrestati nei giorni precedenti, dopo scontri violenti con la polizia. Poi emerge la verità. I manifestanti avevano assediato l’edificio, chiedendo a voce alta il rilascio dei prigionieri. Ad un certo punto i manifestanti si erano accorti del fumo che usciva da un’ala del centro e si erano insospettiti, prendendo d’assalto l’edificio.

Nel vedersi circondati e senza via escape, the agents were poured out, opening fire on protesters and fleeing through the gap that had managed to open up. Later, some protesters and journalists with cameras rushed towards the interior: the fear was to be held at risk. Arriving in the wing where the smoke came out and stated a fire in the room where the documents are kept. Some of the cards not yet destroyed incriminating evidence accounted for the abuses by the regime. Meanwhile, the fire came Vigli, even if the fire was very low. The day after the news emerged, accompanied by films, which were in the building were also detained and found in tombs the cameras were shown some of the incriminating documents.

Saturday, March 5. - Cairo.
The protesters trying to enter the headquarters of the security to take the documents that provide evidence of abuses by the Mubarak regime, responsible for thousands of arrests and torture.

are assaulted by police officers, some in civilian clothes armed with knives and batons. Spoke with army tanks and soldiers firing into the air to disperse the crowd. Some throw themselves on hitting protesters with truncheons. They want to avoid the crowds can get hold of secret documents in the building. The crowd flees, but some protesters are beyond the control of the army and managed to force entry Security. Even in this case, the search leads to the discovery of incriminating documents, immediately seized.

Saturday, March 5. - Cairo.
Meanwhile it was announced that Mubarak and former oil minister Sameh Fahmy are formally investigated for the sale of gas and oil to Israel for a price well below market price, according to the Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al Youm-caused losses of at least $ 500,000 in the last two years.

Egypt has for decades supplied 40% of Israel's demand for fossil energy. However, the gas-duct that connected Egypt with Israel was detonated during the early stages of the revolt in Egypt.

Meanwhile, alarmed at the determination of citizens to obtain a decisive regime change, the Military Council has taken action to make at least some "concessions" but look like maneuvers to stall.

Sunday, March 6 - Cairo
comes the news that he was appointed the new Minister of Interior, Major General Mansour al-Essawy (not a civilian, then!), Replacing Mahmoud Wagdy, appointed by Mubarak to resign first. Meanwhile, is put on trial former minister Interior Habib al-Adly.

The Military Council also stated its intention to investigate thoroughly the events of the secret police. Still no mention of a possible closure of the institution. The Colonels hope with these maneuvers to calm tempers. Maybe they do not read well the signs of the times, or hope to gain time in the hope of outside intervention, as many experts suggest. Recall that the Egyptian army colonels are also in control of 90% of the economic system, with unlimited access to the profits.

Sunday, March 6 - Cairo
comes the news of a reshuffle of ministers, to meet the demands of the square that urges the purging of all the political figures, representatives of the former regime of Mubarak.

The new ministers sworn in the presence of the Head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the Field-Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi (to confirm who is really leading the nation).

The new appointments include: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Labor, Immigration, Culture and Petroleum.

Monday, March 7 - Cairo
Monday evening Ahmed al-dowm, an exponent of a resistance movement in Egypt, said in the media of language Arabic will be made public the documents found during the prolonged searches (2 days) Building Safety, which contain information on serious crimes, including the names of responsible officials. Some of the documents are already in publication, the spokesman of the revolutionary group. Dowm said that during the raid were found in the security instruments of torture of prisoners and graves disappeared.

Tuesday, March 8 - Cairo
comes the news that the Egyptian government has carried out the arrest of 47 police officers involved in the destruction of secret documents in the building of State Security. Now the reaction of the revolutionary movement that recalls the determination expressed by citizens calling for the closure of Amn al-Dowla, the dismantling of the abolition of State Security secret police.

Also during the same weekend comes the news that an initiative is underway by a group of Egyptian activists to force the blockade of Gaza. The story of this initiative will follow shortly.

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