Friday, April 27, 2007

Dermatomyositis More Condition_treatment


A turn with a little 'attention to the vast sea of \u200b\u200binternet you can see easily that this is against a strong dose of disillusionment and mistrust in some sites (and in many forum), bordering on fear of the apocalypse. Species in what is often called - so I have to say a little 'vague and inappropriate - "counter" and that is often the most "brown" nihilists.
I believe that this negative energy, energy is totally wasted, but that's another discorso.Ciò that I would like instead is the positive side and "enlightened" of the coin (which come potrete immaginare andrò a criticare); quello che rappresenta sempre più l’elemento di "speranza" e fiducia tra i frequentatori della rete:
Le potenzialità informative della rete stessa e la sua capacità di divenire il più grande trampolino di lancio per una possibile "rivoluzione" nel "mondo degli umani"[sic].Internet come nuova rivoluzione non solo tecnica ma sociale,politica, umana, ed innanzi tutto informativa -come fu la stampa di Gutenberg nel XV secolo-.

Ma ciò che qui occorre fare per poter andare successivamente ad analizzare quali sono le vere capacità del mezzo ,qual’è la sua agilità nello sfuggire da quelli che sono i POTERI FORTI , vedere poi i suoi aspetti psicologici e sociali ,penso sia dare un senso al termine INFORMAZIONE nelle sue varie sfaccettature e soprattutto nel contesto del network.

Bisogna infatti opportunamente distinguere la sua capacità informativa da quella comunicativa e successivamente tra notizia - come input per la conoscenza degli eventi dell’attualità - e mero dato .

È infatti indubbio che internet sia il più ampio ,veloce e democratico sistema di comunicazione tra singoli individui. Ognuno può ,per necessità o voglia, infilarsi in qualche recondita maglia della rete per urlare il proprio pensiero (spesso dissenso). Se nel mondo reale spesso si è forced by a thousand circumstances force us to close in the joints that everyday life and gives us appicicarci tape to her mouth, in the World "track" we become in all newsboys, subversive, columnists, commentators, critics of every aspect of our existence: the rigor not given, to murder in Ohio through the maneuver erected in interest rates by the Bank Centrale.Questo sudden and universal exchange of views (almost) always free, unfiltered, has the effect of changing the perception that have on our surroundings and to broaden awareness of how "the world works." But it is precisely
perceptions, subjective evaluations easily subject to error and distortion, and items you can detach from what is frequently the real , which does not always correspond to the opinion that it has the mass, not even the majority!.

Regarding the second aspect, the internet is an endless source of data of any kind: You can tell at a glance the depth of Lake Bracciano, the duration of the battle of Waterloo, the political system of Trinidad & Tobago, Earth-Saturn distance ... figures, distances, lengths, useful information on general culture and perhaps necessary, but basically NEUTRAL .
it gets more complicated when this it requires the user of the service is a real "News" with the capital "N":
that information key (and often controversial) nature of current, difficult to find yourself, that alone REALLY can change the choices of our friend "social actor" but can also affect its ideological education.

The fact is that the network is built - more than the media / information until recently considered - from a wealth of information, opinions, views, issues, considerations, points of view and, indeed, information (in generic and common sense now), finally, as hypertrophic. Why
the figure that comes closest to this medium is not the "Network" with its mesh more or less close but is rather a drain without a filter, and there is nothing but a dim consciousness and personal intellectual honesty, to act as screen that shows every day in front of the "sick of the keyboard."
Every good idea and to communicate, to express themselves, to exist, even in the form of bits, including the largest sciocchezza.E if the technology of the 'information' progress each year, month, day, giving us terabits of data ( every type and kind), making them potentially omniscient, man remains the same. An animal limited and weak, even intellectually.

Many argue that if holding one or two newspapers, an individual is facing always the same miserable news unable to raise the "bleating flock of ignorance", before, instead of a screen connected, this becomes the ability to be an unlimited, unrestricted comequasi becomes its ability to react to news that the assault .
You forget, however, that the critical sense of a man does not change depending on the means which consults, but capable of much more personal and other variables related to the history of this, such as cultural education, skills intellectuals life experience ... So the question

is always the same: how important perfect car if the driver is a low vision? The risk is half that given by our poor friend has to choose what to believe (ergo form a clear opinion of its reality) in a universe opposing and often conflicting information with each other. Because if it is true that the paper is limited in content and often narrow in the hands of powerful publishers, advertising and the old or new ideologies of the party is also true that those who takes the trouble to publish a story must take responsibility on their shoulders a considerable economic and image, and certainly not comparable to that of "flames" of information (or "controinformazione") esistenti su internet.

Direi che è il momento dell’esempio esplicativo, no?

Inventiamoci un argomento e dei protagonisti della rete TOTALMENTE immaginari.

Diciamo che su di un fronte on-line esista un creatore di blog,che chiameremo Impegnatissimo , deciso a difendere a spada tratta la Versione Ufficiale del 12 settembre 2002 . Quest’individuo dice talmente tante sciocchezze ma talmente tante sciocchezze (e di tale portata) che il suo blog è uno dei più visitati d’Italia e i suoi "fallaci" lavori di analisi e le sue tesi sono ripresi da diverse trasmissioni televisive nonché articoli giornalistici.
Dal lato opposto there is a webmaster from opposing views, which we call Marcuzzo , which attacks every three to two in every single statement of the thesis consists of the Truth. Sotiene of "enormity" as socks, but socks so that your site has thousands of members and hundreds of visitors daily, and his book (advertised in the fabric of space) has been snapped up.

We thus created two vast "coalition" with 2 unique perceptions of reality diametrically opposed argue that, paradoxically, both on pillars made of cardboard and personal opinions on virtually untested.
What is even more absurd is that, given the difficult reduction of the world making simple variable and often stylized monochrome, none of the two could hold the truth for all (I know it's not true but it's nice hope) long for, but both could be light years away from it. But let
matrix in least one of our owns the caballeros.
We are willing to accept that a population so large - such as to facilitate reduced to a half of those concerned (or trapped in the topic) - misled by the mere whim of a handful of "authors"? Then

What is the real responsibility for them, in front of their users if any site has been created out of nothing, nothing thrives in its responsibility for "editorial", lives in the void of anonymity and that nothing can go in without feeling the pinch of a public denial?

And once the initial application on which the whole matter is reduced:

What are the real capacity of the individual user in terms of: knowledge, critical thinking, willingness, time and real independence (we are aware of the routes required that many sites us to follow?) of the rapid growth of the 'interactive information?

To make sense of and a conclusion (that then it is not) in my speech that I can say is trivial, since it is floating in the sea of \u200b\u200bskepticism, is that the Internet is an extraordinary medium and then amplifies the general perception of historical and social situation in which we live. And as the catalyst and driving force of ' information (as seen broad concept) can only help - as it has always been in the history of the development of writing to optical recording via the fixed and movable type printing - to give a boost to the democratic process and individual and social emancipation.
But we must also consider the potential negative and deadly to half that hides in its infinity the germ of the annulment of detachment from reality and a more concrete awareness of the world ci circonda - attraverso dati che si annichiliscon o l’un l’altro- e nella sua apparente libertà la possibilità di un remoto e dissimulato controllo da parte di quelli che possono essere considerati i poteri forti dell’economia globalizzata.

Questo non voleva essere un elenco completo dei controversi aspetti che caratterizzano internet( quelli psico-sociali non sono stati trattati e quelli del monopolio mediatico appena accennati) ma spero che possa essere un valido spunto per estendere ed allo stesso tempo approfondire la discussione sul tema.

Gianluca Nichilista



excuse the many mistakes of the first version, I tried to place a patch :-)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What Verginas Should Look Like

Sometimes they come back ... when you least expect it ...

Quest today was a day to be thrown away if it were not for a chance meeting at the university ... I'm going to do first secretariats of the commissions in, after I racked my brains in the bureaucracy "lasapianenze" ... I find myself Oretta a free first lesson.
I placed in the main hall, where I noticed a strange fervor, and an unusual number of people ... after half an hour the room is filled and all of a sudden he appears, accompanied by a roar of applause at the sight one would say "only "a little man in Eastern Europe. It has a
our teacher, his voice choked with emotion and Naga ... GO ...
Now I'm not being a fan of the matter I do not understand what all this fuss is due ... but soon after starting to projected images of the cartoons where the characters are unbelievably, that: Devilman, Mazinger Z, Grendizer, Jeeg .. . gooseflesh makes its appearance on my skin! And yes, and he, the cartoonist whose transpositions animated ... filled my childish days, my hours of play, the way I talk , my way of thinking about the world through the eyes of a robot ... it was Italy in the eighties ... I was high as a penny of cheese, but I could disentegrare anyone with laser oraggio me, I flew away, equipped with halberd space and running on the bike with the other ... they were fantastic Jeeg tempi, dove il perbenismo di piciakù non c'era, si doveva salvare ogni giorno la terra dagli invasori!!!Così finita la conferenza stampa mi sono sentito il dovere di stringergli la mano...già un dovere ringraziarlo per aver inventato qualcosa che nessuno potrà più invetare per me...Ricordi Fanciulleschi!


Monday, April 23, 2007

Dellorto Clear Float Bowl

WELCOME! and candied fruits began to tremble

do ufficialmente il mio benvenuto ad un novo caballero della lotta contro il nostro odiato"candito",da pochi giorni divenuto collaboratore:


non vi fate ingannare dal nome : è un frutto rigorosamente FRESCO E NON CANDITO :-)

ringrazio quindi l'amico mr_ Mele per aver accettato di aderire a questa piccola battaglia contro l'assolutismo culturare e la "dittatura delle tradizioni" e spero che i suoi contributi ed il gemellaggio con il suo blog possa apportatare un valido contributo e della freschezza a questo spazio dimenticato da DI... da tutti diciamo :-)

hello gianluca

******************************* **********


give a warm welcome to the blog and its small MEMOLE http://memolandia /

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Gloucester 19 Foot Sailboat

half candy, plus three-quarters of candy, plus a half, after an additional ... the instruction of labirint

for once I want to dress even the clothes of the blame upon himself (deserved) institutions. and in this case I hurl a spear against the bad Italian reform in education, through sleight of hand works and tailoring wants to forget the petty officers in the field (so all citizens) the financial and structural weaknesses of the system school, university and research in Italy.
I refer in particular to the new, super new, brand new systems that have transformed the old, and in my opinion appreciable degree courses in a kind of elementary school course in the preparation and evanescent.
for the itch approval "international standards" and flattening Europe, which now rages every sector of social life, until the economy to education, have been introduced in recent years such as the 3 +2 system, perhaps the 'in almost 1 +2 +2 every discipline, regardless of training needs and the differences between right path.
do I set a personal example.
finished high school (speech included) decided it was the right time to direct my life into what had always been my ball: physics.
now, in the old system the physics course lasted four years for a total of 24 tests and came out by the faculty have specialist knowledge and with a heavy baggage under by way of warranty.
with the overall reform of the university course is now too it is a 3 +2 consists of the 35-year examinations which he should add a specialist 14-16.
but it is only here that the problem is located. the fact is that this plethora of examinations has led to fragmentation and fragmentation of material that has broken down so easily "ricucible" knowledge and the framework of knowledge that each graduate student must possess in order to fully enter the world of research / work.
here that becomes an analysis: an analysis of the first part, an analysis of Part Two analyzes a vengeance ...
all conveniently distributed QUARTERS not often frequented by the average student (which still aims to become a professional medium-high)
odor of the first course that real physics is the third quarter saw the first year, but for a short enough not to understand where the faculty hostage was.
ergo: I ran away immediately (clear not only that, but the fact he had a heavy weight).
and where port:
in one of the newest degree programs inter-born to give birth after "wonderful years of training, research and experience on his head" new professionals in niche areas, but even more important. I am surrounded by the universe of
potrei spiegarvi brevemente di cosa si tratta, ma vi tedierei ; potrei farvi un corposo elenco delle problematiche connesse a questo settore di studi. quello che però penso vi basti sapere è che dopo anni di frequentazione, io (ma tutto il resto dei desperados che lo frequenta) non siamo ancora riusciti a capire di cosa si tratti!
quello che ci fa persistere nel proseguire è una vocina che spesso si aggira nelle file della posta o nei bar con il tono di qualche anziano pensionato o di impiegato frustrato ma che in fondo arrovella il cervello anche di noi studenti:" signora mia , oggi senza il pezzo di carta della laura non si va da nessuna parte"
luogo common, but unfortunately true. and anyway 3-5-7 years of study does not throw in the toilet. if only for self-respect.
and an undergraduate degree can not be just a test to understand their personal interests and abilities, and then jump from one course to another or even to reach the home base: the abandonment of studies. you must give something concrete.

to borrow at will finish this (our?) From the remainder of the civilized Western world, only the red tape and often not adapted to our way of being. often deleterious even if here in context.
problems related to education and research world are so many down here in the 2nd world Europe, but this does not seem a minor issue.

Gianluca vox populi

14 Foot Boat Floor Kit

candies and candy mobile properties

analyzing the situation of public transport the Italian cultural topics, the urban and historical can not be neglected.

I also think that a comparative approach can help in our analysis.

The use of transport, their efficiency, the type differ from state to state and depending on the context.
not know how many of you have found to live or even visit a city in Eastern Europe.
a year of my life I spent in Prague.
one of the things that has stayed with me most impressed was the efficiency of public transport, their ubiquity and the shortage of cars that went around the city
the means most used are those by rail: subways, trains and trams (almost a unknown in Italy :-()
I can say that for someone who has never owned a car (and not even know how to drive) was a paradise.
but must analyze why.

cities of the former Soviet bloc were all very small and consist of a "ring" and not very compact central intricate (as regards the main arteries), which represents not only the center of the city, But we can say the city itself in terms of social dynamism. Instead there is almost nothing in the outer ring.
then with the development of communism, its subsequent influence on neighboring states and the paradigm of industrialization, tens, hundreds of thousands of people have moved en masse from the countryside and rural villages on the outskirts of the city.
it has grown to form a proletarian suburb consists of areas dotted with huge barracks totally dependent on the center for every need.
with the transition to capitalism, the service sector and especially with the invasion of foreign capital has exacerbated the whole, the center became the area "residential" for the new "finanziatori "stranieri e dei turisti/villeggianti e luogo ideale per spendere ; la periferia un sobborgo dove i lavoratori andavano semplicemente a dormire
questo che riflesso ha avuto sulla rete di trasporti?
il centro della città , essenziale e di piccole dimensioni,rigidamente strutturato(pochi blocchi e poche strade ampie ) con il suo sistema di comunicazioni storico , a sua volta essenziale, poteva essere facilmente integrato e connesso con l'anello esterno costituito da semplici casermoni .

questi paesi fino ad oggi hanno attraversato un lungo periodo di povertà , e tutti i governi( statalisti o di mercato) erano al corrente dell'essenzialità del problema trasporto e l'impossibilità per ogni cittadino to have a car (I think, I'm not sure that the car market was and is directed more towards the export).
so also in the transition from communist to the modern welfare, public transport remained at a high degree of importance and were always subject to a persistent maintenance, a gradual improvement and a continuing series of features and low pricing.
(for the students paid very little experience of urban transport in absolute terms. But not only them)
anyone, especially among young people, needs to invest in half-polluting, expensive and essentially useless as long as the car needs families do not force him to buy a small car (usually a Skoda) to use as little as possible.

this east, particularly in Prague

assume, however, that this can happen in an Italian city of medium-large seems to me very possible, given the diversity of those planning for the area's topography, for different requirements imposed on our economy "more diverse", and also a cultural factor clearly (unfortunately difficult to interpret)

ps This, of course, is my interpretation of developments in the transport network in eastern Europe based on my experience and what I saw

Monday, April 16, 2007

Funny Marriage Invites

culinary art and its fees as "separate recipe"

D some time, many chefs, young and old, tend to show their talent by creating dishes sometimes remarkable, sometimes improbable, adopting a common development model. The scheme is inspired by the destruction of the food introduced by the famous English Chef Adrià then become, today, a recipe that is built by maintaining and treating the ingredients (at least the main ones) separately until the final presentation. With this technique the results are better than the traditional figurative and is easier to bring the public about new plans that our sensory palate can distinguish, such as texture and temperature, but only with the permanent breakdown of the ingredients, you can earn with clarity thanks to the contrasts that it enables. For example, the dish is a photo next Dentice of line with stewed tomatoes and peppers, mashed eggplant, beetroot sorbet, ginger and pepper Ayacucho. And a shrimp Sanremo. E 'a work of Aimo e Nadia known creators (restaurant / chef) in Milan and the photo I was given by Claudio Sacco , Travelling Gourmet (http://www . / ). This work could be considered the manifesto of this current culinary art . Find it faster, already at view, the plane of consistency: the Snapper, but often soft to chew, but the mash liquid with a density which tends to the solid, sorbet, grainy at first and then the liquid during the melting in the mouth and the fleshy prawn by elastic and then soft. And then the plane of temperature: the cold sorbet and various degrees of heat resulting from the different heat losses conditioned by different specific density of the other main ingredients such as shrimp, sea bream, the well, tomato. And then the plan include: in our case against the white background of the canvas, flat or if you prefer, the various shades of red (tomatoes, peppers, red beets, shrimp, and perhaps even more) paint, sculpt or rather - because we are in three dimensions - a work that manages to overcome the inevitable limitations of photographic representation, imposing our view as we would only show a strong color (the lava coming down from a volcano), but with more components derived from the balance carried from the flat white color, from red snapper and shrimp, as well as the small green tomatoes on the meaning he or she purchases an evocative (the color of natural vegetation).
And finally, the taste in the narrow sense, that is perceived through the use of the mouth and nose. If it is true that only the mixing of ingredients results in new flavors, just can not deny that with the separate ingredients you can taste the individual components (snapper or shrimp) that together, as is the case with traditional cuisine.
The "recipe separate" therefore provides us with the tools of assessment that, once refined, could be shared and provide objective parameters suitable to integrate the canons of cuisine.