Monday, October 1, 2007

Nightster License Plate Mount

5, La Provola Nebrodi the Cheese? And who has seen it! Cheese

Durante il Cheese ho pensato che valesse la pena approfondire le mie conoscenze sui derivati del latte. Antiche tradizioni e nuove tecniche con un unico comune denominatore: la qualità. Non nego che mi abbia sorpreso, ma neanche tanto, che durante la prima giornata del Master of cheese il bravo Eric Vassallo, autentica eminenza del mondo dei formaggi e di Slow Food, tra i cinque campioni di formaggi, a suo giudizio rappresentativi dell'arte casara italiana, avesse inserito anche la Provola dei Nebrodi. Da Siciliano ne sono stato orgoglioso, ma soprattutto ho condiviso la scelta di Vassallo che dimostrava l'unicità di genere di questo formaggio che si sfoglia tra le mani senza resistenza, come le pages of a story by Camilleri. So when I approached the stand supported by the Sicily Region and aims to increase awareness of local cheeses, I tried the Provola Nebrodi. But even before I was proposed Vastedda Belice Valley, the only example of yarn from sheep's cheese, the goat Girgenti, milk the goat horns from the picturesque Nepalese, the Piacenza area of \u200b\u200bEnna, which owes its name not to influences Northern Italy but the fact that "like", thanks to the clever addition of saffron, in addition to the inevitable Ragusano Provola Madonie. So I thought to ask the official Councillor for Agriculture Sicilian Regional news Provola Nebrodi. "Excuse me, has news of Provola Nebrodi?" - I asked - ".. is not that you forgot to take it?" I added. He says, ".. is equal to Provola Madonie." So I asked him to let me try, because I was hoping to fill a gap, that unknown person Provola Madonie was equal to that of Nebrodi. Although it seemed strange that two such different habitats from cheese could be the same. But Sicily, you know, is a land where everything is plausible ..
And But no! The Provola Madonie is a stretched curd cheese made from cow's milk, well made, as required the great southern tradition of string cheese. But it is not confused with the Provola Nedrodi. The latter are aged up to 15 months. A truly unique for a spun paste. It has a light crust, almost like a skin. The sweet taste to decline slightly spicy, but what makes it unique is the texture on the palate. The language in fact crazy clashing with the pieces of provolone in my mouth, trying to browse a finger as he flipped through a notebook.
But yes - I said with a constructive spirit - perhaps the Sicily Region believes that it is more important to help other cheeses, perhaps still not widely known, rather than Provola Nebrodi, since it neanche l'ombra..
Ovviamente nello stand dei presidi di Slow Food - ho dedotto - sicuramente troverò la Provola dei Nebrodi. Anche perché lo Slow Food si batte per la sua tutela e valorizzazione. Così ho cercato con successo lo stand, come dimostra la foto

Qui ho fatto la conoscenza del signor Cappello, al quale ho chiesto di farmi assaggiare la Provola dei Nebrodi, anche perché non mi sembrava di scorgerla a prima vista. Ed il signor Cappello mi ha fatto assaggiare una provola che stava vendendo in quel momento. Il colore era molto chiaro, la forma più piccola di quella tradizionale dei Nebrodi, la pasta molto molle. Insomma non era evidentemente la Provola dei Nebrodi. Ho spiegato al signor Cappello che conoscevo la Provola dei Nebrodi e che non era quella e non mi sembrava corretto non comunicarlo a tutti coloro a cui stava vendendo un formaggio che non era neache il Maiorchino (pure lui, peraltro, assente dallo stand della Regione Sicilia), anch'esso presidio Slow Food e pubblicizzato nella piccola insegna sovrastante lo stand. Alla fine Cappello si è arreso all'evidenza, giustificando che aveva portato 300 chili di Provola dei Nebrodi che nei primi due giorni di assaggi gratuiti ai visitatori del Cheese erano terminati. Ho fatto i calcoli che per consumarli avrebbe dovuto farla assaggiare a quasi 300mila persone! Gli ho chiesto il biglietto da visita: Giuseppe Cappello, produzione propria di Provola di Basicò..

Sunday, September 30, 2007

How To Licence A Trailer In Ontario

4, with beer the mountain alpine cheese makes money

Among the major events proposed by Cheese, made a meeting characterized by the presence of a microbrewery mountain, whose beers have been matched to cheeses made from a breeder in the same area at 1400 meters from sea level. It emerged out of a great tasting addition to the discovery of wonderful beers and cheeses charming small Italian producers. The usual Dabove Lorenzo, aka Kuaska , introduced the young Daniel Mainero , Troll brewmaster of the brewery, located Vernante in the province of Cuneo, while Henry Surra, specialist cheeses of Slow Food, has presented Michelino Jordan Farm Island, too 'it Vernante of the Maritime Alps on the border with France The first derived from the milk of 100 cows of the Piedmont are the herd of the family of Michelino Jordan was a ricotta, which is not considered a cheese, because it is made from the whey which is heated to 65 degree temperatures and after addition of salt at a temperature higher still around 82 degrees , where outcrop is clear that the cheese is then put to drain. The second tasting was a cheese called Brusa Ciuca , this time aged nella birra. Il procedimento consiste nell'impastare la ricotta con le spezie della birra, poi viene posta in una tela e quindi pressata. Nella tela viene fatto un nodo che una volta pressato causa un buco nella ricotta, all'interno del quale ogni giorno viene immessa della birra. Ciò per 25 giorni, trascorsi i quali sarà pronta, così come l'abbiamo assaggiata La birra abbinata è stata la Panada , anche perché la birra incorporata nella ricotta e le stesse spezie con cui era stata impastata provenivano, appunto, dalla Panada . Il che, ovviamente, dimostra la collaborazione oltre che l'amicizia tra i due produttori.
Questa birra, di 4,7 gradi alcolici, è stata la prima Troll produced by the brewery, during his recent short story. This is a blanche to Belgian produced since 2003. It owes its use light buckwheat, and there are aromas arising from the presence of coriander, bitter orange peel and other secret spices. A hopping delicate, with 40% for wheat and a little oats. A beer fizzy, fresh, such as best blanche. "Born to be drinking," gloss Kuaska . And his combination with both the first and second with the ricotta has been very interesting. The cheese, however, revealed a creamy non comune alle altre ricotte, derivante dal latte particolarmente grasso delle vacche piemontesi, le quali, pur non essendo estremamente produttive come altre razze, donano un latte pieno di grassi. A ciò si aggiunge l'eccezionale qualità della loro alimentazione. Michelino infatti durante la stagione estiva porta la mandria a brucare su per i pendii delle Alpi Marittime. Lui e la sua stessa famiglia per meglio curare le vacche si sono trasferiti a Palanfrè , una frazione di Vernante con soli dieci abitanti, di cui otto della famiglia di Michelino .. Anche la tecnica casearia, ovviamente, esercita un peso specifico sul risultato finale della ricotta: in questo caso infatti è I added a 10/15% milk that has made it even more pleasant and creamy The second proposal by the beer brewer T roll literally means a slap : the Patel. A high alcohol beer with 7.2 percent alcohol but because of its freshness are not immediately perceived by the palate. A clear inspiration Belgium. Hops, withdrawn directly from Austria, gives this beer its freshness that make it free from the need to add spices. Is matched to a raw milk cheese called Our Palanfré . All'affiorante the evening milking is added quella della mattina, poi cagliata per circa un'ora a 35 gradi. Segue una robusta rottura della cagliata in piccoli pezzi, grandi come chicchi di riso. Di nuovo riportata a 42 gradi per 35 minuti. Nel frattempo si allontana il siero e si mette quello che rimane, ossia la toma nelle forme in legno, all'interno delle quali viene rigirata ogni 5/6 ore per 3 giorni. Aggiunto il sale e poi per 60 giorni sugli assi di legno, dove le forme vengono rigirate ogni sera. Nei successivi 120 giorni di stagionatura il formaggio potrà essere mangiato. La pasta semicotta e con delle occhiature si presenta elastica al tatto ed al palato consistente. Profumo di burro e vegetali al naso. Il quarto formaggio proposed by the island is their must , Nostrale. 'S the classic mountain cheese that is also called the Island as the manufacturer. Represents 70% of production. It can be combined to Palanfrina , a dark beer of 9 percent alcohol made from chestnuts. E 'produced only in autumn, coinciding with the season of chestnuts. Daniel Mainero to produce it uses only English and American hops, without spices and only malted barley and chestnuts to make them feel even puts their honey. Among the 26 beers chestnuts produced in Italy, perhaps the Palandrina is the most interesting. Does not decline toward the sweet, while maintaining a persistent corposità ed aroma. L'ultima birra è stato un dono di Mainero alla platea. Stappate infatti le ultime 12 bottiglie della Febbre Alta, ognuno ha compreso il motivo della fama che in pochissimo tempo ha raggiunto il microbirrificio Troll. E' realizzata sulla base di una ricetta del '600 quando ancora non veniva utilizzato il luppolo, ma il gruyt , un'antica miscela di erbe e spezie, come il sambuco, il timo, foglie di carciofo, corteccia.. un di luppolo comunque c'è, giusto il minimo per poterla registrare come birra. Il 50% poi è a base di frumento maltato con una gradazione alcolica di 8,3. Una birra amber color, full of herbaceous scent and balsamic aromas. A beer with a strong personality that has been combined with bleu Island company called Saret. A blue cheese from raw milk of cows, too 'it from the evening milking double-morning, with the addition of bacteria roquefort before the rennet. After 15 minutes you will make a violent break the curd into four parts when it is still in the boiler and another 5 minutes after breaking into smaller pieces. Then stir the curd to 35 degrees for about 35 minutes, meanwhile the serum, and then emerges is eliminated, while the toma goes down and you continue to press and turn. He spends so a night in the form of wood at 20 degrees. Is salted for three days and then for 7 days on wooden boards. Then proceed to drill the cheese for it to enter the air and allowing bacteria to develop previously inserted in the molds. Turns for another 60 days and 60 more are ready to be enjoyed. Although it is a bleu, the disagreement are gray tending to brick. In contrast to the fact roquefort Saret is not sheep's milk, but cow, which assimilates the forage carotene which then will give the cheese its orange veins. The marbling is well made and taste juicy ..

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Washington Dc Tourist Map Printable

Cheese 3, the fantastic world of Belgian beers and its cheeses Cheese

Dabove Lorenzo, said Kuaska, presented the fantastic Belgian beers and cheeses of this generous land were made by the great Belgian refiner Dirk Martens. In between beer and cheese pairings apply the same principles in force between wine and other foods. So the combination can be built on a contrast which tends to bring out the details, or on a support, with flavors that are added each other. The first beer is perhaps the most famous of blanche, the Geuze. Originally from the south east of Brussels is a particularly fresh and crisp beer. The basis for this type of beer, a natural fermentation, lambic is a set of bacteria and yeasts wild, typical of the area, which ferment the wort of beer (of which 30% is raw wheat), creating precisely the lambic, which is then placed in casks used for whiskey or wine, where waits a year to be ready. But at this stage the beer is not ready yet, so it's very flat. will have to be assembled with another young lambic, which the rifermenterà giving it the carbonation and freshness typical of Geuze. The cheese chosen for the matching, by contrast, was a Brussels. A soft cheese from raw milk, which, although extremely acidic contrast with the Geuze, then declined into bitterness. Created between the audience a controversy that some traces two schools of thought on the subject. In fact, according to some, including the teachers and Kuaska brewers of Belgium, the cheese must accommodate and enhance the beer, so even if the palate, in the previous match, the bitterness remains is nice, because not affected the taste of beer. According to another school of thought, which are part of the tasters of Slow Food, the combination should enhance the cheeses from which it follows that if at the end of the bitter taste left in my mouth, or has not been guessed the 'combination (as in the case Geuze-Brussels), or the cheese is not good. In fact, according to the specialists of the cheese any bitterness is a symptom of poor quality. This controversy lasted throughout the Cheese and especially where there were experts from the beer and cheese cheese The second was proposed by Martens Mechel, which takes its name from the city of Mechelen, 20 km north of Brussels . Derived from raw cow's milk, after a week is washed with dark beer. Then another three weeks to mature and be ready to be eaten between the fifth and seventh week. The combination could only be used with the same beer for aging: Carolus, a very smooth dark beer produced by Tanken, located midway between Brussels and Antwerp. Kuaska note that this beer would go fool his teacher, Michael Jackson, recently passed away. The third cheese, Flemish, and Ganzendonk Baas is named after the places where there is the plot of the book The Conscience of Hendrik. A text of 1830 in Belgium contributed to the movement that later led to independence. It 's a raw sheep's milk cheese. Therefore can not but be very acidic, young and soft. Our no more than 5 weeks, although up to seven weeks is edible. It can be combined with one of the most popular beers in the world: the Westmalle. From the name of the Trappist monastery where it is produced, no more than 5 km from Gazendonk. The Trappist are derived from the Cistercian monastic order since 1664 follow the rule intended by the founding abbot AJ Le Bouthillier. A rule is very hard in reaction to the relaxation of time and that is very hard manual labor in married to an ascetic life. Every day had to dig the grave to remember that you are passing, they ate very little and was only given the beer produced by them (who drank - perhaps not by chance - several times a day). The Vatican granted the monastery of Westmalle Trappist and the power over others, then .., even on their production of Trappist beer in the world who are just six more. Westmalle is also due to the creation of the double-style dubbel that of the (recognizable by the double X stamped on the barrels), and that of Tripel (Triple X) The combination responded more to the Belgian to the Italian taste. Acid cheese, sweet beer, a bitter taste the final result. I liked it. The fourth was the cheese Herve. Originally from southern Belgium, near Liege. Derived from raw cow's milk is the first Belgian Dop. What we taste is the version passed twice a day for five days in brine, so much indeed quite tasty. How like the Belgians, especially in combination with beer. The Herve is also produced on an industrial scale. In this case the milk is pasteurized with the inevitable reduction of flavors and scents that follows. A cheese - we said - very tasty that we tried to match with the Westmalle Tripel who with his enormous strength conteniene the best of mit. It 'goes without saying that the Slow Food cheese connoisseurs turn up their noses .. The fifth cheese was delicious: the Picoleur. Derived from raw goat's milk and aged white wine. Originally from the south of Belgium where the cheese makers are numerous The combination has been proposed by Kuaska with beer Adriaen Brouwer, whose name - I guess even with the comfort of the label - comes from the great portrait painter and interior of the '600 Flemish. A light beer, and much beloved by the Belgians. Calling the sixth cheese Adriaen Brouwer, too, because beer aged with the same name, it goes without saying that it is matched with It follows the principle of the affinity of flavors. The last one was a blue-veined cheese, Pas De Bleu, which literally means no bleu. Indeed, the first attempts gave negative results and hence the name. It 's a relatively new cheese, if not we would call modern trend. The bacterium that gives him the blue is the same relative most famous French Roquefort. Unlike the latter, derived from sheep's milk, the dough is tougher and is derived from cows' milk. With the Westmalle Tripel is matched beautifully and this time they were all agreed that both experts and those beer cheese. Long live Belgium!

How To Close A Trail Knife

2, Belli Formosa British: British from Cheddar Cheese Stilton and matching with the Stichelton The Cider and Perry

England is a great nation. But its food is certainly not the height of these people who have strongly influenced the modern and contemporary art. Among the reasons for its slow evolution and perhaps most important is related to the lack of agrarian reform, which still sees the British lands in the hands of few, very rich and not so efficient, property owners. Just think in fact that the number of producers (about 400) members of the Consortium of Parmigiano Reggiano is not a little higher than that of all producers (about 300) of cheese in England after the Second World War. But some cheese, by the heirs of British intelligence, are known worldwide for their unique goodness come lo Stilton
Alcuni importanti personalità della gastronomia di Oltremanica come Juliet Harbutt, presidente del British Cheese Awards, interpretando le finalità di Slow Food promuovono la salvaguardia di alcune produzioni di formaggi inglesi che altrimenti non si salverebbero dall'estinzione. Così durante il Cheese, l'Harbutt con l'aiuto di Sandro Boschitto di Slow Food, ha presentato alcuni formaggi inglesi ed i loro tradizionali (e, del tutto, british) abbinamenti con il succo di mela e di pera, quest'ultimo con un alcolicità corrispondente a circa 7/8 gradi La signora Harbutt ha presentato alcuni dei più buoni formaggi inglesi, la cui caratteristica, di quasi tutti, è quella di derivare da latte pasteurized cow, including Stilton. The famous blue-veined cheese which takes its name from the place where the English writer Daniel Defoe in 1727, recounted in his Journey through England and Wales to have known him. It is produced only seven farmers operating in the county of Robin Hood , ie not only in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire in Leicestershire. The British used to drink it after dinner or early afternoon and serve with apple juice. Of course the British, unlike the Italians, apple juice are not all alike, in fact Mrs. Harbutt offers us a delicious little apple juice and another of green apple quality discovery . The second, more dry and astringent, perhaps best of not only bound but also with the Stilton Stilchelton. The latter, which I prefer, is nothing more than a Stilton derived from raw milk and unpasteurized and therefore not covered in the specification of the most famous blood relative. the palate, in fact, this shows more persistence cheese, spice, the smell of hay and animals. pasteurization fact, although a positive effect in terms of hygiene and public health, reduces those microorganisms typical of a given habitat, and as such unique and not reproducible, then that will give those to a specific cheese flavors cheese that nobody else will ever repeat. It is no coincidence then the battle of Slow Food in support of the resulting cheese from raw milk. Other cheeses presented dall'Harbutt the most famous is certainly the Cheddar. Originally from the homonymous town in the county of Somerset is the oldest and most traditional of British cheeses. When it is not produced on an industrial scale and is derived from cows' milk, creamy flavors and also expresses and roasted hazelnut version seasoned. To characterize the so-called cheddardizzazione that is the typical procedure of the farmers of Somerset consists of cutting the curd into slices, the subsequent pressing for a few days and finally matured for 24 months. But it does taste a Harbutt gem that is the only Cheddar made with goat's milk, an authentic natural phenomenon, produced by a single English breeder. Of course the taste is more acidic and the palate perceives a greater morbitezza. The ideal is with Perry, the juice of the same name pears English, especially that of the three counties, slow food. More than a juice is a low alcohol wine that goes well with any unsolicited type of cheese, in particular the more sweet and creamy. A curiosity: in the context of the movement of rediscovery of Cheddar enormous fame has been achieved by a young English breeder, not even thirty, who founded , a site that shows a still image of a Cheddar during its aging phase

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Funny Scottish Wedding Sayings

Cheese 1, Portrait of Faro Palari 1999 to 2004 at the Wine Bank in Pollenzo, Salvatore Geraci

I do not know what i have been fortunate to enjoy a single occasion and without interruption from 1999 to 2004 vintages of the wine produced Faro Sicilian wine by the Company Palari architect Messina Salvatore Geraci, here photographed in the foreground to the background neo-Gothic building that houses the University of Gastronomic Sciences in the province of Cuneo What makes this exceptional if it can not unique tasting of wines from the Bank that under the initiatives of Pollenzo Cheese organized the vertical Faro Palari well as an attempt to match the ideal Sicilian wine with cheese The combination with a wine of great depth that could only be with the king of Italian cheeses: Parmesan. In particular they have been combined with two types of cheese dairy cows of different breeds of cattle: a white Modena, Modena red race each other. To describe Henry Surra prosecutor Slow Food for the cheese sector. The audience appreciated them, especially the second, more fat and full of hints.
But the star of the meeting was and it was the wine Faro, an ancient and almost extinct Doc, whose recovery was inspired by the legendary Salvatore Geraci Veronelli, whose eponymous wine guide to the eclectic architect collaborated Messina. Grown on the slopes of the hills who insist on Messina. The vines "foot works" are planted a sapling and not so young: about 50/60 each year of life (according to Geraci advanced age of the vines are the secret of their goodness.) The collection, then, about 600 meters and 1500 by the Ionian Sea is carried by hand along the terraced approximately 7 acres that produce 30 thousand bottles, of which 15 thousand of our Faro. The grapes are 70% nerello mascalese (elegance), while the remainder is reserved for varieties whose task would be to give strength and character as the nerello hood, Nocera, the core 'and Palumbo and others .. Malolactic fermentation is in new oak barrels from 12 to 18 months, then a pretty rough and then a year in bottle. It follows that we drink the grape harvest this year of 2005 - Announces Geraci - will be distributed by next Christmas But what are the best years of the lighthouse, at least in the public Pollenzo? In 2004, that the market still shows hints of youthfulness that still leaves a supposed change significantly. In 2003, despite the year has registered a record warm temperatures, in contrast to the suffering expressed by the other great Italian wines, the palate a stifling heat at all, even if does not reach the heights of elegant vintage 2002. But 2001 is perhaps the one that best expresses a complexity of flavors that are, however, their peak in 2000 Faro. But here's the 1999, a wine that has already 8 years (for a Sicilian wine is like having a century), to say the least impressive although it shows some torbitezza that provides the cue to Geraci to vindicate the choice not to filter wine with the filter cartridge so as not to "emasculate" the wine of those who have shown hints of Olympus Bacchus. The vertical
Geraci wine at the Wine Bank in Pollenzo has also provided an opportunity to learn about the purpose of this commendable initiative. The objective fact is to build a memory of Italian wine. Each winery Italian (of course the most important) concludes with a three-year contract that the bank requires it to submit to the great institution cellar 180 bottles of his best wine for each year. Wine can be purchased by anyone, including via the internet.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Rhino Evaluation Cracxk

Theatre of taste, actors, actors and extras ...

At the annual Trade Fair in Messina, an event that is part of the city's tradition for decades, the terrace of the former Irrera at Sea (Lucky Messina meeting of the Dolce Vita 60s ) from which the eye can see the Strait of Messina from Sickle, the Virgin Mary to Punta Faro, gets up every night, for a total of ten nights, the curtain of Teatro del Gusto, un evento SlowFood, già proposto nelle ultime edizioni del Salone del Gusto di Torino e di SlowFish a Genova Attori delle dieci serate del Teatro del Gusto il cui tema è, neanche a dirlo, il pesce, non solo alcuni tra i migliori chef siciliani, le cui interpretazioni delle tradizioni isolane hanno commosso e deliziato, ma anche docenti ed esperti in materia che snocciolano preziose informazioni.
Il tema è il pesce, ma, come sempre accade quando promotore è Slow Food, l’occasione diventa propizia per lanciare importanti messaggi: i leitmotiv dell’evento diventano quindi “Mangiamoli giusti” in riferimento alle “giuste taglie” del pescato with related measures in centimeters (for example the lobster is measured by the length of his head - called the carapace - and must be at least 9 inches) and, in particular on the evening of August 13, forgot the fish, a concrete proposal for fisheries eco - sustainable
On stage around a few white tables elegantly furnished by one of the sponsors of the evening, (a note, the candlestick arms that prevented a "linear" conversation face to face) a histrionic Saro Gugliotta, trustee of Slow Food Valdemone, moves with great skills and office communication. A fully equipped kitchen and spacious, an exceptional setting (the Strait of Messina), gusts of sea air and the pungent smell of the sea complete the set of the Theater of Taste
Guests of Slow Food and Saro are Gugliotta Giacomo Zagami, professor of ecology of plankton and Dr. Santo Morabito, director of dietetic service and chairman of the Hospital Piedmont Dieticians Association of Sicily showing, encouraged and guided the skill presenter, types, characteristics and organoleptic properties of the catch of the Strait of Messina
The seabed of the Strait of Messina is very deep, is similar to steep, rocky slopes of a mountain range and has a funnel shape, its characteristics geo – morfologiche lo rendono unico, come spiega Giacomo Zagami, e rendono uniche anche flora e fauna, tipicamente mediterranee da un lato e con “incursioni atlantiche” dall’altro, favorite dalla presenza di forti correnti che garantisco plancton a volontà ed acque sempre pulite.
Una cospicua presenza di pesce azzurro caratterizza questo tratto di mare, varie specie cosiddette pelagiche perché vivono lontano dalle coste in profondità.
Abbandonata per qualche minuti la postazione al tavolo Saro Gugliotta si dirige in cucina dove lo attendono i veri protagonisti di questa prima parte dello spettacolo, il laboratorio del gusto che coniuga informazione e degustazione. Ad attenderlo Nunzio Micali del ritrovo messinese "Sala Auxiliary "

in the company of a beautiful specimen of Auxis Thazard also called tonnarelli or pisantuni
Giacomo Zagami pisantuni informs us that maxes out at 50 cm in length and weighing about a pound; resembles Mackerel a lot to the slender shape of the body and the presence of blunero streaks on gray-blue or dark blue in the back half of the back. They fish mainly between June and September.
It 'a so-called blue fish, a category which contains the fish "poor" or with a lower market price than others, and then snubbed by the fishermen who often discarded.
Fish forgotten precisely.
While listening to the audience concerned, the chef Nunzio Micali is already at work and inviting aromas begin to tease the nose and palate
A final contribution, finally, Santino Morabito, dietician expert who shows us the benefits of a diet rich in fish. Fish fact as well as a high nutritional value is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which play a beneficial effect on heart and circulation. Particular attention must be paid to methods of cooking: for the organoleptic characteristics, nutritional and caloric intake capacity vary greatly depending on il metodo usato. Contrariamente a quanto si crede Morabito non inorridisce di fronte alla domanda se la frittura sia o meno contemplata in una dieta equilibrata. “Tutto dipende dalla temperatura dell’olio” avverte.
Più è alta, più la frittura è pesante e dannosa per l’organismo.
Dopo l’attenta e dettagliata presentazione da parte di Saro Gugliotta, arriva il momento della degustazione: Pasta alla ghiotta di pisantuni e pisantuni ca’ cipuddata