a panettone without candied fruit but with a lot of bitter almonds: George Carlin
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Cool Math Games Cubefield
The candy violence anomaly Berlusconi
First I have to make two assumptions which are in contrast with each other: I do not feel any regret for the conditions in which our prime minister by Sunday night unfortunate, given that I do not no soul or universal Christian love for all creatures on this earth, I can empathize with the pain felt by entities that I find detrimental to their very existence, I believe, on the other hand, that the reckless act of Tartaglia has the effect more immediate strengthening of the image of Berlusconi, who is becoming more and more of the features of the martyr was, paradoxically as a result of a period that seemed to see the limits of an open crisis on several fronts.
said that I would like to dwell for a moment to reflect on this idea that is catching on, across all media of every flag that this gesture has been almost a natural consequence di un esecrabile clima d’odio alimentato da qualche anno sia dalla politica che dal mondo dell’informazione, e che ha per obbiettivo primario la persona di Mister Ricrescita.
Per prima cosa , come molti commentatori hanno sottolineato, l’atto è stato perpetrato da un malato di mente, per definizione persona che agisce spinta da istinti non imbrigliabili dalla ragione. Vedere quindi nel gesto il prolungamento di qualcosa che invece si situa aldifuori della testa del folle, una motivazione insomma di carattere sociale, è privo di qualsivoglia logica.
A questa osservazione molti controbattono che è proprio la presenza di tali schegge impazzite che dovrebbe condurre tutti ad un abbassamento dei toni. Be’, Che dire? Demanded that it be made a bit of public opinion because there is a remote probability that the world has a Mario Rossi ready to take up the first provocation to unleash his pent-up anger against one of our public officials, it seems to me a pretty tight. In short, the poor needy will certainly other ways to download their violence (perhaps the same) without any need for an external stress.
What makes a prey species is that of convenience to a goodism - opportunity to pull a jab to the most uncontrollable opposition as regards the government, fear by the left to be identified with these "moral principals" - the continue to bring out the ghosts of a dark past of terrorism that has characterized Italy for two decades. And so with a succession of appeals for calmness, restraint, the quiet dialogue, the kisses and hugs. But no one realizes that the situation today has little to share that with the years of lead. Even in its most violent riots we see today, lack the ideological glue that characterized the movement (particularly terrorist) of those years, there are no real claims, it is not a homogeneous class real class that oppose, not located within an international conflict between two opposing, not have political references that stand as a guide, they souls intellectuals representing the head, indeed, are often considered movements "anti-political." The only thing that unites them, compact them, moves them is their location - or against - than the person of Mr. B. E 'him the catalyst of the Italian political battle. It was he who led (directly but often indirectly) to a resurgence of political violence ever seen in the past 15 years. But beware, there is talk of his own person of his policy, partly because of the political within the center-right, there is little to be considered for this feature consists una distinta identità. Niente comunque perché possa così tanto distinguersi dallo schieramento opposto e scatenare un odio ideologicamente schierato. No, è l’uomo Berlusconi che diviene bersaglio di una critica feroce. Per invidia? Per pregiudizio? Perché intere classi sociali, categorie professionali, ordini, mestieri, capi di stato, culti religiosi… sono divenuti comunisti? Sono poco propenso a credere ai complotti – vorrei ricordare inoltre agli elettori del Pdl che Berlusconi non ha nulla a che vedere con l’anticomunismo, spiacente-. Il fatto è che l’artefice di questa personalizzazione della politica italiana è stato proprio lui. È lui quello che presenta leggi in parlamento per il suo advantage and also transforms the DDL. It is he who opens institutional conflicts with the constitutional court, the president (even if we were a monarchy the king) if they are encountered, for duty under the constitution, to his will. He is charged with the victory of center-right consensus around his person. Because, let's face it: the center-left is a state in open civil war, but the center-right is an absolute monarchy, where the party is identified with the chief financier-founder-emperor with no possibility of a minimum dialogue, otherwise ' purge. The result? Any attack on the policy of the majority coincide with an attack on Berlusconi and vice versa.
Quello che insomma voglio dire ai tanti Cicchitto, Bondi, Schifani, Feltri (e persino Politi e De Bortoli) è che se si vuole interrompere la spirale di violenza e ritornare a parlare di riforme – e magari creare una vero centrodestra- occorre che svanisca l’anomalia Italiana: Il sultano Berlusconi.
First I have to make two assumptions which are in contrast with each other: I do not feel any regret for the conditions in which our prime minister by Sunday night unfortunate, given that I do not no soul or universal Christian love for all creatures on this earth, I can empathize with the pain felt by entities that I find detrimental to their very existence, I believe, on the other hand, that the reckless act of Tartaglia has the effect more immediate strengthening of the image of Berlusconi, who is becoming more and more of the features of the martyr was, paradoxically as a result of a period that seemed to see the limits of an open crisis on several fronts.
said that I would like to dwell for a moment to reflect on this idea that is catching on, across all media of every flag that this gesture has been almost a natural consequence di un esecrabile clima d’odio alimentato da qualche anno sia dalla politica che dal mondo dell’informazione, e che ha per obbiettivo primario la persona di Mister Ricrescita.
Per prima cosa , come molti commentatori hanno sottolineato, l’atto è stato perpetrato da un malato di mente, per definizione persona che agisce spinta da istinti non imbrigliabili dalla ragione. Vedere quindi nel gesto il prolungamento di qualcosa che invece si situa aldifuori della testa del folle, una motivazione insomma di carattere sociale, è privo di qualsivoglia logica.
A questa osservazione molti controbattono che è proprio la presenza di tali schegge impazzite che dovrebbe condurre tutti ad un abbassamento dei toni. Be’, Che dire? Demanded that it be made a bit of public opinion because there is a remote probability that the world has a Mario Rossi ready to take up the first provocation to unleash his pent-up anger against one of our public officials, it seems to me a pretty tight. In short, the poor needy will certainly other ways to download their violence (perhaps the same) without any need for an external stress.
What makes a prey species is that of convenience to a goodism - opportunity to pull a jab to the most uncontrollable opposition as regards the government, fear by the left to be identified with these "moral principals" - the continue to bring out the ghosts of a dark past of terrorism that has characterized Italy for two decades. And so with a succession of appeals for calmness, restraint, the quiet dialogue, the kisses and hugs. But no one realizes that the situation today has little to share that with the years of lead. Even in its most violent riots we see today, lack the ideological glue that characterized the movement (particularly terrorist) of those years, there are no real claims, it is not a homogeneous class real class that oppose, not located within an international conflict between two opposing, not have political references that stand as a guide, they souls intellectuals representing the head, indeed, are often considered movements "anti-political." The only thing that unites them, compact them, moves them is their location - or against - than the person of Mr. B. E 'him the catalyst of the Italian political battle. It was he who led (directly but often indirectly) to a resurgence of political violence ever seen in the past 15 years. But beware, there is talk of his own person of his policy, partly because of the political within the center-right, there is little to be considered for this feature consists una distinta identità. Niente comunque perché possa così tanto distinguersi dallo schieramento opposto e scatenare un odio ideologicamente schierato. No, è l’uomo Berlusconi che diviene bersaglio di una critica feroce. Per invidia? Per pregiudizio? Perché intere classi sociali, categorie professionali, ordini, mestieri, capi di stato, culti religiosi… sono divenuti comunisti? Sono poco propenso a credere ai complotti – vorrei ricordare inoltre agli elettori del Pdl che Berlusconi non ha nulla a che vedere con l’anticomunismo, spiacente-. Il fatto è che l’artefice di questa personalizzazione della politica italiana è stato proprio lui. È lui quello che presenta leggi in parlamento per il suo advantage and also transforms the DDL. It is he who opens institutional conflicts with the constitutional court, the president (even if we were a monarchy the king) if they are encountered, for duty under the constitution, to his will. He is charged with the victory of center-right consensus around his person. Because, let's face it: the center-left is a state in open civil war, but the center-right is an absolute monarchy, where the party is identified with the chief financier-founder-emperor with no possibility of a minimum dialogue, otherwise ' purge. The result? Any attack on the policy of the majority coincide with an attack on Berlusconi and vice versa.
Quello che insomma voglio dire ai tanti Cicchitto, Bondi, Schifani, Feltri (e persino Politi e De Bortoli) è che se si vuole interrompere la spirale di violenza e ritornare a parlare di riforme – e magari creare una vero centrodestra- occorre che svanisca l’anomalia Italiana: Il sultano Berlusconi.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Off White Das Wolf Comic
Russian military analysts said on Monday at Prime Minister Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama has issued the order to the commander of Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), General Gene Renuart of the Air Force, U.S., to "begin immediately" to increase the number of soldiers than a million units, from from January 30, 2010. These reports warn of the outbreak of civil war provided the United States before the end of winter.
According to these reports, Obama has had in the weeks before "several" meetings with his war council on how best to manage the pending implosion of the banking system while at the same time trying to maintain U.S. military hegemony the world, in what military analysts Russians call "the latest strategic move," whose success is "far from satisfied."
And as "the last trick" Obama, the reports continue, will announce to the whole nation, next week, which plans to expand the scale of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan with ten thousand soldiers, using both their deployment as a "cover" to return to the U.S. more than 200,000 additional American soldiers from more than 800 bases arranged in more than 39 countries worldwide, bringing the number of these forces in America to more than one million. Number which, according to U.S. Army will be able to contain "the explosion of violence" that is expected to make people worry when they discover that their economy is bankrupt.
These reports also claim that Obama will, at the same time to preserve his country from the violent disintegration. The ten thousand additional troops to send into Afghanistan should be sent to Kandahar, where the Americans and their NATO allies will form the last attempt to secure their pipeline (TAPI TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India). This, no Western countries and because of the serious lack of alternative sources of energy because were ousted from large suppliers of Central Asia (which both Russia and China are trying to make sure), they are worried it will collapse completely. To make matters
U.S. (and, consequently, that of the West) even worse, there are new reports from the International Energy Agency. These state that, "under pressure" the U.S. government, (the agency) had "deliberately undervalued" the emergence of a worldwide shortage of oil, for fear of triggering panic buying, and growing fears about the end of American supremacy oil, because it would threaten their power to access the latest risorse di petrolio rimaste nel mondo.
Tra le manovre più spaventose del “gioco alla fine” fatte da Obama nel tentativo di proteggere l’egemonia statunitense sul mondo, c’è quella della mossa incommensurabilmente distruttiva di far affondare nel debito altri 3.5 trilioni di dollari, il che fa crescere l’ammontare totale del debito USA verso i cittadini e il mondo alla cifra mai toccata prima di più di 106 trilioni di dollari.
Le azioni di Obama sono diventate così allarmanti (specialmente da quando sono state imitate da tutte le autorità Occidentali) che il direttore del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (FMI), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, la scorsa settimana ha avvertito che le “azioni stimulus "of the West (which essentially is to print money without there being nothing to support it), have now become a" threat to democracy "since it is expected that millions of people will react violently against their governments and against those who stole their money and their future.
However, unfortunately for U.S. citizens, the IMF warning fell on deaf ears in the U.S., where the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard, keeps saying this week that the U.S. will continue their "actions stimulus, because these would give greater flexibility to implement those plans U.S. political and economic. " A statement all the more absurd as it is seen from the perspective of old debts still unpaid and outstanding on the U.S. economy, which currently is not able to pay in any way.
on the ability of western banking giants to save the economies of their countries have thrown worse news this week when the giant Standard & Poor's warns that "every single bank in Japan, USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, including 45 around the world of S & P, are in danger. " A notice which prompted one of Europe's largest banks, Société Générale, to put warned its customers to prepare themselves to "global economic collapse."
fears of Obama for the fact that the U.S. can enter into a civil war after the scale of devastation and looting suffered by these people by their banks will not be known, we now add sad evidence to show that the probability that this will happen soon, especially in the new polls. The graphs show the percentage of the fact that Obama's rating among white Americans has dropped to 39% currently. A number made more meaningful if you think that whites in America were 74% of the estimated 398 million citizens. Or more disturbing, when you read in the reports that "more 220 million Americans are armed to the teeth and ready to explode. "
The white population of the USA has become so frightened that at the outset of Obama for president was nominated as "sellers of guns of the Year" dall'Outdoor Wire, the electronic information service daily outdoor industry , which refers to "panic buying" of arms and ammunition by those who are frightened by the destruction of their country at the hands of a man who is not even a U.S. citizen, and were imposed by elites who seek to enslave.
Although the next civil war in the U.S. has been virtually ignored by their means of propaganda, the same can not be said of Russia, where a prominent political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned of the fact that the economic turmoil in the U.S. confirmed its long-standing belief date under which the U.S. is headed toward collapse, and are divided into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin added in his warning that "the U.S. dollar is not guaranteed by anything. The country's external debt grew like an avalanche, although in the early eighties there was no debt. In 1998, when for the first time I made this prediction, it had surpassed $ 2 trillion. It is now more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid may just collapse. "
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not provide, is whether the U.S. citizen-soldiers shoot and kill their countrymen in the conflict that is looming. But if we have to rely on history, this clearly shows us that this will happen because the American nation, once great, continues to plunge headlong into the abyss of history. May God have mercy on them all.
Russian military analysts said on Monday at Prime Minister Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama has issued the order to the commander of Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), General Gene Renuart of the Air Force, U.S., to "begin immediately" to increase the number of soldiers than a million units, from from January 30, 2010. These reports warn of the outbreak of civil war provided the United States before the end of winter.
According to these reports, Obama has had in the weeks before "several" meetings with his war council on how best to manage the pending implosion of the banking system while at the same time trying to maintain U.S. military hegemony the world, in what military analysts Russians call "the latest strategic move," whose success is "far from satisfied."
And as "the last trick" Obama, the reports continue, will announce to the whole nation, next week, which plans to expand the scale of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan with ten thousand soldiers, using both their deployment as a "cover" to return to the U.S. more than 200,000 additional American soldiers from more than 800 bases arranged in more than 39 countries worldwide, bringing the number of these forces in America to more than one million. Number which, according to U.S. Army will be able to contain "the explosion of violence" that is expected to make people worry when they discover that their economy is bankrupt.
These reports also claim that Obama will, at the same time to preserve his country from the violent disintegration. The ten thousand additional troops to send into Afghanistan should be sent to Kandahar, where the Americans and their NATO allies will form the last attempt to secure their pipeline (TAPI TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India). This, no Western countries and because of the serious lack of alternative sources of energy because were ousted from large suppliers of Central Asia (which both Russia and China are trying to make sure), they are worried it will collapse completely. To make matters
U.S. (and, consequently, that of the West) even worse, there are new reports from the International Energy Agency. These state that, "under pressure" the U.S. government, (the agency) had "deliberately undervalued" the emergence of a worldwide shortage of oil, for fear of triggering panic buying, and growing fears about the end of American supremacy oil, because it would threaten their power to access the latest risorse di petrolio rimaste nel mondo.
Tra le manovre più spaventose del “gioco alla fine” fatte da Obama nel tentativo di proteggere l’egemonia statunitense sul mondo, c’è quella della mossa incommensurabilmente distruttiva di far affondare nel debito altri 3.5 trilioni di dollari, il che fa crescere l’ammontare totale del debito USA verso i cittadini e il mondo alla cifra mai toccata prima di più di 106 trilioni di dollari.
Le azioni di Obama sono diventate così allarmanti (specialmente da quando sono state imitate da tutte le autorità Occidentali) che il direttore del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (FMI), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, la scorsa settimana ha avvertito che le “azioni stimulus "of the West (which essentially is to print money without there being nothing to support it), have now become a" threat to democracy "since it is expected that millions of people will react violently against their governments and against those who stole their money and their future.
However, unfortunately for U.S. citizens, the IMF warning fell on deaf ears in the U.S., where the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard, keeps saying this week that the U.S. will continue their "actions stimulus, because these would give greater flexibility to implement those plans U.S. political and economic. " A statement all the more absurd as it is seen from the perspective of old debts still unpaid and outstanding on the U.S. economy, which currently is not able to pay in any way.
on the ability of western banking giants to save the economies of their countries have thrown worse news this week when the giant Standard & Poor's warns that "every single bank in Japan, USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, including 45 around the world of S & P, are in danger. " A notice which prompted one of Europe's largest banks, Société Générale, to put warned its customers to prepare themselves to "global economic collapse."
fears of Obama for the fact that the U.S. can enter into a civil war after the scale of devastation and looting suffered by these people by their banks will not be known, we now add sad evidence to show that the probability that this will happen soon, especially in the new polls. The graphs show the percentage of the fact that Obama's rating among white Americans has dropped to 39% currently. A number made more meaningful if you think that whites in America were 74% of the estimated 398 million citizens. Or more disturbing, when you read in the reports that "more 220 million Americans are armed to the teeth and ready to explode. "
The white population of the USA has become so frightened that at the outset of Obama for president was nominated as "sellers of guns of the Year" dall'Outdoor Wire, the electronic information service daily outdoor industry , which refers to "panic buying" of arms and ammunition by those who are frightened by the destruction of their country at the hands of a man who is not even a U.S. citizen, and were imposed by elites who seek to enslave.
Although the next civil war in the U.S. has been virtually ignored by their means of propaganda, the same can not be said of Russia, where a prominent political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned of the fact that the economic turmoil in the U.S. confirmed its long-standing belief date under which the U.S. is headed toward collapse, and are divided into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin added in his warning that "the U.S. dollar is not guaranteed by anything. The country's external debt grew like an avalanche, although in the early eighties there was no debt. In 1998, when for the first time I made this prediction, it had surpassed $ 2 trillion. It is now more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid may just collapse. "
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not provide, is whether the U.S. citizen-soldiers shoot and kill their countrymen in the conflict that is looming. But if we have to rely on history, this clearly shows us that this will happen because the American nation, once great, continues to plunge headlong into the abyss of history. May God have mercy on them all.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Customizing Bmx Games
now The RFID in humans is a terrifying reality of Obama on Afghanistan's greetings
Bergamo - are aged between fourteen and twenties and come from all regions lagging behind in Romania or from the suburbs of big cities of the Danube country: are the new sex slaves, teen forced to grow up too fast and not even treated as human beings do by their exploiters, affiliated to the Albanian mafia in Northern Italy which holds the monopoly of the exploitation of prostitutes nor their customers by italians.
enticed by a secure job and decent in our country, age, or brutally abducted to the attention of their parents, minors, Romania, with the complicity of the delinquency of a small coastal town of Danube, are transported by van to the gates Iron on the gorge Danube which separates the neo-EU country from Serbia. Here the formidable Slavic mafia carries them to the city of Pozarec, the birthplace of the notorious dictator Milosevic, where they are horribly raped repeatedly in order to crush any rebellious instinct. Later, in Kosovo, the Serbs sell them to the Albanian mafia in that wretched city of Elbasan the poor locked up for weeks in apartments where it is carried on their immature bodies of the operation more horrible: they are inserted under the skin of a microchip so that traffickers will be able to constantly monitor the position. A little 'how to do it for dogs or wild animals in fact.
The collaboration between the Police Romania and the Carabinieri Bergamo fortunately allowed to expose part of the criminal and traffic to stop while an Albanian pimp his fellow accomplice is still a bird of the woods. But many are still in Italy, Albanian traffickers, mostly with regular residence permit, not yet identified by our forces, who continue to traffic in minors in Romania. The trouble is that these girls, once repatriated, often become ill with cancer, you try to live with a microchip under the skin that continuously emits electronic signals, and die in a few years. Two days before the horrific discovery made by the police in Bergamo, in the Marche region, in Corryong for the accuracy, teenager China's only eleven years successfully attended primary school in the country died after inhaling for hours pestilential vapors produced by industrial glues used by their parents who probably worked in black and a day laborer for some respectable "brand" of the region , the best shoe district in Italy. Ye years, the name of the unfortunate girl, was not a slave labor but together with slaves, who then had his parents lived in a shack-shack that served also as industrial factory. Here the Chinese worked, using toxic products and in defiance of every rule of safety in the workplace, textile raw materials and shoe soles. The shack-shack Years of Ye was al piano terra di un pericolante casale di campagna la cui fatiscenza stride enormemente con il bucolico paesaggio circostante, reso universalmente noto dai pittori gotici Carlo Crivelli e Gentile da Fabriano.
“ I bambini cinesi sono tra gli stranieri i più bravi a scuola, imparano con profitto anche la nostra lingua ma troppo spesso si addormentano sui banchi perché costretti dai loro genitori a lavorare anche di notte in laboratori ricavati all’interno delle loro abitazioni” confida una maestra di Prato, la città toscana, patria europea del tessile, nella quale la mafia cinese è ben radicata. A Prato sono quattromila le aziende tessili cinesi che danno lavoro a diciottomila conanzionali. Nuovi laboratori nascono e muoiono in a short period of time, never more than eighteen months, in order to escape the controls of the tax and labor inspection Italians, too bureaucratically slow to discover them. That is why, moving institutions Italy with their proverbial slowness that is at odds with the speed with which changes the crime, in Italy the foreign minor is the victim most of the immigration phenomenon.
Source: http://www.reportonline.it (December 5, 2009)

Bergamo - are aged between fourteen and twenties and come from all regions lagging behind in Romania or from the suburbs of big cities of the Danube country: are the new sex slaves, teen forced to grow up too fast and not even treated as human beings do by their exploiters, affiliated to the Albanian mafia in Northern Italy which holds the monopoly of the exploitation of prostitutes nor their customers by italians.
enticed by a secure job and decent in our country, age, or brutally abducted to the attention of their parents, minors, Romania, with the complicity of the delinquency of a small coastal town of Danube, are transported by van to the gates Iron on the gorge Danube which separates the neo-EU country from Serbia. Here the formidable Slavic mafia carries them to the city of Pozarec, the birthplace of the notorious dictator Milosevic, where they are horribly raped repeatedly in order to crush any rebellious instinct. Later, in Kosovo, the Serbs sell them to the Albanian mafia in that wretched city of Elbasan the poor locked up for weeks in apartments where it is carried on their immature bodies of the operation more horrible: they are inserted under the skin of a microchip so that traffickers will be able to constantly monitor the position. A little 'how to do it for dogs or wild animals in fact.
The collaboration between the Police Romania and the Carabinieri Bergamo fortunately allowed to expose part of the criminal and traffic to stop while an Albanian pimp his fellow accomplice is still a bird of the woods. But many are still in Italy, Albanian traffickers, mostly with regular residence permit, not yet identified by our forces, who continue to traffic in minors in Romania. The trouble is that these girls, once repatriated, often become ill with cancer, you try to live with a microchip under the skin that continuously emits electronic signals, and die in a few years. Two days before the horrific discovery made by the police in Bergamo, in the Marche region, in Corryong for the accuracy, teenager China's only eleven years successfully attended primary school in the country died after inhaling for hours pestilential vapors produced by industrial glues used by their parents who probably worked in black and a day laborer for some respectable "brand" of the region , the best shoe district in Italy. Ye years, the name of the unfortunate girl, was not a slave labor but together with slaves, who then had his parents lived in a shack-shack that served also as industrial factory. Here the Chinese worked, using toxic products and in defiance of every rule of safety in the workplace, textile raw materials and shoe soles. The shack-shack Years of Ye was al piano terra di un pericolante casale di campagna la cui fatiscenza stride enormemente con il bucolico paesaggio circostante, reso universalmente noto dai pittori gotici Carlo Crivelli e Gentile da Fabriano.
“ I bambini cinesi sono tra gli stranieri i più bravi a scuola, imparano con profitto anche la nostra lingua ma troppo spesso si addormentano sui banchi perché costretti dai loro genitori a lavorare anche di notte in laboratori ricavati all’interno delle loro abitazioni” confida una maestra di Prato, la città toscana, patria europea del tessile, nella quale la mafia cinese è ben radicata. A Prato sono quattromila le aziende tessili cinesi che danno lavoro a diciottomila conanzionali. Nuovi laboratori nascono e muoiono in a short period of time, never more than eighteen months, in order to escape the controls of the tax and labor inspection Italians, too bureaucratically slow to discover them. That is why, moving institutions Italy with their proverbial slowness that is at odds with the speed with which changes the crime, in Italy the foreign minor is the victim most of the immigration phenomenon.
Source: http://www.reportonline.it (December 5, 2009)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thanks Section Wedding Program Wording

soldiers Merry Christmas! The man of peace, the Nobel Prize, Barack Obama President, your Commander-in-chief and hen-of-combat, you're sending as a gift Christmas al popolo dell’Afghanistan.
E voi consegnerete per il 25 Dicembre proiettili e bombe, con sopra il mio nome e il nome degli altri contribuenti Americani, al da-tempo-sofferente popolo dell’Afghanistan, questo secondo quanto annunciato alla nazione in un discorso dato a West Point l’altra notte dal Signor “Speranza e Cambiamento”.
Mentre qui in America, la terra dei liberi e coraggiosi, verranno le vacanze, e cercheremo di mettere insieme i soldi per comprare piccoli regali per i nostri figli, possibilmente senza dover evitare di pagare l’affitto o una rata del mutuo. Per nostra fortuna, abbiamo i Food Stamps [Ndr. una sorta di ticket per comprare cibo], che stanno, ci dicono, invadendo the suburbs, and "no longer a stigma," then we will not have too many problems for the Christmas dinner-even if the Food Stamps can not yet be used to buy eggnog.
will be interesting to hear your commanders tell you what is your mission. The President is saying that we need to keep Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan, who dishonestly called the "epicenter" of global terrorism, but from what I hear, there are agents of Al Qaeda in the country. They've all gone to greener pastures, in places like Pakistan, Somalia, and perhaps Europe and the USA. Heck, they can go where he pleases. How do you still recognize a member of Al Qaeda? The guys who went on the flight to Boston on 9 / 11 were perfectly shaved and dressed in Brooks Brothers shirts, and look more like merchants than the bombers.
No, instead you go to hit the Taliban. But the Taliban are Afghans, and have the same look of people who are not Taliban, then what will you most likely will shoot half the time against simple farmers and shopkeepers Afghans, or attending weddings and funerals, relatives angry that then seek revenge preparing traps or ambushes for you.
From what I heard, we taxpayers will pay more than $ 1 million for each of you for every year you will be shipped to Afghanistan. Obviously you will not see most of that money, (most of the money to the business end-of-war that produce your uniform, your gun, your bullets, vehicles etc.), But maybe you will hear good to know that such a large investment is made on you.
and will also be called "our heroes." I do not know why. I mean, it takes a bit of courage to sign up for a group like the Marines, I know (my father was a volunteer for the Marines in World War II). But I do not understand what's so heroic in doing the best armed, best trained fighting force in human history, and go and fight against a group of rural poor, uneducated, armed with a maximum of Kalashnikovs and homemade explosives, especially since you guys outnumber your enemy with a ratio of 10 to 1, and the support you completely unmatched air power -F-16 combat helicopters, fixed wing Gunships and B-1 bombers.
This is not a battle. And 'a massacre.
I got a taste of this when I brought my son and his friend all'Army Experience Center, an experimental center of recruitment in Northeast Philadelphia, where we had the opportunity to drive the playback of a Humvee and speeding through a village simulated sparando con la torretta mitragliatrice contro presunti guerriglieri Talebani, che ne sbucavano fuori dal nulla, oppure sistemavano IED [Ndr. ordigni esplosivi improvvisati] sulla nostra strada. Alla fine della corsa, un reclutatore e veterano della guerra in Iraq ci ha fatto le congratulazioni, per l’alto numero delle nostre uccisioni e per la bassa percentuale di “errori” (25%)—questi erano il numero di civili, generalmente donne e bambini, che abbiamo sparato nella nostra fretta di essere i primi ad aprire il fuoco. Ci è stato detto che un simile “danno collaterale” è da mettere in conto in una guerra.
Buon Compleanno Afghanistan!
Barack Obama dice che voi andrete a stabilizzare Afghanistan and the Taliban to take away long enough until the people of Afghanistan will not create a real government, and an army trained enough to take your place.
We have already heard a similar tale from another president of "peace", Lyndon Johnson. On Easter Sunday, he made his speech where he announced to send two divisions of seven Marines and Army in Vietnam, saying they were only going to protect the people and allow the South Vietnamese government improve its army so that he could fight other Vietnamese who tried to overthrow him. Ten years later some of those 2 million Vietnamese were killed, most hand part of our "heroes."
Happy Easter, Vietnam.
So when you're there, try to kill Afghans who can not. This would be a genuine act of heroism. Or simply refuse to go. This would be even more heroic.
not believe your commander-in-chief when he says that there are defending America. I'm sure you'll see very quickly once you are there that the notion that poor people could somehow be a threat to this nation is very ridiculous.
No, what you are going to defend the plan will be the winner of the Nobel Peace Barack Obama to look hard for la difesa, ed essere in grado di spingere questa brutta e insensata guerra oltre le elezioni del 2012, senza dover fare la parte del “presidente che perse l’Afghanistan”. Voi difenderete la sua intenzione di vincere contributi per la campagna elettorale dai costruttori militari come Boeing e Northrop Grumman. Voi difenderete la miriade di membri del Congresso che diedero voti vigliacchi e stupidi nel 2001 per sottoscrivere la dichiarazione di una Guerra Globale al Terrore del Presidente George Bush e del Vice Presidente Dick Cheney—una finta “guerra” che è stata adesso adottata dal Presidente Obama.
Buona fortuna laggiù nell’Hindu Kush. Spero che non verrete uccisi o feriti, ma allo stesso tempo, non I can say I wish you success, for success, as defined by your commander-in-chief, seems to be the massacre of many innocent Afghans, and the further defense of a brutal government of narco-state in one of the poorest nations in the world.
No, my wish is that you and your friends go home early, and before doing so kill them whenever possible.
Merry Christmas.
Source: http://www.thiscantbehappening.net/?q=node/423
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Incredible Hulk Cakes
Diversi dubbi mi hanno assalito dopo aver appreso la notizia del divieto alla costruzione di minareti decretato per via referendaria ed in seguito alla lettura dei commenti apparsi tra ieri ed oggi.
Innanzitutto, quando si fa appello alle istituzioni perché venga " garantita la continuità della propria cultura" [ Stefano Fontana ne “l’occidentale”] , mi chiedo cosa si intenda for "their culture". What are the boundaries of geography, history of a culture? coincide with national ones? continental? regional? What are we to make of the myriad influences from everywhere, that history and the case has hardened up to create what is now called "our culture"? Islam can not be part of it? has never been a member?
also make me very afraid the words of our Minister of the Interior, when he said "when the people decide we must take account of his will." What if we declare a referendum on the legitimacy of the state of Israel was promoted democracy in the Palestinian territories or in Lebanon? Maybe a referendum on the construction of synagogues in the republic of Iran. All referendum outcome almost obvious, but certainly not digestible by a Western democratic state. Would also be to satisfy?
also known as many Trai our citizens should approach this prohibition referendum, the verdict by the European court sull'affissione of crucifixes in classrooms, with the aim to reveal the hypocrisy of many secularists baffled by our own first. I do not understand how these neo-crusaders (literally) did not hear the screeching of strong contrast between a message that should be confined in the civil and religious institutions such as those of a purely secular public school. This contrast in the case of the crucifix, but not in Swiss one.
Diversi dubbi mi hanno assalito dopo aver appreso la notizia del divieto alla costruzione di minareti decretato per via referendaria ed in seguito alla lettura dei commenti apparsi tra ieri ed oggi.
Innanzitutto, quando si fa appello alle istituzioni perché venga " garantita la continuità della propria cultura" [ Stefano Fontana ne “l’occidentale”] , mi chiedo cosa si intenda for "their culture". What are the boundaries of geography, history of a culture? coincide with national ones? continental? regional? What are we to make of the myriad influences from everywhere, that history and the case has hardened up to create what is now called "our culture"? Islam can not be part of it? has never been a member?
also make me very afraid the words of our Minister of the Interior, when he said "when the people decide we must take account of his will." What if we declare a referendum on the legitimacy of the state of Israel was promoted democracy in the Palestinian territories or in Lebanon? Maybe a referendum on the construction of synagogues in the republic of Iran. All referendum outcome almost obvious, but certainly not digestible by a Western democratic state. Would also be to satisfy?
also known as many Trai our citizens should approach this prohibition referendum, the verdict by the European court sull'affissione of crucifixes in classrooms, with the aim to reveal the hypocrisy of many secularists baffled by our own first. I do not understand how these neo-crusaders (literally) did not hear the screeching of strong contrast between a message that should be confined in the civil and religious institutions such as those of a purely secular public school. This contrast in the case of the crucifix, but not in Swiss one.
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