soldiers Merry Christmas! The man of peace, the Nobel Prize, Barack Obama President, your Commander-in-chief and hen-of-combat, you're sending as a gift Christmas al popolo dell’Afghanistan.
E voi consegnerete per il 25 Dicembre proiettili e bombe, con sopra il mio nome e il nome degli altri contribuenti Americani, al da-tempo-sofferente popolo dell’Afghanistan, questo secondo quanto annunciato alla nazione in un discorso dato a West Point l’altra notte dal Signor “Speranza e Cambiamento”.
Mentre qui in America, la terra dei liberi e coraggiosi, verranno le vacanze, e cercheremo di mettere insieme i soldi per comprare piccoli regali per i nostri figli, possibilmente senza dover evitare di pagare l’affitto o una rata del mutuo. Per nostra fortuna, abbiamo i Food Stamps [Ndr. una sorta di ticket per comprare cibo], che stanno, ci dicono, invadendo the suburbs, and "no longer a stigma," then we will not have too many problems for the Christmas dinner-even if the Food Stamps can not yet be used to buy eggnog.
will be interesting to hear your commanders tell you what is your mission. The President is saying that we need to keep Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan, who dishonestly called the "epicenter" of global terrorism, but from what I hear, there are agents of Al Qaeda in the country. They've all gone to greener pastures, in places like Pakistan, Somalia, and perhaps Europe and the USA. Heck, they can go where he pleases. How do you still recognize a member of Al Qaeda? The guys who went on the flight to Boston on 9 / 11 were perfectly shaved and dressed in Brooks Brothers shirts, and look more like merchants than the bombers.
No, instead you go to hit the Taliban. But the Taliban are Afghans, and have the same look of people who are not Taliban, then what will you most likely will shoot half the time against simple farmers and shopkeepers Afghans, or attending weddings and funerals, relatives angry that then seek revenge preparing traps or ambushes for you.
From what I heard, we taxpayers will pay more than $ 1 million for each of you for every year you will be shipped to Afghanistan. Obviously you will not see most of that money, (most of the money to the business end-of-war that produce your uniform, your gun, your bullets, vehicles etc.), But maybe you will hear good to know that such a large investment is made on you.
and will also be called "our heroes." I do not know why. I mean, it takes a bit of courage to sign up for a group like the Marines, I know (my father was a volunteer for the Marines in World War II). But I do not understand what's so heroic in doing the best armed, best trained fighting force in human history, and go and fight against a group of rural poor, uneducated, armed with a maximum of Kalashnikovs and homemade explosives, especially since you guys outnumber your enemy with a ratio of 10 to 1, and the support you completely unmatched air power -F-16 combat helicopters, fixed wing Gunships and B-1 bombers.
This is not a battle. And 'a massacre.
I got a taste of this when I brought my son and his friend all'Army Experience Center, an experimental center of recruitment in Northeast Philadelphia, where we had the opportunity to drive the playback of a Humvee and speeding through a village simulated sparando con la torretta mitragliatrice contro presunti guerriglieri Talebani, che ne sbucavano fuori dal nulla, oppure sistemavano IED [Ndr. ordigni esplosivi improvvisati] sulla nostra strada. Alla fine della corsa, un reclutatore e veterano della guerra in Iraq ci ha fatto le congratulazioni, per l’alto numero delle nostre uccisioni e per la bassa percentuale di “errori” (25%)—questi erano il numero di civili, generalmente donne e bambini, che abbiamo sparato nella nostra fretta di essere i primi ad aprire il fuoco. Ci è stato detto che un simile “danno collaterale” è da mettere in conto in una guerra.
Buon Compleanno Afghanistan!
Barack Obama dice che voi andrete a stabilizzare Afghanistan and the Taliban to take away long enough until the people of Afghanistan will not create a real government, and an army trained enough to take your place.
We have already heard a similar tale from another president of "peace", Lyndon Johnson. On Easter Sunday, he made his speech where he announced to send two divisions of seven Marines and Army in Vietnam, saying they were only going to protect the people and allow the South Vietnamese government improve its army so that he could fight other Vietnamese who tried to overthrow him. Ten years later some of those 2 million Vietnamese were killed, most hand part of our "heroes."
Happy Easter, Vietnam.
So when you're there, try to kill Afghans who can not. This would be a genuine act of heroism. Or simply refuse to go. This would be even more heroic.
not believe your commander-in-chief when he says that there are defending America. I'm sure you'll see very quickly once you are there that the notion that poor people could somehow be a threat to this nation is very ridiculous.
No, what you are going to defend the plan will be the winner of the Nobel Peace Barack Obama to look hard for la difesa, ed essere in grado di spingere questa brutta e insensata guerra oltre le elezioni del 2012, senza dover fare la parte del “presidente che perse l’Afghanistan”. Voi difenderete la sua intenzione di vincere contributi per la campagna elettorale dai costruttori militari come Boeing e Northrop Grumman. Voi difenderete la miriade di membri del Congresso che diedero voti vigliacchi e stupidi nel 2001 per sottoscrivere la dichiarazione di una Guerra Globale al Terrore del Presidente George Bush e del Vice Presidente Dick Cheney—una finta “guerra” che è stata adesso adottata dal Presidente Obama.
Buona fortuna laggiù nell’Hindu Kush. Spero che non verrete uccisi o feriti, ma allo stesso tempo, non I can say I wish you success, for success, as defined by your commander-in-chief, seems to be the massacre of many innocent Afghans, and the further defense of a brutal government of narco-state in one of the poorest nations in the world.
No, my wish is that you and your friends go home early, and before doing so kill them whenever possible.
Merry Christmas.
Source: http://www.thiscantbehappening.net/?q=node/423
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