Bergamo - are aged between fourteen and twenties and come from all regions lagging behind in Romania or from the suburbs of big cities of the Danube country: are the new sex slaves, teen forced to grow up too fast and not even treated as human beings do by their exploiters, affiliated to the Albanian mafia in Northern Italy which holds the monopoly of the exploitation of prostitutes nor their customers by italians.
enticed by a secure job and decent in our country, age, or brutally abducted to the attention of their parents, minors, Romania, with the complicity of the delinquency of a small coastal town of Danube, are transported by van to the gates Iron on the gorge Danube which separates the neo-EU country from Serbia. Here the formidable Slavic mafia carries them to the city of Pozarec, the birthplace of the notorious dictator Milosevic, where they are horribly raped repeatedly in order to crush any rebellious instinct. Later, in Kosovo, the Serbs sell them to the Albanian mafia in that wretched city of Elbasan the poor locked up for weeks in apartments where it is carried on their immature bodies of the operation more horrible: they are inserted under the skin of a microchip so that traffickers will be able to constantly monitor the position. A little 'how to do it for dogs or wild animals in fact.
The collaboration between the Police Romania and the Carabinieri Bergamo fortunately allowed to expose part of the criminal and traffic to stop while an Albanian pimp his fellow accomplice is still a bird of the woods. But many are still in Italy, Albanian traffickers, mostly with regular residence permit, not yet identified by our forces, who continue to traffic in minors in Romania. The trouble is that these girls, once repatriated, often become ill with cancer, you try to live with a microchip under the skin that continuously emits electronic signals, and die in a few years. Two days before the horrific discovery made by the police in Bergamo, in the Marche region, in Corryong for the accuracy, teenager China's only eleven years successfully attended primary school in the country died after inhaling for hours pestilential vapors produced by industrial glues used by their parents who probably worked in black and a day laborer for some respectable "brand" of the region , the best shoe district in Italy. Ye years, the name of the unfortunate girl, was not a slave labor but together with slaves, who then had his parents lived in a shack-shack that served also as industrial factory. Here the Chinese worked, using toxic products and in defiance of every rule of safety in the workplace, textile raw materials and shoe soles. The shack-shack Years of Ye was al piano terra di un pericolante casale di campagna la cui fatiscenza stride enormemente con il bucolico paesaggio circostante, reso universalmente noto dai pittori gotici Carlo Crivelli e Gentile da Fabriano.
“ I bambini cinesi sono tra gli stranieri i più bravi a scuola, imparano con profitto anche la nostra lingua ma troppo spesso si addormentano sui banchi perché costretti dai loro genitori a lavorare anche di notte in laboratori ricavati all’interno delle loro abitazioni” confida una maestra di Prato, la città toscana, patria europea del tessile, nella quale la mafia cinese è ben radicata. A Prato sono quattromila le aziende tessili cinesi che danno lavoro a diciottomila conanzionali. Nuovi laboratori nascono e muoiono in a short period of time, never more than eighteen months, in order to escape the controls of the tax and labor inspection Italians, too bureaucratically slow to discover them. That is why, moving institutions Italy with their proverbial slowness that is at odds with the speed with which changes the crime, in Italy the foreign minor is the victim most of the immigration phenomenon.
Source: http://www.reportonline.it (December 5, 2009)
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