Russian military analysts said on Monday at Prime Minister Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama has issued the order to the commander of Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), General Gene Renuart of the Air Force, U.S., to "begin immediately" to increase the number of soldiers than a million units, from from January 30, 2010. These reports warn of the outbreak of civil war provided the United States before the end of winter.
According to these reports, Obama has had in the weeks before "several" meetings with his war council on how best to manage the pending implosion of the banking system while at the same time trying to maintain U.S. military hegemony the world, in what military analysts Russians call "the latest strategic move," whose success is "far from satisfied."
And as "the last trick" Obama, the reports continue, will announce to the whole nation, next week, which plans to expand the scale of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan with ten thousand soldiers, using both their deployment as a "cover" to return to the U.S. more than 200,000 additional American soldiers from more than 800 bases arranged in more than 39 countries worldwide, bringing the number of these forces in America to more than one million. Number which, according to U.S. Army will be able to contain "the explosion of violence" that is expected to make people worry when they discover that their economy is bankrupt.
These reports also claim that Obama will, at the same time to preserve his country from the violent disintegration. The ten thousand additional troops to send into Afghanistan should be sent to Kandahar, where the Americans and their NATO allies will form the last attempt to secure their pipeline (TAPI TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India). This, no Western countries and because of the serious lack of alternative sources of energy because were ousted from large suppliers of Central Asia (which both Russia and China are trying to make sure), they are worried it will collapse completely. To make matters
U.S. (and, consequently, that of the West) even worse, there are new reports from the International Energy Agency. These state that, "under pressure" the U.S. government, (the agency) had "deliberately undervalued" the emergence of a worldwide shortage of oil, for fear of triggering panic buying, and growing fears about the end of American supremacy oil, because it would threaten their power to access the latest risorse di petrolio rimaste nel mondo.
Tra le manovre più spaventose del “gioco alla fine” fatte da Obama nel tentativo di proteggere l’egemonia statunitense sul mondo, c’è quella della mossa incommensurabilmente distruttiva di far affondare nel debito altri 3.5 trilioni di dollari, il che fa crescere l’ammontare totale del debito USA verso i cittadini e il mondo alla cifra mai toccata prima di più di 106 trilioni di dollari.
Le azioni di Obama sono diventate così allarmanti (specialmente da quando sono state imitate da tutte le autorità Occidentali) che il direttore del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (FMI), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, la scorsa settimana ha avvertito che le “azioni stimulus "of the West (which essentially is to print money without there being nothing to support it), have now become a" threat to democracy "since it is expected that millions of people will react violently against their governments and against those who stole their money and their future.
However, unfortunately for U.S. citizens, the IMF warning fell on deaf ears in the U.S., where the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard, keeps saying this week that the U.S. will continue their "actions stimulus, because these would give greater flexibility to implement those plans U.S. political and economic. " A statement all the more absurd as it is seen from the perspective of old debts still unpaid and outstanding on the U.S. economy, which currently is not able to pay in any way.
on the ability of western banking giants to save the economies of their countries have thrown worse news this week when the giant Standard & Poor's warns that "every single bank in Japan, USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, including 45 around the world of S & P, are in danger. " A notice which prompted one of Europe's largest banks, Société Générale, to put warned its customers to prepare themselves to "global economic collapse."
fears of Obama for the fact that the U.S. can enter into a civil war after the scale of devastation and looting suffered by these people by their banks will not be known, we now add sad evidence to show that the probability that this will happen soon, especially in the new polls. The graphs show the percentage of the fact that Obama's rating among white Americans has dropped to 39% currently. A number made more meaningful if you think that whites in America were 74% of the estimated 398 million citizens. Or more disturbing, when you read in the reports that "more 220 million Americans are armed to the teeth and ready to explode. "
The white population of the USA has become so frightened that at the outset of Obama for president was nominated as "sellers of guns of the Year" dall'Outdoor Wire, the electronic information service daily outdoor industry , which refers to "panic buying" of arms and ammunition by those who are frightened by the destruction of their country at the hands of a man who is not even a U.S. citizen, and were imposed by elites who seek to enslave.
Although the next civil war in the U.S. has been virtually ignored by their means of propaganda, the same can not be said of Russia, where a prominent political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned of the fact that the economic turmoil in the U.S. confirmed its long-standing belief date under which the U.S. is headed toward collapse, and are divided into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin added in his warning that "the U.S. dollar is not guaranteed by anything. The country's external debt grew like an avalanche, although in the early eighties there was no debt. In 1998, when for the first time I made this prediction, it had surpassed $ 2 trillion. It is now more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid may just collapse. "
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not provide, is whether the U.S. citizen-soldiers shoot and kill their countrymen in the conflict that is looming. But if we have to rely on history, this clearly shows us that this will happen because the American nation, once great, continues to plunge headlong into the abyss of history. May God have mercy on them all.
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