Monday, July 25, 2005

Employee Confidentiality Clause Template

The Emigration: a phenomena naturel et complexe

is the statement of the Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi since his visit to the capital of Romania. In the presence of President Iliescu e Journalists, the tragedies of illegal immigration have exposed summers.
Ciampi did add, in speaking of the agreements is based on what the European Union itself. Somehow that
October 21 2003quand off the Sicilian coast Coast Guard found a boat with the usual desperate from the African coast; rien d’étrange ça arrive souvent !
Les secourt arrivent : c’est le moment d’aider les clandestins a débarqués. Le spectacle est horrible; au milieu des personnes encore vivantes, bien si en mauvaise conditions se trouvent dei corps sans vie et entasser en voit de décomposition. Après avoir amener les survivant a l’hôpital, il faut enterrer les morts. Sur leur tombes des croix sans nom. Personne ne sais pourquoi ils ont entrepris un voyage aussi dangereux. Ont se demande combien étais t’ils sur le bateau : 50 ? 100 ? 200 ?
Quelqu'un raconte qu’ils dépensent de 10000 à 15000 euro pour la traverser.
15000 euro pour payer le voyage vers le paradis ou tu can eat all day, watching television sat on a comfortable couch, even better with a bottle of coca cola and a bag of potato frit.
What foolish dream.
- repeats the Italian president visibly upset by the event.
They are surely thousands of the stowaway arrived without problems its destination, but only this year more than 30 boats were shipwrecked with their load of illegal immigrants who were heading to England, France, Germany, Italy etc ...
But why not choose the law?
Applying for a residence permit is not so easy!
Just show to have sufficient economic resources for the duration of stay, have a residence, a job, an insurance for illness etc. .. etc ... ...
To come to Italy, you only have to demonstrate lot of money. May
so why not stay home in case is?
I urge the public not to forget the past.
There is no border or barrier to block the phenomenon of emigration. It is a
choose Force dictated by hunger.
Marie Reine Toe.


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