Tuesday, June 5, 2007

South Park On Quicktime

granite of Alfredo. Diary of Salina

A Lingua di Salina esiste un posto dove fanno le granite che ricordano quelle che le donne arabe offrirono ai Normanni, quando mille anni fa conquistarono la Sicilia, i quali contraccambiarono risparmiando i loro mariti che anzi diventarono importanti funzionari di Ruggero il Normanno.

This place is the Bar Alfredo . And still the heirs of the Normans are left enchanted by the granite of the heirs of the Arabs.
The secret slush Alfredo is a little sugar, a little ice, and a Carpi older generation, what the experts call blade. The old bar and laboratories still use it, although it is a bit risky for people who wields it. But the quality of granite earns us a lot. If this recipe can be true for the fruit ices, probably change with regard to coffee beans.
The light color fact suggests the presence of air that comes from a long passage of the grain inside the shovel to Carpi. This effect does not last long, so the granite must be pulled (typical term of the process used in Sicily, which means preparing) at least every 90 minutes. Alfredo Obviously I did not reveal any secrets. So my thoughts are only the result of assumptions that I have experienced some of the slush professionals I asked to imagine what was the secret of slush that made famous by Alfred '68 and following that we see to the left of the picture, with the son Peter right and center Saro Gugliotta, trustee Slow Food Messina .
Ma il Bar Alfredo propone anche il Pane Cunsatu . Preparazione tipica delle Isole Eolie .

Lo scorso 1 giugno, in occasione della terza edizione di Salina Isola Slow Food , ho provato il Pane Cunsatu Salina.

Questi gli ingredienti: Pesto di capperi e mandorle, pomodorini, cucunci, melanzane grigliate, ricotta infornata e menta fresca . Pian pianino l'ho digerito.


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