Sunday, September 12, 2010

Different Techdeckgames On The Computer

Facebookkiana and Modern fairy tale!

di Stefania Vignaroli

Nel server 23.87.90 viveva la foto di Silvia. Il mezzo busto sorridente, con lunghi capelli rossi e occhi riparati da un enorme cappello di paglia, è il ricordo di un allegro e spensierato pomeriggio estivo a Sperlonga. Un giorno il ritratto viaggiando lungo i byte dell'etere, vide dall'altra parte dell'autostrada a banda larga, l'immagine di un ragazzo con enormi occhiali da sole immortalato in una posa plastica. “Il solito piacione”- pensa fra sé,- “ il tipo che interessa alla me in carne e ossa.”
A volte le nostre estensioni ci conoscono meglio di quanto pensiamo.
Pochi giorni dopo, infatti, su Facebook, Silvia e Luca stringono amicizia e le due foto cominciano a convivere forzatamente sullo stesso server. I due umani cominciano a chattare, e anche l'alter ego di Luca vorrebbe stringere amicizia ma l'icona di Silvia è un po' restia.
“Ti va se dopo ci andiamo a prendere un aperitivo? conosco un dominio all'angolo mondanissimo” -dice il Luca etereo
“Ma se ancora non sono riuscita neanche a vedere il tuo viso!gli occhiali da sole ti coprono mezza faccia!”
“ Mica è colpa mia!Luca mi presenta così, che devo fare?mamma mia che acida hai il ciclo?”
“E secondo te Silvia metterebbe mai una foto in cui è gonfia, e con i brufoli su questo programma?si vede che non conosci le women! "
" Do as you please, I have over 100 contacts I'm going to have a drink with Giulia
"Bravo, even though she can see only the front, you can serve the same light?" Luke is not
more connected and the picture begins to reflect the sea. Perhaps he exaggerated but it feels tight in those albums made ad hoc showing not only a part of her, but smaller. Asks why human beings are unaware of their wealth and envy them because they have heat. The warmth of the body, breath, smell, often hidden behind huge flat screens.
That night, the pc remains on Silvia, is downloading music, and the girl virtual an idea. He began to browse through the records of the girl who breathes, and find a folder with pictures in my pajamas, hair is not styled and face make-up, is in the kitchen doing breakfast, avergliela dad has taken a Sunday morning.
the guards and for the first time it is recognized.
Without hesitation, the spreads on the web.
The day after Luke returns to the node with the usual sunglasses and a nice dragon tattoo on his shoulder.
"Hello acid, cute teddy bears shirt. I, too, despite a slightly squinting eyes are not bad you know? "
" As soon as the "fake me" if you will notice will think of a virus and will reset the pc, I am finally free from its insecurities. Cross-eyed? thank goodness at least there is someone else on this site that hosts millions of copies! However, for me you could have up to three, the glasses are tattooed with the dragon? "
" Yogurt expired waiting here ... "- Luke replied sarcastically
few minutes later, the boy next to her, is no longer tan, the tattoo is covered by a simple white t-shirt and wearing glasses that they discover the face.
"This is me! Luca fear, has pure self, not me ... "
complete darkness.
The connection is broken, the two find themselves after many cannons, dispersed in a knot on the outskirts of the web. The lights of the domains, URLs, away from them.
"Where are we now?"-The demand picture is still upset by Silvia somersaults
"The cities that dot the Internet is there, we have reset and trashed! I threw my street can not believe it! "- Answered Luke jpg
" I'm sorry .... I see you finally! your beautiful brown eyes ...."
"And since you have all those freckles?"
"Since I do not trick" - and laughed together.
"is still valid, an aperitif?"
"I do not know the area, but I am sure we will find a local" mondanissimo "- Luke opens his arms, pointing the way, looks at this Barrier-free time - after her "true image of reality "....


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