Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rotator Cuff Symptoms More Condition_symptoms

opinion of a dickhead: thieves crafts (II)

continue my close discussion with the Italian average, after the interruption of TV football, on immigration.

learn, in fact, with little surprise but much joy, that the Swedish Bosnian Ibrahimovic scored yet another double win in the league, which promises to replicate the Teutonic on Wednesday against Bayern. At this point rises in me the hope that the news well have my partner, so as to make it more likely to accept my reasons, or better yet, to forget and let me talk to my religious rites based on caffeine. Me miserable.

Before I can utter a word, the "average" turned back and resumed the left dangling: "And anyway, they bring a lot of crime. Do not you look newspapers?". It and sometimes I find myself even to read them. I can not do unless we come up with what is a very serious research done by Tim Wadsworth, a professor of Sociology at the University of Colorado, where it is shown that the relationship between immigration and crime is inverse, contrary to what is believed to . What is really obvious when you consider that a man driven by poverty to leave their home and their families to ensure that it had a regular income and a decent future, transported to a world thousands of miles away and real culture, it will plunge headlong into work (a slave) rather than spending their time and their only possible to make crap. At least in most cases. Again I will be meeting with the Bank of Italy research seeks to establish precisely what. The data on to my adopted city (well I sort of immigrant?), Rome, show the same evidence: The data of the Ministry of Interior - Department of State Police show, in fact, in 2008 the crime of aliens is decreased by 7.6% and 15.3% in the Lazio region near Rome, in spite of the foreign resident population has increased in both contexts. "(source: Roman Observatory on Immigration, Report VI ,).

admitting, ironically, the reality of the statement of my friend, we should again consider the problem of seeking a source of evil to which we refer. If we assist with the importation of huge proportions of crime to be outside the boundaries of this is because the world around us is inhabited by beings devoted to the nature of evil and capable only for lack of any ability, to commit a crime, or rather Italy sta diventando una sorta di far west legale dove, sia autoctoni che immigrati possono compiere malefatte di ogni genere senza incontrare la giusta opposizione del sistema giuridico e normativo? L’alto tasso di delinquenza del nostro paese, unito al raffronto con le situazioni di paesi molto più aperti all’accoglienza e con una percentuale di immigrati sulla popolazione più alta , quali Svezia, Germania Gran Bretagna, che non si trovano a dover far fronte alle stesse dimensioni di tale piaga, farebbero propendere per la seconda ipotesi.

Cerco di cogliere l’assist fornitomi dal suo silenzio (vocale e di pensiero) per stuzzicarlo con l’argomento morale, a cui dovrebbe essere sensibile uno dei tanti “italiani good people "as stated by the absent-minded expression, then you do not think that is a crime to raise cataracts in front of a mass of desperate people ready to risk their lives crossing the seas of water, seas of sand and seas of traffickers, in order to find the hope? How many of the repatriated refugees are fleeing civil wars and political persecution, ethnic or religious? . "Exactly. You who think your pretty hypocritical with them until you come here [I? I'll send them? What the fuck are you saying?? Maybe phone them in secret]. Facing some kind of risk, just to give your reason beautiful ideal [sic]. Why not instead help in their country ? "

There. This is another one of those expressions that it's hard to understand. What do you mean help? In what way? Who? Maybe my well-meaning friend refers to all those policies of official assistance to developing countries (known as ODA), which many have good intentions even in the name. It's a shame that our country is virtuous and generous to last places in the ranking of countries in combating poverty through development funding. If the government had done wrong the past, the present one, despite promises, has placed a tombstone on the field of development assistance. It would be useful to point out to him, too, that while many of the so-called "third world "can boast pull is because the economies of the same family are supported by migrant remittances. A flow on a scale so vast as to be the only one to have survived even the recent financial crisis, even showing growth rates. But I flow, without a shot being fired, until the next step: the only way in which the countries of origin of immigrants to grow (if this is seen as an asset) to reach our level, is that "you help yourself "embracing the market economy and develop itself its own institutions. In this foreign aid have always failed and, by their nature, always fail. Serves that momentum if you give yourself by opening their doors to international markets (including employees) are already doing as China, India, Brazil and so on. But this fall the shafts of the average Italian, who now hints at self-styled experts in economy and society such as our property finance minister Giulio "Three Peaks": "Chinese overwhelm us, we will close the factories, we will win ... "

ok. I would like to continue but feel a bitter regurgitation salirmi esophagus. I do not know whether it is the coffee that rebels and tries to shun the conversation of the anger or is talking without communicating. To get some clarification on his last statement I invite him to read "Tremonti: instructions for the disuse" of the collective Noisefromamerika. I greet him and I left the bar. I realize it's time for lunch. And I decide to head to kebabbaro nearby. I turn and I notice that the average Italian has had stretched my mind.



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